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Everything posted by petra_ale

  1. You know, I have just noticed how Kat (I hope it's her? the girl in the middle) rests her hand on Mika's (paper) lips Also, I found this video of Lollipop that's been uploaded only 48 mins ago We still didn't have any video of the song from this gig, did we?
  2. To the rescue indeed! Sper totusi ca nu e groaznic de departe campingul ala... nu prea mai sunt multe zile si nu stiu daca as putea sa incropesc un alt plan
  3. They're all great But this I loved this more than the others! He looks as if he has just seen food or something and he's preparing to sprint in order to catch it
  4. How certain is this? 'cause if it's later than April, then right to Belgrade I go... (it's at a stone cast from where I live.. okay, maybe a bit further but just a bit ) EDIT: I have just looked on a map... why, oh why didn't I come to Exit I didn't know exactly how Serbian cities are placed on the map Novi Sad was just so closer than I thought!
  5. Salut, bine ai venit aici! Cred ca Bianca si cu mine ne-am referit la acelasi camping - Bianca, tu ai pus niste harti la inceputul threadului si pe una din ele era un X rosu cu locul unde e plaja, si langa scria "Camping Hanul Piratilor" Celor care v-ati inscris pe MFC acuma recent, va sfatuiesc sa va uitati pe prima pagina a threadului sunt mai multe informatii acolo, inclusiv cum ajungeti pe plaja H2O si altele. Cat despre brau, mai pastrez slabe sperante sa pot spune ca voi participa, dar nu cred ca o s-o pot face am primit ieri niste facturi monstruoase fix cand nimeni nu se astepta
  6. Ooh, I didn't come in here all the weekend due to lots of housework and stuff and now I see a bunch of live reviews and you say none of them is even average, let alone bad! I wish I had known even a bit of Serbian... but that's SO great news! I'm happy to see he's so successful even in these East-European countries where he seldom (or never) came in the past Maybe after this unbelievable concert he'll start touring this part of Europe more often... he has no more reasons not to do it! I'm so happy for you all!
  7. AS VREA sa apara pe youtube! O vreau mai mult decat pe oricare alta reclama! Cand am vazut-o a 2a oara intreaga am ramas ... e atat de scurta, dar totusi atat de efectiva... Cand au zburat 3 luni jumate asa repede? si Diana imi zicea la inceput "lasa ca imediat o sa te trezesti ca e in cateva zile" si n-am vrut s-o cred Okay, gata se vede ca sunt o Mika-gig virgin, nu?
  8. Dar unde va cazati? Si eu am cautat cazare peste tot si pana la urma n-am gasit nimic care sa merite, am zis ca vin cu cortul (si cu frate-meu ) si ma duc la Hanul Piratilor care din cate am vazut e fix pe plaja cu pricina. Asa ca eu de la vreo 11-12 voi fi acolo probabil (la 10 ajung in gara Constanta) Eventual Bianca, poate stii tu de preturile de anul asta la camping? Eu cand am cautat pe net am gasit doar din anii trecuti si iesea cam 15-20 de lei de persoana Sa speram ca ne ajung la toate cartelele si atunci putem fi sigure ca seara o sa fie a noastra
  9. Pe Procinema Acuma e filmul ala cu Charlie Chaplin la care se uita mama, iar eu spionez in pauze
  10. Va sfatuiesc sa veniti pe threadul cu gig-ul nostru, pt ca timpul ne cam preseaza si mai avem de stabilit unele chestii... si BTW: porniti la vanatoare de reclame, incepand din seara asta! tocmai am vazut reclama oficiala pt concert (deci nu tot din aia de la Orange), si nu va dau detalii pt ca o sa stiti din prima secunda care e. eu personal am vazut-o acum vreo 5 minute si inca sunt in soc.
  11. So it's today, right? I hope I can get on the PC tonight... this time we really have to make it happen
  12. I had the worst start of the day but coming here and reading all the new reports and stuff.. it just made me forget about everything for a while Looks like Serbia was definitely on fire! There's a tone of excitement here, and it's very contagious Also there are some videos on YT... mostly Rain, Relax, Grace Kelly and some snippets I can't wait to see how you girls rocked Lollipop!
  13. Hello!! :huglove:

    I'm glad you had such a fab time at the Exit festival, you were only 170 km away from where I live :teehee: maybe I could've been there too if there were one-day tickets, but it doesn't matter now anyway.

