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Status Updates posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. Hi! Soon I will post my OWN pics! At last!!!!

  2. Hi! I'm not at home, and will be at Gasmics only in a week.

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet words! I just want this thread to be alive. But on Saturday I'm leaving for 2 weeks, so I'm not sure that I will be able to come here.

    But I'll be back one day anyway!

  4. uhm! My host is suspended, so I uploaded all my pics to another host. Tired.

  5. Hello! I signed up for a Yearbook 2010. I'm not in the lists yet, but I think you just haven't seen my post, and will put me in the lists in the future.

    I just wanted to ask: can you tell me the best size for sending photos in pixels? Is 1500 on1800 enough?


    And which size will be the book? A4?

  6. Only 2 weeks for vacations? So few!!!

  7. Why did you leave gasmics? We feel so lonely without yo

  8. Hi good gone girl

  9. Hi! Another dreamer? :)

  10. You were still not in my friends? I thought we are for long ago :)

  11. Well, what time will you be in Riga? I hope to be in Riga too.

    O God, You leave us poor gig-newbies alone :((( I know nothing about numbering, queuing and how to get to the first row... Do you know some secrets besides coming early morning? I will try to be early (11AM?), but I can't spend here all the time because I have to be with my baby, he can't stay with my mum all day long (I'm still breastfeeding). What can you advise me?

  12. Hello! I just wanted to ask you - at which time will you come to queue in Klaipeda? When will you start?

  13. awww you're so sweet!!!



  14. Hi! I'm Elena Prusova, in the Rain T-shirt :)

  15. Hi! Roxane said that she sent you our Toy Boy project. But if it is necessary, I can send you my drawing in a bigger size (for better quality while printing). I have it 3240 to 2322

  16. Yes, I go to Baltic. But we made mom's passport only now - it took 2 months!!!!

    So we have to be at Embassy only 13.07, and if all goes right, Visas will be ready 20.07

    In this case it's OK. But if something wrong? I'm so scared :((( My first ever gig! I thought about this gig from April day and night!

  17. Yes, I wrote a part of the story, made my contribution to it. Because I wanted my drawing to fit better to the story (I made drawing at first) :) and girls liked it.

  18. Hello! I have a question. I entered the BDay project as an artist for Toy Boy (whichi did already). But now I also did a part as a writer. Can you add me to the list as a writer too?

  19. What a nice avatar!!!!

  20. Thank you so much, Angel!

  21. Sorry, but I have only this one...

  22. So lucky you! :) I haven't met any MFCr in RL. I hope to meet someone in August in Baltic, but unfortunately no-one from my friends there will visit it :( Hope to acquaint ppl on-site. Maybe in future I will meet someone and visit more gigs.

  23. I don't like him too... I adore him! :)

    And how can I call you?

    I'm Lennie, btw. Married too, 2 kids. Nothing unique at the 1 sight.

  24. aww dogs and medals - it's clear! I mean I can't resist to tell sometimes: but it's Mika himself who told it!

    Well, I know about you almost nothing... I know you have a curly son, and that's all...

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