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Léna Machu

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Status Updates posted by Léna Machu

  1. Hi there! 

    This message to tell you that I'm not gone by choice. I'm just not able to live the life I used to in the past and it's way too hard for me to stay. To be short, my entire body is aching all the time and I'm exhausted all the time too. So, I'm not able to go to any event, gig, The voice, private show, ... It's not by choice, it's because my ligaments, tendons, muscles, etc are in very bad condition (and it's only a part of the situation). I don't want to be too dark, but I just want you to know that I won't be on any show of the tour. I wish you wondefuls moments. I wish you  a great Mika tour and you'll enjoy it a lot. 

    So, see you and have fun, guys, 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mikasister


      Ohhh, I'm so sorry to hear that. It was nice to meet you in Florence. I hope your health improves over time. Take care. Hugs and kisses.  :huglove:

    3. Kumazzz


      Please take care of yourself...:itsok:

    4. Paoletta


      :cloud:Ohhh poor you my friend . take care of yourself hugs and kisses by me :hug: :hug: good luck for every choices . when you're well please tell us a news... bye and good luck

  2. Hi peeps :cheerful_h4h:

    1. crazyaboutmika


      Hi Léna :hug: Good to see you around :wub2:

    2. Léna Machu

      Léna Machu

      I wasn't well ... I have to see a cardiologist huh, I'm only 41! I hope there's nothing wrong because I need to do a lot of sport (my weight is high:103Kg :-( )

    3. crazyaboutmika


      Take care Léna :hug: It might be that you are stressed, stress can give similar symptoms as heart problems , it's best to check to make sure of course, but you should be ok :itsok: Sending you lots of love and positive vibes to you :huglove:

  3. Salut Catherine :-)

    Je viens de recevoir ta carte!! Superbe! Merci ♥ Ca va plus vite pour traverser l'Atlantique que la Belgique hahahaha

  4. Le soleil it is YOU

  5. Thanks for all, my MFC friends and Mika ♥

  6. Oh ben Mumu, qu'est-ce qui se passe? :-/ Je n'ai pas été beaucoup sur le PC, je viens de voir ton message. J'espère qu'il ne se passe rien de trop grave. Je t'envoie plein de gros bisous et de câlins, courage, on se voit vite ;-) Merci pour ton petit mot pour mon BD ♥

  7. Merci beaucoup, Nicole :huglove:

  8. Thank you very much :blush-anim-cl:

  9. Hi Ines, I've received your lovely card today! Thank you.

  10. Hello Miri


    Thank you so much for your Xmas card, it made my day! Thanks a lot for the little yummy surprise inside ♥♥♥

  11. Yeah! Happy it's faster than last year!! Of course more than once, I hope so ;-)

  12. Thank you, HollyD I'm happy to be here with Mika's fans.

  13. Hello Sonja :-)


    Thank you very much for your Xmas card :-) I love it! I hope we'll meet in 2014 in a Mika gig :-)

  14. Hi Nena :-)


    Thank you very much for your Xmas card! I love it and I looooove the "golden wishes" ♥

  15. Merciiiiiiiii pour la carte et l'article ♥♥♥

    Je suis impatiente de te revoir aussi, Mumu!!! Ca diminue.

  16. Coucou Mumu

    Ca va mieux pour le boulot, je dois appeler mon nouveau secrétaire fédéral demain, je stresse un peu (beaucoup) quand même ^^ Wait and see comme on dit! Je te tiens au courant. Amaury va mieux, c'est tiré au clair avec son instit, on espère que ça va continuer!!

    Prends bien soin de toi ♥ Impatiente de passer un weekend ensemble avec nos familles et nos amis.

    Gros bisous

  17. Coucou Muriel :huglove:


    Désolée, on a eu quelques "petits" soucis d'internet... Je viens de voir tes coucous.


    Comment tu vas? J'espère que tu vas bien et que tes petites excentricités cardiaques se sont calmées. Gros :huglove:

  18. Merci Muriel! Contente d'avoir passé ce moment avec toi et vous toutes. Gros bisous et à très bientôt :huglove:

  19. Thank you so much for your birthday wishes :-)

  20. Sorry for a belated answer. I saw your message today. I'm very happy you liked my card. I Love yours a lot!!! I showed it to my Mum and she loved it a lot too. You've got our congratulations for the desing. Thank you very much once again. I posted a photo in the Xmas card thread.

  21. Hello Guylaine XD

    Je viens de recevoir les stickers MFC, MERCIIII ♥

  22. Thank you merci thank you merci thank you merci

  23. OUPS je ne viens jamais sur la page d'accueil ..... je n'avais pas vu vos gentils messages je suis désolée de ne pas avoir répondu avant aujourd'hui (et honteuse)


    OOPS I never come on this home page, I haven't seen your lovely messages before today...I'm so sorry for not having answered before (shame on me)

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