    What I wanted to ask you is, what's the thing with Mika kissing the bride lately? When did he start doing that? I didn't have enough time these days to go through the latest gigs' threads :sneaky2: so I was like :blink: when I read that.

    I hope you arrived home safely and I'll read tomorrow if you post any more parts of your report :D Good night! :huglove:

  14. Lovely reports, enjoyed so much reading them and I especially liked the flag! Sounds like it has been a huge blast for everybody... can't wait to hear more
  15. Am intrat In primul rand, ideea cu baloanele e foarte buna, dar ca sa o realizam frumos trebuie sa ajungem toate in primul rand si na, sa fim cat de cat in mijloc ca sa iasa efectul dorit. In al doilea rand, un brau national ar fi un super-cadou din partea noastra, dar nu sunt sigura ca as putea si sa contribui la el, asta depinde de pret si de cum s-ar imparti... nu-mi prea place s-o spun, dar faptul ca stau departe nu numai de locatia concertului astuia, cat si de multe alte evenimente din Romania nu e deloc avantajos :"> Mai am o chestie sa adaug la toate astea... nu prea avem culori ca sa facem bannerul. nu prea, insemnand ca Diana a spus ca are un spray auriu si cam atat. Nu stiu, dar mai avem 2 saptamani si ar fi ok sa stabilim exact ce facem si cum facem. Si app, v-a venit la careva cartela?
  16. Oh my Goood, these are brilliant! :shocked:

    Can you show me the others as well? :kachinga:

  17. Da, mie mi se pare okay si zau, mi-ar placea sa contribui dar nu stiu daca mai am bani... pozitionarea Aradului pe harta fata de toate evenimentele importante in Romania ma cam face sa dau milioane bune de fiecare data cand ma duc undeva :tears: dar ideea e foarte faina :wub2:

    Mi-am comandat si eu cartela pana la urma... dar mi se pare o prostie, sincer :aah: pe langa faptul ca nimeni nu stie de concurs, cum ai spus tu, cred ca e aiurea sa vina ei cu impartirea pe zone tocmai acum. :blink:

    Am fugit ca se prefigureaza o ploaie monstru aici in oras! Mai vorbim noi oricum! :huglove:

  18. Incredibil... :doh:

    Sunt pe Vodafone, stii, si ma gandeam "pt ce sa mai dau banii si pe o cartela Orange, ca sa primesc un breloc?" :lmfao:

    O sa fiu mai atenta data viitoare la oferte din astea...

    Chestia e ca in afara de tine nu si-a mai luat nimeni, cred, si nu stiu cum ar putea iesi toata faza acum, cand deja s-au scurs cateva zile bune de la lansarea ofertei... imi imaginez scenarii de genul, cateva ajungem cu noroc in zona A, si restul ramanem in spate pt ca nu am stiut de chestia asta sau poate au vazut gresit ca si mine... :boxed:


    Deci ti-ai comandat. Ai aflat daca ai castigat? Sau o sa afli cand o sa vezi daca iti vine sau nu brelocul?

  19. Hei! :D

    Am vrut sa te intreb, in legatura cu cartela de la Orange... eu n-am observat pana acum ca scria acolo ca e gratuita :blush-anim-cl:

    Nu platesti absolut nimic pt ea?

  20. Hey! :biggrin2:

    I was asking on the Looking for Something thread for pics of Mika when he's with the whole band, for example like when they bow at the end of the gigs... and someone told me you have a picture and I was wondering if you could show it to me :wink2: or maybe tell me where I can find pics like those... I can't seem to find any :blink:

    Thanks in advance :pinkbow:

  21. Loved reading your report!! I'm happy you had a good time (I think "good" isn't even the right adjective for this maybe fantastic or something) Can't wait to see the videos we have from this!
  22. Prince at Roskilde Festival, yesterday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io46IGtEXCo he and all the audience are something like this: I think I'm going to do something to see this man next year
  23. THANK YOU! I ended up adoring this commercial Can't say the same about the WAG one which I completely ignore and I even told my mum not to watch it anymore... people keep coming at me saying "that loud discontinuous s**t is actually a Mika song? bleh" and it's my favourite song of his, you know...
  24. Hey guys! I was wondering if any of you could show me pics with Mika together with all the band, as when they are bowing in the concerts at the end, but I need them as high res as possible... I'm going to print one of the pics I also saw there is a picture of all of them in the tourbook, it would be perfect if someone found that exact picture... but in the end anything is okay!
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