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Everything posted by ilseh1983

  1. bought a ticket, but not sure yet if i'll be able to go Depends on IF i still have a job and IF i do that i can get the day off (and the day after maybe too) don't know yet how to get there and back, maybe by car and then spend the night somewhere close. Anyone got any tips of not too expensive hotels/hostels nearby?
  2. i've signed up a few times already,.... but not sure if it worked
  3. hello and welcome to the MFC hope you'll have a great time here
  4. hello and welcome to the MFC hope you'll have a great time here
  5. hello, welcome to the the MFC hope you'll have a great time here
  6. hello and welcome to the MFC hope you'll have a great time here!
  7. Hello Cecilia, Welcome to the MFC, i hope you'll have a great time here! if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask
  8. hello Elodie, welcome to MFC
  9. Hallo Daniëlle, welkom bij het MFC! ik hoop dat je hier een leuke tijd zal hebben, als je vragen hebt ofzo, laat je't maar weten!
  10. hello and welcome to MFC! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them hope you'll have a great time here on the MFC
  11. and here's the link for my pictures http://s738.photobucket.com/albums/xx23/ilseh1983/Mika%20in%20Brussels%203%20november%202012/ and some of the best ones:
  12. I'm not going to make this a long report, cause there's people that are way better at it then i am The gig yesterday was Amazing!!!! loved it so much :wub2: don't know what to say exactly, lol. We arrived at about 10.30 or something i think. And then the q-ing started. Had a good time talking to people there. Once in the venue i was a bit frustrated at some point cause someone was pushing me to the side and the back. But in the end i got a good view Tried to make some pictures, but i was jumping and singing and having such a great time that i'm only having a very few good ones ( will post a link and some of the good ones later) I loved how everyone seemed to have such a great time!! the balloons were great fun. Don't really know how it looked from the back, but i think it must have been great! Wish it could have gone on forever The waiting for Mika outside afterwards was a bit of a mess. Not a lot of space and everyone was bit packed together. Didn't get to see him properly, sadly. (i do hope one day to have my very own special Mika moment *dreams on* )
  13. yes me too!!! will look nice i think! :teehee:

  14. hey :)


    for tomorrow, think we'll best go to Bruxelles central by train and then it's about 10 minutes walking. Am printing the route now from google maps :)

  15. if that's possible that would be best i think, maybe like Bia said on each side of the card.
  16. hello all the gig in roubaix was great!!! i loved every minute of Mika's performance. I'm not going to write a full report. But i do have some pics to share, maybe you'll like them. here's the link for my pictures http://s738.photobucket.com/albums/xx23/ilseh1983/Mika%20in%20Roubaix%2031%20october%202012/ and here some "preview" pictures edit: i also made two vids, but i'll post those on sunday or next week.
  17. i found those stars at "action" but they were all broken some of the pink ones worked. but the blue ones weren't working at all and some even had the star torn off
  18. i've got an action shop close to where i live, i can go see if they've got them there will try to go tomorrow if i can
  19. aw that was just heartbreaking
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