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Everything posted by petra_ale

  1. Le-ai trimis direct? nu te-am vazut pe listele acelea de la inceputul threadului Ar trebui sa incep si eu sa scriu pana nu incepe scoala ... m-am inscris pt Messages to Mika, Memories, The best thing about being a Mika fan si My Fave Lyric Sper ca in final sa nu fim singurele care participa din Romania
  2. EDIT: Am inteles prima oara ca va fi in noaptea de sambata spre duminica dar e vineri spre sambata, nu? daca e prima optiune nu cred ca o sa pot sa ma uit... Btw, si eu am vazut acuma reclama la U TV, maine de la 16:00 este FESTcatch si vor discuta de festivalul EXIT care a fost acuma de curand in Serbia. s-ar putea sa fie si azi la aceeasi ora dar n-am retinut, stiu sigur doar ca maine de la 4 e
  3. Looks like it was taken at our concert in Romania... for some reason in this pic he makes me think of an old man in the middle of a fiery rant
  4. E foarte faina poza, dar cred ca ar fi mai bine sa fie color Nu ca n-ar fi ok si asa, dar presupun ca toata lumea va trimite pozele color si na... Wow, esti foarte harnica daca deja ai si terminat si trimis pt yearbook si la ce categorii ai participat?
  5. Okay, eu n-am mai dat de ceva vreme pe aici si scuze pt asta dar DA, sunt de acord cu postarile tale, Nicoleta, zilele urmatoare ma duc pe site-uri sa vad ce si cum e si poate trimit si un comentariu. Si in legatura cu blogurile acelea, hai sa ignoram toti prostii care scriu fara sa stie cu ce se mananca subiectul, la fel a fost si cu articolul din Bravo! noi am fost la concert si stim cum a fost, la fel si toti ceilalti care "s-au prins" de ceea ce vrea sa exprime Mika... si oricum, cine ii cunoaste pe bloggerii aia? scriu cumva prima pagina la Jurnalul National? (in orice caz, au vocabularul cam limitat si grotesc pt a li se da ocazia sa scrie ceva care sa fie intr-adevar citit de o tara intreaga) In alta ordine de idei... M-am gandit zilele astea la un lucru. Stiti ca am facut pozele alea multe cu bannerul, si cu noi tinandu-l... problema ca eu n-am nicio poza (ma refer, facuta de mine) in care sa fim noi toate si cu bannerul. Si ma gandeam ca ar fi o idee sa trimita cineva o poza pt Yearbook-ul de anul asta... nu v-ar placea?
  6. You know you're a Mika fan when you see somebody with undies at sight (and to make things worse, grey ones! ) and you immediately think of Mika
  7. Strange, isn't it? :lmfao: but we are now! :huglove:

