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Everything posted by basicamenteyo

  1. I´m happy that finally Mika decided to tour NA even if it is just a small-venues-tour. Maybe this way is better, so he (and when I say "he" I mean "his management") assures it will be sold out. Maybe the bad experience on his last tour where there weren´t that many sold out venues made him change his mind and he decided to start from zero (not sure if it makes sense in English, but we say it that way in Spanish, when you don´t take anything for granted). First of all, I think that NA fans ALREADY deserve this. And on the other hand, we all know that if US starts talking about Mika, soon Europe will talk about him too. Don´t forget that Europe is something else than France and apart from Italy and maybe Dutchland, the rest of countries have ignored this album. Here, Relax or Rain are still played on radio stations, but Celebrate has been already forgotten (and I don´t wonder why) and of course, after that, we haven´t heard of any other song from this album. Maybe a couple of interviews for MTV could make it. Anyway, congratulations to all American and Canadians, and enjoy it guys!!
  2. Isn´t it called "corpse"? Or sthing along the lines??
  3. I don´t know what you think of "cameo" but I understand that he is maybe just appearing for few seconds, maybe not even speaking or doing anything else than walking down the lane...
  4. I must admit I expected something naughtier, to be honest It´s great to see Mika involved in such a funny performance.
  5. Are you planning on uploading it? or do I need to steal your laptop?
  6. And Guy was here and didn´t sent you to the NC? Guy... what´s up here????
  7. Welcome to this forum!! If you ever need to explain yourself in Spanish, we have a thread where you can do that! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26060&page=209
  8. Roxy told me herself oh my God... THERE MUST BE AN UNDERWATER VID I HAVE NEVER SEEN!!!! Thanks Robi, your post represents my feelings Damn... I need to hide this pic forever. I bought this exactly shirt to my son last week and if he realises Mika wore it... he will never wear it again... LOL
  9. Records deals are way too complicate. As you say he might have a long term contract which is keeping him stuck. And maybe it´s true that he had total freedom to do what he wanted, to choose the songs he wanted and even the people he wanted to work with...but yes, if sales are not good, the label could tell him "ok, guy, we trusted you and you have failed twice, so next time you´ll do exactly what we tell you". So we might be "slightly" surprised by the next album. By the way... do we know how many millions of albums has he sold yet?
  10. Did we all know that Roxane interviewed Alizee few years ago when se was still a journalist?
  11. WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA I´m pretty sure his boyfriend already knows it. Oh well
  12. Welcome!! Hi!! Better open a new thread for yourself, so everybody can welcome you properly!!
  13. Damn... I woke up early to see the show and he did just that small appearance?? Anyway,Im happy to read here that you all like the curls back. My twitter timeline said right the opposite...pffff... I agree he looks good. And deaf . And I absolutely love how,each time he says WHATEVER,our first reaction is: "oh,in case this is true..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Amazing how hardcore fans dont trust his word anymore LOL. Anyway,I agree,he looks good and relaxed so,IN CASE THIS IS TRUE and he didnt enjoy his holidays and IN CASE THIS IS TRUE AND HE LOST EVERY I-WHATEVER HE HAD,at least he had time to recover.
  14. Not that he can perfectly buy 97327537534 Ipads and 83475928347524758932475 Iphones
  15. Seriously... is there any human being able to pronounce " KüçükÇiftlik"????
  16. FOR GODS SAKE!!! Im also taken my Advanced certificate in English next June but fortunately it has NOTHING to do with yours!! Im sure Ill come here to ask things when I get the summary but these questions you posted are way too weird!!
  17. Hello, have you already said hi here?? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=3 If not, do it so we all can welcome you properly
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