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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.
  2. I thought I heard about them breaking up but I got in trouble with Wikipedia when I tried to update Kristen's profile to include this info. Rob said a number of months ago that he doesn't want a girlfriend who is in the same business as him. I won't believe the rumours until they officially confirm they're an item.
  3. They're not going out. Kristen is still going out with Michael Angarano, who she met on the set of movie 'Speak' and Rob said he doesn't have a girlfriend.
  4. I love it (and I was wondering the same thing!)
  5. I'm definitely getting it as a Christmas present for my cousin, as she loved 'LICM'.
  6. Yeah, it usually takes a few hours or so.
  7. I'll send you a friend request and see if that works.
  8. Sure. Send me your question in a PM and I'll post it for you.
  9. The link is on page 1 of this thread and there will be a 'comment box' when the page opens. You need to have a MySpace account to post it. If not, someone else here can post the question for you.
  10. Here's what I asked: In your ‘Heat’ magazine interview from a couple of months ago you mentioned that you like watching the ‘X Factor’. Do you think that all of these reality TV talent shows really are a good way for discovering new talent or do you believe that they’re really ruining the chances of those people who have spent a number of years working so hard to try and make a name for themselves in the industry?
  11. That's a really good question. I'm still trying to think of one to ask.
  12. I think they can be posted in the blog comment here: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAllCustom&friendId=101022819&swapped=true
  13. I just found this on MySpace a few minutes ago: Mika Web Chat: Submit your Questions You know the format; we bring you your favourite celebrities, you put the questions to them. Post all your questions for MIKA in the blog comments and tune in next Wednesday to see them answered. Enjoy. James // MySpace Webchat download links (WMV - thanks Dark Angel!) Part 1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ovek6g Part 2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ezoejf
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