  8. Can you believe it's been a week already since the gig?
  9. Going on with the pics! This I thought was a decent pic of iMMa but then I saw the lights were on Jimmy and his part of the pic looks better too, so I'd rather say it was a picture of Jimmy And now some pictures of Mika during Dr. John: The last picture WASN'T taken during Dr John but I just wanted to tell you I spent half an hour yesterday evening trying to figure out what the hell he has under his arm (keep in mind, I was looking on the camera's little screen), and I thought about a thousand possibilities: aliens? some wrong light? but it was long until I figured out it was actually nothing else but THE MOON.
  10. Okay, so I got the pics from my (sh**y) camera! A lot of pics looked well when looking at them on the little screen but when I downloaded them... anyway, I'll upload some of them here! Videos are up too, have to mention some details: I have 5 videos from my camera which are B&W and I can tell you they're not really that worth watching as the sound is so crap, I even have a video called Unknown 'cause I can't recognize the song and it was only 280x340 (again, looked fantastic on little screen and totally opposite on computer). But apart from them my brother filmed some other songs of the gig and the sound is fantastic, just that he was way too far so if you put the image from my vids together with the sound from his, you could get some decent videos I'll never borrow a camera again, it's really time to get one MYSELF. I never know what I get when I borrow them and then everything I picture/film turns out crap! VIDS: http://www.youtube.com/tassadaronline (bro's account) I won't even mention MY videos. The others: - Happy Ending - - Death March/Love Today - - Love Today/We Are Golden - - Grace Kelly - - Lollipop - PICS as follows... This was the banner we used at the gig which is now here with me. This , excuse my fangurliness, was the DJ who kept us busy till Cut Copy came up. This is the lead singer of Cut Copy but I don't know his name... And here's a bigger pic of Mika and Jimmy, I just loved how I caught their faces
  11. When Cut Copy finished singing, we were announced there was a 30min break to get the stage ready for Mika and I just sat down for a while because I've already been standing for a few good hours, but everything happened really quickly and soon I had to be on my feet again. The lights went out and DAMN! "look there's Cherisse... oh look there's Jimmy! look there's everybody! OMFG! wait... is that Mika" This is exactly how it happened, but then I calmed down and was just ready to rock like never before. Twas my first gig and I was expecting some hyper-fangurly behaviour from myself and I WAS hyper and fangurly to some extent, but I thought it was going to be way worse Anyway, it was a fantastic experience, I don't know if I ever felt this happy in my entire life and I just don't have the words to explain how the gig went. During Happy Ending, you know we had bubble-guns and bubble wands... we started using them at the "Little bit of love, little bit of love..." part and the effect was lovely! But my gun had some flaws, I think and I didn't see that while making bubbles, some of them were also "flowing" down my hand... and then I grabbed the camera with the same hand... oops, uninspired move! Then I really panicked when I saw the camera didn't work anymore, and it wasn't even mine! I kind of missed the last 2 songs, that is, I was watching and singing but also constantly checking my camera and wondering what I was going to do in case it didn't work anymore But I'm not here to scare you, the camera is okay now and you know what was the only thing I haven't thought of, AKA the real problem? the batteries were low, but I didn't notice that while it was working! Also I apologize for the videos I'm going to upload because they're B&W, I had no idea at that moment how to set the camera back to colour mode :doh:That's what you get when you borrow a camera and you just put it in the bag and don't check the settings. Anyway, I'll now drop the damn camera out of the story I loved how iMMa and Jimmy interacted with the crowd. I stood right in front of them and they were always looking at people in the crowd and smiling, and I remember when we were split in 2 parts during Blame It On The Girls, iMMa was leading our "Blame It On The Boys" group and she was so unreserved! And we also managed to win All in all, what can I say... the journey has only just started. And I am so unbelievably happy to be a fan/supporter of Mika and part of MFC! And now allow me to have one fangurly moment: ahhhhhhh!!! Done, thanks.
  12. So... on the 23rd I jumped on a 15h course by train with my brother and some friend of his, solemnly promising to ourselves that we'd sleep like logs at night instead of staying up, but you can imagine it was far too interesting to just laugh and giggle and occasionally even fall off the bed. then we got in Constanta at 11.30AM after a looong wait, we traveled through the last tens of km really slowly... and boy as soon as I got out of the railway station it felt like I was going to melt then one of the double-deckers that had MIKA written on them drove us to some camping right near the H2O beach. After we set our tent I agreed to meet with the girls at about 3-3.30PM. the soundcheck had already started by then and it could be heard very clearly even from a distance, and then we went to find the entrance to the gig which we only found after some phone calls and roving around I brought the banner that you can see in the pictures, while Diana brought the colours and Bianca wrote the message which was also her idea. We put it on sand, we put some random stuff like bags on the corners so the banner would stay still and dry, and guess what: at the next wind blow it almost flew away! but in the end there wasn't any serious damage looking at it, I love it even more with the wind's contribution. who would have thought that the wind can also do something else beside blowing when we least expect? Then the banner was put on a fence and we stayed in the queue a few more hours until we got bored and especially impatient. you should've seen us just a couple minutes before the security guys let us in, we were ready to do the fastest sprint of our lives to the front row! which we did... kind of. First in the line-up was some DJ who I thought really resembled Johnny Depp, and he played random songs for an hour or something and then there was a little break until Cut Copy came up. I had absolutely NO expectations from CC because I didn't get to listen to any of their songs properly until the concert day, but I thought they were okay, maybe a bit too hyper at times and they mentioned at the beginning something along the lines of "Hello and we're not Mika, we're Cut Copy" which was a bit wrong to say, but at the same time I understood them because there was some girl who just kept shouting "MIKAAA!" really loud I mean, I don't know. We hid the banner when they came up so they didn't feel bad and in the end, they also deserved a chance. Part 2 coming up because I have reached the limit of smileys
  13. Here are some (lots) of pics of the atmosphere on the beach and the crowd at Mika's gig: http://www.facebook.com/orangeromania?ref=ts&v=app_4949752878#!/orangeromania?v=photos&ref=ts Put a tag if you find yourself in there! Oh boy, I finally got home but I already feel the joy trying to make its escape when I think of how much fun I had last weekend at the beach and how I have to continue my regular life back in this incredibly boring town. I'm going to write a report soon, I don't know how long it's going to be but I'll let my mixed feelings about this concert speak up Also I have some pics and some videos but I don't have the camera's usb cable with me so I'm not sure when I'm going to post them...
  14. Diana texted me that she's already on the train Same for me tomorrow, and I still have to pack stuff and do things around the house, so this is most probably the last time I'm on before I leave. Safe trip everybody who's travelling to the gig place and see you there! If I'm bored or something fantastic happens , I'll update via Twitter.
  15. So, the day after tomorrow is THE day. When do you plan to go on the beach? I don't think I'll arrive earlier than around 11 (but I don't think it will be later than that either because I have to set my tent and get ready), and I think Diana is going to arrive at that time too
  16. Hey! :huglove: I only wanted to ask you if you're coming to the gig in Romania. I know you were saying at some point that you could maybe get there... :naughty:


