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Everything posted by petra_ale

  1. Yesss!!! Thank you very much I knew it had some variation of 'pop' in the title
  2. Could anyone please provide me with a link, or tell me the name of that video where Mika is asked to briefly answer some questions like his turn-ons/turn-offs or his location (at the beginning) and stuff like that... I think the video is about 6 minutes long and I remember that it was uploaded on Youtube by someone around here, DarkAngel I think hope I'm not wrong...
  3. Although 'Karen' sounds better overall in my opinion, 'Elle Me Dit' is THE one among the three I've listened to it a million times on the train, heard it live the same day... it's one of the specials
  4. YKYAMF when you get so absorbed into his songs that you forget to breathe in the meanwhile (happened to me last night while listening to Over My Shoulder)
  5. Okay, I certainly KNEW a thread like this existed and had been searching after it for ages before finally stumbling across it today :wheelchair: What I wanted to do by resurrecting this thread, was to ask if any of you encountered problems when trying to get past security with your cameras at gigs, and if so, why was it that way and how did you manage to work things out in the end? I didn't care about this issue until a major concert that I attended about a week ago (Bon Jovi, ~55000 people) where I almost didn't make it in with my Nikon L100 because its relative bulkiness made the security people think that it was professional (the rules clearly stated that only DSLR's and Camcorders were prohibited). The same model of camera was perfectly fine at B'estfest/Bucharest though. So I'd like to know more methods of dealing with these slow-witted people, besides having to stick the camera's batteries into my shoes (which seemingly worked fine at BJ, but it was the first time I tried it ) P.S. Never, but never settle for a Nikon L100. It's the dullest camera I've ever used (good thing it wasn't even mine, just borrowed) and compared to any thin little camera, the only extras you get from this one are unnecessary bulkiness and various bugs with just as various moments of occurrence Although I have to say the battery life can be fantastic depending on the batteries you decide to use
  6. Scuze ca apar asa de niciunde si cu asa un subiect random dar am o intrebare pt cine mai foloseste Stereomood.com: am mai incercat zilele astea sa ascult pe site si nu imi merge, ii dau sa loadeze si "se loadeaza" la nesfarsit. Vreo explicatie, cineva? Prima oara cand am incercat site-ul, cand ne-a zis si Alle de el, mi-a mers ceas, dar acuma nush ce are si ma intrebam daca n-a patit vreuna din voi la fel... it's weird EDIT:ca prin minune, dupa ce am dat un singur refresh, de data asta a mers alteori nu functiona nici dupa 5 refreshuri.
  7. I saw your tweets these last days, I love people who get all and before a gig HAVE FUN!!
  8. Lovely version, this one in Corsica, but minus the guitar that Suzie was talking about Maybe it sounds astonishing live, haven't had the luck to hear it that way, but it doesn't get me when I listen to these recordings... That's not to say that I'm bothered by it. Ever since Compiegne he's been making these little changes and I especially liked that he let Ida sing the first verses this time Works a bit better this way, in my opinion
  9. I was about to ask just the same thing as Sienna, good thing I went up a little bit to see the last post These videos are stunning in every way possible, thank you as well Dreamy Queen for sharing them here!
