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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. Grand dad Mika is back If listening to that Century Man song means I have to see him in that clothes UI´m not that sure any more I want to listen to it Nah, I was kidding. But jeez, I don´t like the trousers nor the vest.
  2. It´s posted in Vancouver´s thread... It´s something like "Hia Leah" or something along the lines
  3. And most likely there´ll be a second date in Spain, right??
  4. At first Mika´s FB attached a link to buy the tickets, and then removed it and created just an event... that makes me think it´s probably free... maybe one of those performances outdoor (which I would not appreciate, I rather have him singing in a proper and well conditioned venue even if I have to pay for a ticket). This is not a big festival, so in case there are tickets for sale, they won´t be that expensive. Students got lower prices last year. Let´s wait for proper info.
  5. I think I don´t get it, sorry Of course it´d be much easier if I just could change "car" for "coche" and that´s it. You are right, our minds work in a way when we learn a language, and so then, learning a new language is quite complicated. My son, for the record, is learning two languages at a time, Spanish and Valenciano, but they have the same way of making sentences, so we just have to change "coche" for "cotxe". Now I´m starting to speak in English to him. Mostly in the mornings, before going to school, cause I´ve been told that his brain is more receptive at that time of the day (LOL) and I realised the other day, how this new language is working on him. Now he already knows what to do when I say: "brush your teeth, wash your hands,take your sleeves, put the sandwich in your bag, let´s go" etc. So I was helping him to put his sweater on, and so his t-shirt sleeves wouldn´t roll up, I told him: "Asier, take your sleeves" and he did it. And right after that, I asked: "what´s a sleeve?" and he looked at me like and said: "how on Earth am I going to know what´s that?" Same happened when I asked about "teeth". He knows what to do when I give him these orders and he never confuses "brush your teeth" with "wash your hands"... and that´s something I don´t understand. Probably he is so young that his brain may be able to learn three languages at a time (tho I seriously doubt it). I don´t know... and I don´t have a logical explanation for this.
  6. I think it´d take a lot of time and effort to make us think in "english" using my language. I mean... you see, the sentence "the red car" is quite simple. Well,first of all we don´t have an article (the "the" here is called article) which works for every word. "car" in spanish is male. And the adjective is NEVER before the noun... In English, adjectives don´t vary. So, this simple change: "the red cars" would make a total different sentence in Spanish. See: The red car El coche rojo. The red cars. Los coches rojos. I can´t learn how to think that way using Spanish There are things I learnt to do. For example, in this sentence: "The people I worked with" The fact that you place the "with" at the end of the sentence is the oddest thing I ever saw Since I have nothing similar in Spanish, I learnt this and I do it naturally now (ok, most of the times, please, don´t post here the 9825189278927 posts where I made typos ), but there are many many things, most of them the phrasal verbs that I still need to stop and think in order to do it fine. It´s better when I can write, since it´s the way how I learnt this language and the way how I most use it. But for the certificate I´ll have to do two speeches. And even though I now talk to my wall, and try to "work out" my brain, I think it´s really complicate, and unless the subject is Mika, I´m not sure I´ll be able to do it fine The speech of the last year was about Vivien Westwood, so maybe I still have a chance about Mika So, please, don´t hate me if I start asking here like crazy
  7. Oh Thanks Silver. I bet that being English speaker I might sound dumb, but I don´t "think" in English yet, so I need to translate almost everything, and it´s clear that literal translation is always the worst. I just chose the worst possible way, huh? Thank you very much, I´ll try to be more logical in the future. Nah, who am I kidding? I´ll rely on this thread for the future I can´t be logical, since it´s not my language and it all sounds fine for me as long as it makes sense... That´s why I´ll ask a lot of things here
  8. Thanks! I see... so the conditional should affect to "things" instead of the comeback. Ok. It´s totally different in Spanish, jeez, this is so hard
  9. Aaaand.... so a new question (no need to say I´m preparing my certificate, right?). Let me explain the situation. Two people are arguing and one of them decides to leave before things get worse. So the sentence is: "I decided to leave wishing things were calmer when I would be back" But I´m not sure about the use of "would" here. Would it be better to say: "I decided to leave wishing things were calmer when I were back" ? The first one would be the literal translation from Spanish. I don´t know if you need more context...
  10. A new one: when you are checking a list of things you should have done, and you did one, you can say: "-buying food to have dinner: DONE" ?? And then, if the task is not done, is this correct?: "-buying food to have dinner: UNDONE" (Undone sounds to me like crying desperately ) Maybe "not done" is better?
  11. Ross Gellar?? Don´t worry... if he follows the normal way of ageing for many men, it will arrive a time when there´ll be no hair to discuss about and then you´ll miss all this talk about curls So, enjoy it while you can
  12. But in the second one, the "order" of the words it´s altered... I mean... first thing we are taught is that in English, the order is "noun-verb" when the sentence is affirmative. Is this "order alteration" normal in conditional sentences? I know it also happens in sentences like "no way was I going to do that again"... but... is there a rule I can remember?
  13. Ok, let´s see if I can explain myself about this question... This sentence: "If I had worked it would have been easier for me" is right, ok? but then, this other sentence: "Had I worked it would have been easier for me" is ok as well? Do they mean the same? Is the second one a politer way to say the same?
  14. Yes, in fact in those photos from The Enfoires, he looked like 2007 Mika... Still, I think he looks more handsome now than in 2007. And for me, about his hair, the longer the better...
  15. Am I the only one thinking that ageing suits him so well?
  16. My TV has only the option of Spanish subtitles LOL Actually I had some a hard time talking to Rose... Hi Rose!! and even Kath and Vicky... I´d say I understand better to all those non-English speakers, I mean, people who their first language in not English. Of course, I know it´s because we all use a plain English with less slang or common saying, I know that, but I also think that we have a more "international" accent. I understand Rox quite fine, but again, she´s french Most of the times!! And when I didn´t I just pretended
  17. Oh yes, sorry, I forgot to add the right after that "gay" issue I can´t distinguish among American and British not even in the accent. In fact I find odd to understand anyone who is not Mika And now I´m serious. Maybe it´s just cause I´m used to listen to him, but I understand almost the 100% of he says, but then, I watch a film (either American or British) and I don´t get a f*ck I still have time since the exams are on May and June... LOL
  18. Could it be then that many people don´t understand the word "gay" and they filter it out of their minds? That would explain why many still think he is bi... And now, seriously... It´s a good explanation. For my exam, I have been told I should NOT use "americanism" cause I´m applying for a Brittish English certificate. And now... I´m not sure if the English I know is more American or Brittish... LOL *ready to screw it up*. I´ll try to remind it´s braces instead of suspenders. I´m pretty sure it´ll be usefull
  19. And then we moan when people find similarities between Mika and other singers
  20. "mutant" and "deviant" are... yeah, then I think it´s what I understand at first. I can say I´ve learnt English here, and so, I´ve learnt the meaning that "we" give to the word in this community... I never thought of freak in the way you just said. Now I do. I don´t consider myself a freak (not even in the great and positive meaning of the word) and of course never called myself a Mika freak... .... Now it sounds so disturbing... Seriously, the more I study this language the more I realise that I won´t be able to speak it correctly unless I move forever to an English speaking country. I wonder whether Mika has a spare room
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