    EDIT: oh! I didn't see you're gone. have fun! :D

  17. Ce debusolata sunt dupa ce n-am fost pe aici 2-3 zile (scuze) Am vrut doar sa va spun ca pana la urma m-am hotarat sa particip si eu la faza cu camasa/braul... n-as fi putut spune nimic sigur pana azi Si apropo, a facut cineva o cu toti cei care vor contribui? Si inca o problema... culorile pt banner. Ce facem? Are cineva pana la urma resurse pt asta sau ramane sa ne descurcam la fata locului?
  18. oau, ce preturi eu cand am cautat am gasit si cu 50-60 de lei/zi/camera dubla... dar tu stii cel mai bine Imi poti pastra si mie un catalog, daca te rog frumos?
  19. Hellooo, sorry for a late response :blush-anim-cl:

    I love all the pics you've submitted! I'm still not sure which I am going to print, but I saved all of them just in case :naughty: thank you very much! :huglove:

    I wish I had a giant photobucket account so I could save EACH pic I find... it's so hard when you have to search for them :aah::lmfao:

  20. Sa-ti explic cum e cu cartela... pe o parte e cartela aia mica-mica pe care o bagi in telefon, si cealalta jumatate, daca ai grija sa o rupi cum trebuie, ar trebui sa rezulte intr-un patratel mic si cu gaura in coltul sus-stanga Ala e brelocul cu care trebuie sa venim Wow, ciudati mai sunt astia cand am primit eu cartela, azi dupa-masa, ma intrebam daca nu e greseala ca ma asteptam sa fiu ultima care il primeste
  21. Thank you! Si asta cat de departe e de plaja H2O? B T W Am primit azi cartelele! Voi nu le-ati primit inca? Intreb pt ca n-am vazut pe nimeni sa anunte... si ar fi putin surreal sa fi ajuns mai repede la mine decat in orasele voastre care nu sunt chiar in coltul extrem al tarii
  22. Sorry for sending you a kind of useless PM :teehee:, someone made it clear to me in the meantime :thumb_yello:

  23. No, I didn't... I thought I had to wait at least a week for it :shocked: but I'll check.

  24. Don't worry I'm just a wee bit taller than you, almost 5'1 and I can't remember the last time I witnessed a spectacular change in my height... and I'm 17 Staying on topic, I hope I'll be able to add stuff here to the collection after Mika's gig on the 24th until then, I have nothing to share and by the way, this picture is really cute!
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