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Everything posted by camille*

  1. :shocked: So Mika's gig in Brazil was literally a home gig for you! That's great!

    I live in Northern France, next to Lille, which is close to Belgium and to the UK. I often think Mika should come and live here as he'll be right between London, Paris and Brussels :naughty:

    How did you discover Mika?

  2. :bye:

    Pues pienso que es mejor si me hablas en español no? Es mas tranquilo para tu y me permite praticar mi español un poco mas. Pero si quieres utilizar el francés o el inglés, me conviene también!

    Si vienes a Francia para un gig y nos encontramos, dara cuenta de que mi español oral es asqueroso :aah:

  3. :bye:

    Thanks for accepting my request!

    I hope you're fine :)

  4. Hola!

    Gracias por aceptar mi pedido :)

    Soy Camille, vengo de vez en cuando en el Spanish thread :wink2:

  5. Oh you are sweet too :blush-anim-cl: MFCers are all so nice people...

    Wow you came from Brazil to Europe and you saw Mika! Amazing.. I'll consider going to see him in London on his next tour, as I don't live very far from there, and my 'fanhood' is growing and growing everyday :)

    I haven't been to the Musée Grévin (well I went a few years ago, but there was no Mika then). I don't live in Paris but maybe I'll go next year :thumb_yello:

    Where about in Brazil do you live?

  6. I went to the gig in Liévin, on May 4. Absolutely amazing... 10000 people coming to see him, and I was 2nd row.. :mf_lustslow:

    It was his last date on the French tour so it was quite emotional. I think he almost shed a tear during Happy Ending (which I did :blush-anim-cl:)

    I hope you'll get to see him soon. Which city could you go to? London?

  7. Maybe not 'famous', but I did know you from your posts :wink2: I remember your reports from the Brazil gig.(which must have been amazing!)

    Yes I live in France, have you already been here? For a Mika gig??

  8. :bye:

    Thanks for the request!

    You live in Brazil, don't you? You are famous on the MFC :)

  9. Yes I might go and see it next year. I'd rather go to a Mika gig, but hey I'm not sure 2011 will be the best year for that :(

    Have you been to a lot of gigs? I've been to only one and I'm just craving to go and see him again

  10. Yes I like it! It's just like I hoped it would be.. I knew it couldn't be perfect, but really they did a good job. The real Mika is so lovely in the pics with the statue :wub2:

    I'm glad he's got his double in France.. when will he get one in London? Or maybe you don't need it as the original already lives there? :wink2:

  11. :bye:

    Well I've been to different places, mostly cities: London, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, York, Oxford, Exeter, Leeds.. Some of them I visited for a few hours, some of them I lived in.

    So, what do you think of the wax Mika we now have in Paris? :biggrin2:

  12. @pinkcell, sweetieval, macboll, sephira et d'autres que j'ai sûrement oubliés: merci!! pour vos cr, photos, vidéos, qui nous ont fait vivre un petit peu cette soirée avec vous
  13. Oh no don't worry I'm not really upset! I just wanted to say I noticed it too, and it's not that often that he gives us hints like that.. I'm only realising how hard it is to be a Mika fan, searching for all the details TBH I'm already very happy to know how much he likes France. I just want to make sure he knows France loves him back But still, after a quick thought, I realised that when I lived in the UK and spoke to my family in France I would say 'here, we...' and I would then include myself with British people.. So complicated
  14. I love this column, my favourite so far I noticed it too.. I must be analysing too much My French pride has been a bit 'knocked down' by the use of this 'we' but he is based in the UK after all!
  15. The American Lebanese singer Mika, who has had great success internationally since 2007 with his first album LICM would like to perform in the small 'italian like' theatre of the Grevin Museum in Paris, where he has become an illustrious resident on Monday evening. 'I love this museum. It's a magical place. I would like to perform here one day' he said while discovering his wax double, in front of around a hundred members of his fan club, whereas dozens of fans had waited for hours in the street, nearly hysterical at the star's arrival. It was one of Mika's first public appearances after the serious accident that happened to his sister Paloma at the beginning of October. 'It is an honour to enter this museum. Honestly, it's a bit scary to be confronted to oneself. My sisters won't be happy: there are 2 Mikas now!' he joked while posing with the statue which wear his favourite jacket. EDIT: Oops, already posted
  16. First article! http://www.lepoint.fr/insolite/mika-aimerait-donner-un-concert-au-musee-grevin-a-paris-06-12-2010-1271875_48.php
  17. Well it's not that bad... It's a wax statue after all, so that was quite what I was expecting it to be like. I like the clothes And I like even more all the pics of real Mika we get to see tonight
  18. Ok pour l'adresse mail, si tu veux bien! J'ai la sensation que même après avoir vu la photo, tu ne te souviendras pas de moi
  19. Je me disais bien que c'était bizarre que 2 personnes se souviennent de moi d'un coup J'étais restée plutôt discrète ce jour là Je t'enverrais bien une photo, mais en privé (mon frère est dessus, pas sûr qu'il apprécierait), et je ne sais pas comment joindre une photo? J'ai encore tout à apprendre ici
  20. Ah tu parles de la fan qui est passée sur Weo? et qui chantait? Non c'est pas moi En fait j'étais inscrite depuis plusieurs mois sur le MFC, mais j'étais pas trop au courant de l'organisation pour les concerts.. J'ai été agréablement surprise! Quel beau boulot vous avez fait
  21. Oh oui c'était moi! Ca me fait plaisir qu'on m'ait reconnue, c'est la première fois! C'est la seule fois ou j'ai vu Mika pour le moment, mais alors, je m'en suis toujours pas remise! Je suis impatiente qu'il y ait une nouvelle tournée pour le revoir, et peut-être plus proche des membres du MFC cette fois
  22. Salut Je voulais souhaiter une excellente soirée en avance à toutes celles qui seront à Grévin demain. J'espère un jour pouvoir assister à ce genre d'évenement (avec certaines d'entre vous?), mais en attendant, je suis contente de savoir qu'autant de membres du MFC y seront, et pourront nous le faire vivre un petit peu
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