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Everything posted by bopsterjazz

  1. I'm annoyed with every driver I came in contact with today! Message to them: If you'd just drive legally I wouldn't have to hit any gaurd-rails and everything would be hunky-doory, but noooo, you just couldn't wait until the on-coming traffic was gone to pass that tractor, nope. You had to scare the crud-sticks out of me and now I don't ever want to drive again, are you happy now? Well, are you?
  2. Kid with no cake: The cake is an illusion!!! (shouting like an old-fashioned paper-boy) Me: But you have no cake... Kid is no cake: It was an illusion! then he kept saying it over and over and over....and after, I came home to eat the cake I made last night and it was gone.
  3. Haha! I see so many people doing that at school! It's hilarious! In art kids would literally cover themselves in red paint!
  4. Schaweet!! What's your screen name?

  5. Dang! I wouldn't last a minute there then! I always forget my drivers license! but that's when you say, "Aw, gee, I haven't been asked for that since grad school..."
  6. All you have to do at ours is go to the bathroom or something and go into which ever movie you want (as long as it starts reasonably soon). they are starting to check tickets though. Nah nah nah boo boo you can't catch me!
  7. Lucky! We snuck into Date Night after. It was no Kick Ass but it was still pretty good. Just don't tell the movie theater, I'm tryin' to get a job there.
  8. Angry! Any decision I make in Theatre is wrong! He throws such a fit over such little things! What does he mean by "Act black. It's like you have tight-white-butt syndrome!" I'm sorry but last time I checked I did have a tight white butt and it's not a syndrome, it's an incurable condition, thank you very much! I just can't wait to be done with it. *mumbles to self*
  9. I don't know, but he stole my Oral B Triumph tooth brush. (it's in Manic Monday)
  10. I do and it def. couldn't hurt to now could it?
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