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Everything posted by bopsterjazz

  1. Thanks!! I just fixed it, hopefully it works now! :D

  2. I'm just sitting here wondering what the guy next door is gonna do with all of the trash he just brought from the Bleeker box...and the ten different washers and dryers he has in the front...innocent science project or giant evil robot who will destroy the world?
  3. It might jut be me, but I find guys a lot smexier with their clothes on.
  4. The fact that it's snowing...in may...in arizona...and I'm not wearing a jacket.
  5. I'm not that smart. my siblings have been telling me that for years That I'm not smart we're schooled at home They see who's bright It breaks my heart. I'm not that smart. Hey, guess what? You know what? I have gentle personality Which you'll all agree is an (something) of my more agressive family Everyone keep swatting Dumb kid! Everyone keeps yelling Dumb kid! How could a flea, suck as me, think he'd be good at spelling? I don't know...I like my hair! Really! It is pleasant to the touch! I toss my hair, a bit too much it doesn't move It simply sits I make a part I'm not that smart! La da da da da da da da da dadada doodle doodle doodle doo! Bum budadum budahdum I forgot the word....
  6. Well, I was really proud of my avie cuz I made it in an art class over the course of 2 weeks. If you look closely it's made of a lot of smaller images. The real thing is hanging in my living room right now. Also, it was at an art show. My siggy...I just really like that picture and I could relate to the quote. Plus they are kinda funny.
  7. That's what we thought, then we got here. Uh, only if you want a really wet box. We tried shipping some to Phx by the truck load this winter, when we had a week long blizzard, and it all melted when the driver took a potty break.
  8. haha nope, Arizona. And yes it DOES snow in Northern AZ. Someone said it's even snowed in the summer here before...the world makes no sense anymore...
  9. LOL Nothing!! It's ACTUALLY snowing! It's really weird.
  10. I'm still confused...why it snowing when the sky is blue?
  11. I used his version of Sweet Dreams in the craziest musical revue anyone's ever seen! (though we were supposed to use Marilyn Manson's version...) It was the audience fav. and after, someone asked me if I really had a British accent (I spoke my lines in one) I guess it was good then. But I love that performance!!! I think that's my fav. cover that he does!
  12. I'm not sayin that I'm givin up I'm just tryin not to think As much as I used to Cuz 'never' is a lonely little messed up word. Maybe I'll get it right someday. For the first time in a long time I can say that I wanna try But the sad truth of the matter is, I'll never get over it but I gonna try to get better and overcome each moment, In my own way.
  13. YKYAMFW you want to video yourself dancing around like a maniac then send it to him via YouTube just to see if he'll reply. Or when you listen to him instead of studying for a HUGE test... (though it really doesn't make a difference if you pass it or not.) thinking, "Gee, it's only Saturday, I've got like. . . 5 days to study, pfsh, I'll study later!"
  14. Are you performing or watching? and I know you weren't talking to me, but I'm fantastic! I have a video idea that I'm excited about, and not only will it be part of a school project, but I might even post it here cuz it'll be awesome and I must share it with the world! (if it turns out well I mean.)
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