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Everything posted by adicat

  1. sweet! i love the power of MIKA fans! this makes me very happy... is there a thread about the Ellen appearance?
  2. i don't know what channel it was, i taped it, i will see if any of my friends can upload it to youtube it was brilliant he sang 'Blame it On the Girls'
  3. watching MIKA on Ellen made me super happy!
  4. oh yes! what kind of bunny? do you have photos? i has two bunnies i got a phone call from Satan this morning ( 666- something) it made me laugh
  5. being able to see what makes everyone else happy, when i am having a crappy day. hugs
  6. yup, that you will. But it will be worth it i am waiting for my mates to go play laser tag in the freezing cold, so i will be a happy icicle
  7. yes it is very neat. oooh Oakland! at least it will be warmer for him, we froze him in Canada, le sigh
  8. nah it's knowing the process for making gelatin, yuck !
  9. laser tag in the woods behind my house tonight woot and BangBangLou that is awesome, i do not eat jello, because it grosses me out where did you get vegan jello? so cool
  10. i am happy for the MFC people that had such a good time at the NYC show!! and that they posted about it on their twitter accounts!
  11. je dit 'bonjour' a la 'French speaking thread' je suis un petite mal et n'aller pas au forums grand bissous adi
  12. i got two new hoodies yesterday and one of them is this awesome hot pink plus i have new friends on fb from the queue on Monday
  13. My monsters asked me to help them make a sign for MIKA and we took it to the gig and Mika took it from my 9 year old, he was vibrating, it was so awesome.
  14. awesome hanging with you, let me know you get home safely, please.

  15. we are just about to leave thank god i read this thread winter coats it is hugs c u soon adi and company
  16. i'm still up too. i made a present for Mika printed lyrics off for my monsters, and started a new journal, i KNOW i should sleep, but, seriously! see you soon everyone~ hugs
  17. i am sorry i think i was not clear, i did not mean random people, i meant if you had a pre arranged thing, not just random people showing up and expecting to jump the queue. For example my monsters and i are going to show up after lunch, but my best friend cannot get there at the same time as us and will be joining us when she gets there. i used the example from the theatre to show if a bunch of people are TOGETHER they can hold places for each other. Not just random people sometimes when we go out to things, there are other people in costumes that are not with my group, we do not just randomly let them jump in line where we are, just cause they are also dressed up in Star Wars or something i guess i was not clear.
  18. i do alot of work at sci fi and fantasy conventions, and the 'rule' about lines seems to be that if you are in line for an extended period of time, and have to go to do something (bathroom etc.) then you can have someone hold your place otherwise usually, it's only okay to hold a place if you are with a big group of people, like maybe we decide now that we are holding places for other MFC members ... when we go to the movies in costume for example, the people not in costume usually go line up and save us seats while the ones in costume hang out and pose for pictures etc. So people understand, it is part of a larger group, if you know what i mean oh Gwad, i babble, i hope that makes sense?? guylainem123??? do i make sense? huggles
  19. oh i was going to leave here at 10 if i was going myself, but i have my two monsters, and the little one is 9 so i thought that would be too much for him?
  20. we had thanksgiving dinner today, mmmm Turkey i said i was thankful for my friends and family and that we were all together to enjoy a meal together and that me and my monsters are going to MIKA tomorrow! WoOt yays
  21. hey everyone, me and my Monsters are going to leave here sometime after one, i told my parents (they are driving us) that we need to be there no later than 2. My sister says that there is a Chinese market that is not too far of a walk, and that there should be someone at the venue that can let us access a washroom if we need it, i have never been there but she says it's huge! i have some gold sequins you want i should bring it with me? i have spray glitter and body glitter too... i can bring that if you like? CANNOT WAIT ooh i think i even have some silver and red heart sequins, should i look for that?
  22. gah i just looked at a map, i have no idea how to get there from the GO station, me and my monsters are coming in from Oakville... anyone have any ideas? thanks, hugs (little anxious about the no washroom thing) le sigh
  23. well, we will have photos monday squee!
  24. you guys are so cute, reading about the study date made me happy, i hope it goes really well
  25. you crack me up!
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