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Everything posted by Dreamy_Queen

  1. guys do you know that some people had buried our Mika? not kidding i saw a lot of comments in Youtube there was an accident with a Bolliwood man called Mika Sigh (if i'm not mistaken), and people start to comment videos of Meeks with things like RIP and so on So he will live very long in my country there is such a superstitious beliefs.
  2. thank you! These pics (on the stage) I have seen, but there his hair is much more strict. In the pic that I asked about his hair is wild! I like it more this way
  3. You know, maybe Mika in his subconcious doesn't want to visit Russia because of "Concentrate!" teacher, I mean he said he shivers every time he hears Russian language :)

  4. I made some comments :) it reminds me of 20-th.

    I have several pictures with Freddie's moustache - one in leather image, and one in the image of madam in I want to break free.

  5. OMG where is it from????? and when it was taken?
  6. Love Mika, his smile, his jacket and his wallet
  7. I found a very interesting fact for me, that Mika hasn't make a wish yet. I sit and tried to figure out what wish would I made, what is the most important for me? It turned out to be not an easy task, so I understand Mika. I like that he is not so impulsive and so serious with the way of his life. I doubt if I clearly wrote what I wanted to say
  8. Have no idea :( I could think he doesn't know about existing of Ukraine ( or at least doesn't pay attention), but Russia! Maybe he thinks there are not so many people interesting in him? Or problems with organization? We had there in Kiev Scorpions several times (I went), Elton John, Caballe, and many other stars! Ah, and Queen in 2008 in Kharkov. So it means there is some civilization too. Why, why???

  9. Bwahahaha Pauliiina laughed as hell and this Gertie is the most misterious and glamorous doggy in the world for the time being ))))
  10. Don't know. Only when my son will grow up a little, because I can leave him only for several hours. It means, If Mika will come to Ukraine - i will see him. If to Russia - not now, because I can't leave my family yet.

  11. Good luck! I hope everything will pass smoothly, and you even talk to him :)

  12. Wonka, will you forgive me if I will post instead of you? I just died of laughing! Just send me to NC if I'm wrong
  13. When my son grows up a bit, I will try Skype for talking (will find someone). But now he doesn't allow me to approach any device, he wants it for himself at once and cries. I can write there only while he's sleeping.

    And your English is super, too!

    So you had seen Mika? Lucky you How it was?

  14. When my son grows up a bit, I will try Skype for talking (will find someone). But now he doesn't allow me to approach any device, he wants it for himself at once and cries. I can write there only while he's sleeping.

    And your English is super, too!

    So you had seen Mika? Lucky you :) How it was?

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