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Everything posted by cathouzouf

  1. Je sais bien que c'est pas pou ca que tu m'écirs, je voulais juste te faire un update :-)


    C'est toujours fou au travail et la météo s'en mêle...


    toi ca va?

  2. Bonsoir


    Ca va. POur le moment, c'ets pas trop froid, il doit faire -20 cette nuit puis on devrais avoir +8 dans 2 jours...


    J'ai vu pour le votorama, j'ai moi-même voté quelques fois.


    J'ai avancé mon histoire, mais pas pu la compléter...

  3. By the way, you help me with my story! You give me some ideas... now I just need time to write...

  4. I'm keeping my finger crossed for you to find a job...


    watched the Grammys last night, was glad to see Bieber bot winning anything!

  5. I think it was an interview this summer at one of the french festival, isn't it?


    I'm OK... tired, too much work... the usual!

  6. merci pour la photo, j'ai besoin d'un peu de motivation ce matin

  7. radio, l'émission de Désautels. J'ai twitté le lien.


    C'était intéressant, mais il a surtout parlé de gaga.

  8. ca passe toujours trop vite, n'est-ce pas?


    t'as entendu l'entrevue avec RedOne hier sur Radio-Canada? (J'ai mis le lien sur twitter)

  9. remember that story I sent you in French, I have the first part in English, you want it?


    if so PM your email please ;-)

  10. oui!!! toi, ca tire à la fin?

  11. sent you Emmanuelle's story in english (first 3 chpaters)

  12. send you a little surprise by email

  13. petit coucou de début de soirée

  14. I would rather stay here and chat but I have work to do... see you around :-)

  15. I doubt my daught will ever go on the world scene but as long as she,s having fun and enjoy what she does, I will carry her skates :-)

  16. you're right, but they have a chance to skate at the Olympics or World Championships... not sure it's worth it though.


    I have heard some parents say that skating was more important than school.

  17. she skates 4 hours each week: 2 hours on tuesday and 2 hours on thursday. But it's nothing compare to those who train intensively. I know of girls her age who skate close to 20 hours a weeks...

  18. Glad I made you laugh... :biggrin2:


    To answer the question about the end, you're the only one who read it, I can always change my mind. But I wanted something strong enough for them to unite...:mf_rosetinted:


    I am in meeting all day and again Arianne has a skating practice tonight:sneaky2:


    Tomorrow I'm off:punk:

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