  10. Oh my God. I can now say that everything we did at this gig is uploaded. Movies -> -> this is the concert in almost full version, the ending has yet to appear as I've told you someone else filmed it. After analyzing the photos, 320 made it into the final album. not all are in good quality, for various reasons, but most of them are pretty decent and some feature some quirky poses/faces from the band members... . You can see them at http://www.tassadaronline.blogspot.com, where my brother has also posted a little report I am particularly fond of these pics : http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/2155/dscn0056h.jpg http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/4332/dscn0152p.jpg What can I say, just when I thought that B'estfest was the best festival (or even gig) I had ever attended, here comes Bon Jovi and overturns everything with a 3-hour concert (apparently the longest one in this tour ) that had pretty much everything you'd want from a concert. It was so amazing that I forgot about the heat, the panic earlier that day (I almost didn't make it in because of dumb camera issues), or the glass of beer that was spilled right on my black Converses which I had just washed the day before. Overall, the best concert in my entire life and I think THIS can't be beaten as easily
  11. A fost un poster in Popcorn parca, dar inainte de concert si cu o poza asemanatoare cu cea din posterul oficial pt concertul de anul trecut, din shooting-ul ala cu bicicleta... Nu stiu de ce, dar ma asteptam la asta (adica lipsa de articole). La urma urmei nu a fost concertul lui propriu, a fost un festival si el a fost doar unul din interpretii din cadrul sau. Macar au zis ceva de Elle Me Dit, asta chiar trebuiau sa faca
  12. Yep, exactly 3 hours! My bro did the filming (he has filmed everything till Wanted Dead Or Alive, then the battery died, but he had a friend film the rest and as soon as he recieves that part, he'll upload all the videos), and I did the photos - first photo I took was of Richie just when he came on stage, and that was at 20:01PM! Plus, due to the weirdly long lasting battery life my camera showed in the past, this time I just let go all the worries related to this and came back with no less than ~450 photos only from the gig Anyway, there's lots more to tell but I don't quite have the time now and I'm not sure anyone has the patience to listen to a "BJ-gig-newbie" like me but I truly think now that this is what a really good concert should be & feel like, and if he sticks to his promise (that he'll return to Bucharest as soon as possible) I'll do anything not to miss that one also
  13. Same, Golden Circle! Maybe we'll meet there! I arrive with the special bus at about 14:30 and then I'll have to find Madeline (from MFC) who's also coming, but she came to Bucharest one day earlier (today, that is). Well, I can't stay here any longer... a 3-hour wandering through Timisoara and a 10-hour-journey are waiting for me
  14. I'm going to tomorrow's gig too just that I still have to take the special bus at 4 in the morning in order to get there .. It's a bit weird 'cause I've just been to Bucharest one week ago () for Mika and I tried so hard to forget it just to get into the Bon Jovi mood (instead of the "sigh" mood). My brother is charging his phone completely so as to try to film all the gig without stopping (he has a Nokia N8), so if I have videos (or one big video) I'll post them here if you want Talk to you all after the gig!
  15. Alle, Vanessa a zis deja tot ce am vrut sa spun si eu Genial site-ul. Pt ca erau asa multe moods am dat totusi cu banul, ca eu n-aveam niciun mood specific right now, si am ajuns pe Vintage. pana acum nu regret
  16. Prima si prima oara cand l-am auzit am avut impresia ca zice "Beastfest" oricum stiu ca la un moment dat asa a zis. Da' hai ca a fost bine EDIT: ma bucur sa vad atatia ascultatori de EuropaFM prin zona
  17. De data asta chiar ar fi bine sa ne adunam din timp si sa fim multe... desi nu-mi imaginez sa fie 1000 de oameni pe MFC in acelasi timp (you know.. sa anuntam ca a inceput sesiunea de tweets, cum stam, etc) Altfel n-avem nicio sansa, ajungem la limita de tweets pentru o zi degeaba
  18. YKYAMF when even after taking a pause from all things Mika he still makes you fall in love with French for a second time
  19. Pana la un urmator gig sa stii ca va ramane acolo, la locul sau de onoare! asa, in caz ca se plimba Mika pe MFC si vede o postare de-a mea, poate se ambitioneaza sa ne includa cat mai repede in viitorul turneu ca sa vada giful disparut edit: doamne, am uitat sa mentionez in toata fraza asta la cine ma refeream =)) nu stiam de ce mi se pare ca am scris baliverne fara sens
  20. I've finally uploaded my videos from the gig, you can find them here: http://www.youtube.com/petragoesplaces They're just 6, I also filmed the early beginning of the gig when they were setting up the floral background but that's a short video and nothing interesting really happens in it And I was thunderstruck this morning when, after having watched all the videos on my camera hundreds of times, this one time I just noticed that Mika seemed to take a look right into my camera while I was filming Stuck In The Middle. This is one more thing I really loved about this gig, the fact that at times he would come closer to us and scan the first 1-2 rows, and you had better pay attention to him when looking your way 'cause you surely would've had your millisecond of direct eye contact Anyway... and my new signature represents the moment when Mika forgot the lyrics to Elle Me Dit His gestures are priceless!
