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Everything posted by Miss.roxy

  1. Does anyone know, did he record it with Ida, or he´s just performing it with her?
  2. Wow. that´s cool. Hope it will work! I´d like to do the same, but in Slovakia it seems to be impossible. They only play those famous songs by Rihanna, Katy and GaGa, but sometimes they play Mika too But I don´t think they would play a song in french. Well, you never know, but there was only one song in french they was playing - Alors on danse. But you know what? I WILL TRY IT ANYWAY!
  3. Oh yes, a lot, thank you! I on´t blur the pencil at all, I almost don´t use an erase I just take pencil, draw. I used to blur skin and so on, but then I learned to draw without it with almost the same effect, so.. But when I´ll have a lot of time, I´ll buy that paper and maybe the quality of that drawing will be a little more similar to yours. (Even if I don´t think so. )
  4. That´s it! I wanted to ask you.. do you use some special paper? because I´m working only with normal classic A4 paper and even more normal pencil. I never had some special tools, yours looks so soft!
  5. Oh wow.. I can feel the masterpiece in the air!
  6. It is it is it is! I LOVE your MIKA Bible! I wish I could write it there too it´s just so sweet!
  7. I just watched the whole show on dailymotion. Yes, his sadness about Amy and those victims from norway was visible, I also noticed he was tired, and I think he was a little bit ill. I heard it on his voice. But despite all of these things his show was emotional and high quality. I cried during Happy Ending, he seemed really touched by things that have happened, he looked like he wanted to cry for a while, in my opinion. That was really touching. It had to be perfect night!
  8. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS?????? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAYNuBipwYk EDIT: And THIS? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDhrWjPqH9g IF NOT, CHECK IT OUT, Elle me dit is becoming famoussssssss
  9. I believe in both and yes ofc I know it´s almost impossible, but who knows? I have nothing to loose. oh sure. just type Lucia Lancosova and it´ll show you some vids. I didn´t mean to bother you all with this it just got out of control, it´s off topic, so I think this is the point where it ends. I´m not changing my mind and you aren´t neither.
  10. Because? Do you have one serious reason? He is human, so am I. I can´t see any serious reason that makes this so unreal It´s just the view of public. Oh my god, he´s famous. He´s rich. He´s popstar. So? It doesn´t make him better or worse from me ..and my heart will be broken when he´s unhappy with someone who doesn´t really love him, not when he finds true love. I will be sad and I´ll probably loose a part of my existence, but his happiness will make me happy enough to survive
  11. .. You know when I was a kid I loved the Idol show in our country.. I was sitting right in front of the TV and I was saying - I will be there once! My mum ws laughing, so my family did. They all judged me as a stupid child. But I really made it. It happened. I didn´t fail. And so all of them just stopped. If I was like this, if I didn´t believe my dreams, I would never do that. So, maybe you´re right and it´s not healthy to live that way, but further you wanna go, further you will get. I think.
  12. I would believe you if you really wanted to make it Anyway. It´s my dream and even if everything around me, including my brain screams at me it´s never gonna happen, my heart just won´t give up. Never ever. so I know I´m maybe stupid childish etc, etc, but you can´t really loose something you didn´t give up on. That´s my opinion. ...and this idea is pretty making me progress. So I don´t wanna be smart. I stay stupid but happy
  13. I know I´m happy they´re good friends, but on that video it´s just.. too romantic And as I´m a person that lives her own dreams I just envy her I´m only a human, I can´t avoid that feeling.
  14. I don´t really know. It just hurts me And I´d like to be on her place so much. ...I can sing too!
  15. Oh that video is beautiful! Anyway I can´t stand that romantic way of their looks. Woah. I´m jealous.
  16. Isn´t it Paloma in the middle? (excuse me if i´m too late and everyone noticed long time ago )
  17. If he´s looking for a singer instead of Ida.. I´M STILL HERE
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