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Penny Penniman!

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Everything posted by Penny Penniman!

  1. oooh ok hun! sleep tight! I'll hit the treadmill. We always talk at the same time you see? hahaha I'm always working out and you're always almost asleep! hahahaha

  2. Hi hun!!! awww the pic is just the loveliest! yeah I guess my day was better, just found out I don't know a thing about filosofy (i don't even know how to spell it) hahaha but I'm fine thanks!!! how are you today?

  3. omg you sent it to him? wow you're very brave:thumb_yello: it's good to say how you feel =D
  4. YNYAMF if you meet someone they call "Mika" and your instantly feel the need of talking to that person just to call it Mika. YNYAMFW you ask yourself everymorning "what mikaish thing can I do today"?
  5. Yeeeii!! I'll start some designs for the yearbook tomorrow at math and trigonometry class yours is great! I hope they get us both in the coverteam!
  6. aww thanks a lot hunpie you really lighted up my day! tomorrow will be better (hope so) night night sleep tight and turn out the light because tonight your Mika Knight for you will fight and then hold you tight! hahaha little rhymey for bedtime!

  7. I know I hate it too! that's why I always break the rules hahahahah htey must think I'm a revel frustrated artist...which I am! hahahaha awww I love making manicures!

    *goes and cybermanicures your nails*

  8. No I totally dig you it's easy to fall for a friend (jeez talk to me about it hahaha:aah:) and I've been talking to him for a while and he's very openminded and funny and a good friend. About the long post i was talking about is the one you mentioned where you described him:biggrin2: what where you saying about the meet up or something? I would like to hear about it! You're a good fan to him and it's great that you write a lot about it, that's your way to express yourself and you should totally say it! My moto: If you feel the love, then share it sister. "Love" as in any other feeling also hahaha:thumb_yello:
  9. well believe it or not I LOVE to paint my nails hahaha I mix colors, fade them, I can make a sunset in my nails and also many styles hahaha I was crazy about them back in high school XD but now :( school is like "NAILS HAVE TO BE CLEAN AND UNPOLISHED AND BORING AND BOYISH" and i always get scolded because of it hahaha

  10. that's so sweet of you to say! it's just that when I'm really pissed off I need to do something artistic RIGHT THAT SEC hahah either writing or painting or even just painting my nails ahahaha it's kind of my mantra

  11. Linus!? as in Charlie Brown friend's name? how cute is that? and also about your long post you made about him some time ago, I totally agree with you. I believe he's a very nice boy and that i missjudged him at first:thumb_yello:
  12. aww thanks hun :)

    I'm a mediocre writer who sings all of the time writing songs about missfortunes and other people's crimes





    **sends you more hugs back**

  13. Thanks hun!

    *Goes to write a song and gets some cinnamon tea*

    I'll be ok ;) take care too

  14. sure hun thanks, it's just that life has some strange ways :/ but I'll be fine

  15. sorry to ask but...linus? what is that all about? heehee
  16. oh don't worry I'll post somethign today I think (hopefully and if work is less) hahaha

  17. amazing! I owuld love to contribute with a notebook design inspired in mika hahaha so I'll sign up today! yeiii!!!

  18. yea kinda hard I'm trying to do a beatles design not easy task I tell you ahhaha yeah please explain it to me becausee I don't know A THING about it hehehe

  19. hahaha i already added you to msn :D


    noo I'm drawing emm well is kind of a design for school notebooks hihihi :D

    I don't get what's all that about the yearbook :(

  20. I'm drawing too!! hahaha yeees pm your emailadress please :boing:

  21. Yeah I know I'm awake hahaha. Well I totally get you because same thing happens to me. Freely, I can do amazing things write draw paint etc. But once you "ask" me something is like :S:S!! nott!! It's just not inspirational, hence, it's not working hahaha. I'm glad you're studing something, that's great! Btw, imagine spending your bday on a freakin airplane hahahaha that's crappy xD but oh well, I'll find time to party later. I'm writing the chapter right now hahaha whatcha doin? do you have mail? :P

  22. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!!! thanks!! you're amaziiing!!!V :wub2: ooh I feel so good! nothing better than sexy adam in the mormiiiing :fangurl: I'll see everything RIGHT THIS SECOND! hahaha

  23. heythere :wub2: may I say that your siggy TOTALLY FUKING ROCKS!? loved it ssssssssooooooooooooooooooo muuuutch :fangurl: made me even fangurl hahhaha

  24. OH MY GOLDEN! may I joiin pleasee I think nothing better than Mka has happened to music since Master Freddy haha
  25. that's so crappy hahaha but well at least we can leave each other messages ahahaha

    how am I? mmm...really weird you know? last days have been just confusing.

    how are things goin for ya? :D

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