  21. Cred ca acolo era vorba de Melachi, asa o cheama pe catelusa lui... altfel nu-mi pot imagina despre ce poate fi vorba Sa stii ca am reusit! I-am dat bratara la mama sa se chinuie ea cum vrea si pana la urma a reusit dar nu ma intreba cum. chestia aia mica e facuta din 2 parti, una de suprafata si alta care e de fapt mecanismul care nu-ti permite sa largesti bratara dupa ce ai strans-o. trebuie sa fii foarte atenta ce si cum tai.
  22. Dar inchizatoarea aia neagra ai reusit sa o desfaci cumva? Eu vreau sa scap de ea si sa cos bratara la loc, sa o mai pot folosi fara sa ma chinui jumate de ora incercand s-o trec prin pumn PS: Jeez... trebuie sa scot "Upcoming" de la semnatura ca deja e awkward
  23. I heard somewhere that his name is Marcus, but that's all I know Gosh, I started writing the report in the afternoon, in a post here on MFC, I had already written about half of it and wanted to preview the post, but didn't see that my internet connection was going on and off... and suddenly I had this perplexed face for a minute cause I couldn't believe the page had crashed I've been off MFC for the rest of the afternoon due to this, I felt very frustrated. Anyway, I don't know if anyone has posted the pics we managed to take when we (Diana, Daria and me, that is) met Cherisse, Ben and iMMa... AAAND this is what I got from them... There's a whole story behind this but what I remember best is how shocked we were when we saw them behind us, we let them go ahead and didn't quite know what to do, then Daria decided to approach them while Diana & me were looking for our stuff to be signed... they ended up signing everything with my marker and I gave iMMa my gradebook to use as a prop while signing Cherisse was very talkative, I can't remember the conversation pretty well but I know she started talking about last summer's gig on the beach and we were all something like And Ben, well Ben turned out to be a really nice guy, plus he knows how to strike an interesting pose, as you can see in the pics above. I would've loved that card to be signed by Mika as well, but as I wasn't on my own, I couldn't stay that much. Anyhow, even without his autograph the day has been already way better than I imagined, so it wasn't such a big deal in the end What I'm concerned about is the post gig depression, which I'm already experiencing and I think is directly proportional with the gig's awesomeness. All these little changes he made, they really made a difference and when you see all these thousands of people cheering and singing again, not giving a damn about the fact that it's pretty much the same concert as last year, I think that's a good proof that he's changed for the better. PLUS we had Kick Ass and Elle Me Dit, I tell you, not a single B'estfest goer dared to hope for them! Oh well... this has already turned into a proper report To sum up, the gig was brilliant. I had some doubts right after it ended, it was short, it seemed kinda rushed, but after a sober estimate I think the Mamaia concert doesn't even come close to this, and that's that.
  24. God, I went to bed at 3-4 in the morning and woke up at 9 two days in a row. I'll try to write a report right now, while everything's still quite fresh in my mind, and I have some pics and videos but I only had energy to transfer 2 of them on my computer last night, the rest will probably follow this afternoon or evening Attempting to reunite all my thoughts now into one big impression
  25. Nu stiu, ma gandeam sa le propunem la mai multi din zona (dar in apropiere de concert, nu le zicem la ora 6 ca poate uita/canta cineva pe scena si nu se aude/n-au venit pt Mika/etc). cine ramane pt Mika, care inca e acolo pana la 11-11:30, sa zicem, s-ar putea sa coopereze. Nu stiu, dar ar fi dragut Eu vin cu Diana, cu trenul, si ajungem teoretic in jur de 5 dimineata, practic (ca sigur va fi ceva intarziere) in jurul orei 7. Noi ne-am gandit sa ne plimbam prin oras (ce-i drept, prin imprejurimi) apoi si sa mergem la festival chiar cand se deschide intrarea sau oricum mai la amiaza. trupele incep sa cante de la 4, parca asa tin minte, si am zis ca e mai bine sa venim mai devreme si sa stam in fata, decat sa aparem mai tarziu si sa ne trezim ca trebuie sa depasim X randuri... ceea ce nici n-ar fi prea corect fata de cei adunati deja. Anyways, oricat de lunga ar fi asteptarea, I'm sure we can all entertain ourselves pretty well PS: OH MY FREAKING GOD n-am mai tzopait asa ca azi dimineata de nu mai stiu cand.
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