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Everything posted by camille*

  1. I was watching this vid with the TV on in the background earlier and the same report was on again during the news! But this time on national TV!
  2. WOW! This is all so amazing!! Well done! This is so strange but I nearly cried watching that Happy Ending video, and this time it was not about the song or Mika's voice but the audience! Impressive!
  3. You Korean fans really rock! I would love to be part of such a gig. I remember Mika saying in a French interview that proportionally, the countries in which he has more success are France, Belgium and South Korea. He must have been really touched tonight. Can't wait to hear more!
  4. I have to say, even if I haven't contributed to your thread yet, I thought about you while posting Maybe he's posting in your thread already! Go check!
  5. Thank you sooo much for posting! This is amazing. He is amazing.
  6. Well actually, a lot of French people say that they are 'seeing' someone when they go see a shrink... Now that's said, you can imagine whatever you prefer
  7. You see I told you your vids were of the greatest importance No, seriously, they are.
  8. Ahah your laptop is clever! And funny. I noticed the zipper problem during the gig and had a good laugh about it
  9. This is becoming my favourite thread Can't stop watching your vids
  10. I promise you it's not just a bit! I was 2nd row so no problem for me to see the gig, but it's true that your vids reflect his emotions well. I'm impressed by I See You. Didn't realise it was such a nice moment
  11. Yes of course you can't really compare gigs, but it's nice to read what you think anyway. Wind was awful on that day, but strangely I felt alright once we were in! I thought the gig was wonderful, but when you haven't seen any other (and when you like torturing yourself ) you always wonder what the others are like.. But if you thought it was a nice gig and Mika was happy then my happiness and excitement about it can't be faked
  12. I don't know if you go to many many gigs but I must say I'm really happy you were in Liévin! BTW, as you probably went to many other places, what did you think of the Liévin gig? Of course it was special for me, but what did you feel from Mika and/or the audience?
  13. Thank you soooo much for your vids!! You don't know how much it means to me to be able to re-live that gig (first one for me, still excited about it) and your vids are just amazing. Plus, you seem to have all the songs! Incredible
  14. TBWKTM is #10 this week in France If I remember well it has been in the top 25 ever since its release in September, and it has (of course may I say as it's in France) reached #1. I am happy about it, but I find it so strange that the effect is not the same in some other places, particularly in the UK. British people loved him with LICM didn't they? Do they really find TBWKTM not good, do they not know about it or have they just changed their minds about Mika? Of course when I say 'them' it is really vague, I'm not blaming anybody just trying to understand, but we'll never get any answer I guess. Last thing is, even here BIOTG and Kick-Ass haven't been physically released. How strange is that? Are they not gonna release any song anymore?
  15. And a few more... Especially for those who were on stage, hope you can see yourselves in there. Can anybody tell me if it's Mika's writing on the set list?
  16. This gig was almost one week ago but I've still got so much of it in my mind! Here are some pics, I had not posted them yet.
  17. Some other videos of this gig : Entrance Happy Ending Lollipop I still can't believe I was at that gig... It was so awesome!! I feel like I want to share so much about it with you all, but this thread is not very active.. I've got some pics but don't know how to post them, I can attach them but can't post them in big, can anyone help me?
  18. Here are the links to my Youtube videos of the Liévin gig. As I said before, it was my first gig, I was really happy and you can see it from the moves and you can hear it from the shouting in the vids! Sorry! I can translate what he says into English if you want me to..
  19. Hi everybody! I was at the gig yesterday, first one for me! It was amazing!! At the moment I can't even realise it happened! I thought I would be sad it's over after all this wait but on the contrary I'm much happier than usual. I got a number, thanks to everybody about that, I had a very low one but as was said I think everybody got mixed and I was 2nd row right in the middle while higher numbers as I've just read were on the side. I don't know how it happened, suddenly I realised I had an ideal spot without even really trying to.. I have some pics and vids, I need to take some time to upload them and then I'll share. Maybe later I'll write a detailed report, but at the moment all I can say is WOW! Incredible show. It was quite emotional for Mika too I think, or maybe it's often like that but it looked like he was about to cry sometimes.. Anyone who was there agree with me? (I'm thinking especially of Happy Ending)
  20. Thank you for trying to find information about that and sharing it. I'm going to my first gig soon and I'm not very aware of all the system so I have to say that worried me quite a lot. Can't wait to hear more! By the way, when you say people from MFC can be in a priority queue, does it mean you need to prove you're from MFC? How do you do that?
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