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Mikasister last won the day on March 22

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39,092 Excellent

About Mikasister

  • Birthday August 26


  • Bio
    Yo siempre a tu lado y tú junto a mí

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  • Location -
    Near Barcelona
  • Interests
    Mika, music, traveling, theater, musicals

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  1. Happy Thursday @girls!!!  




    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ika


      @Mikasister coincido, el que muestre su vida privada al menos para mi, no es relevante. Diferente seria que postee si esta escribiendo algo, si esta haciendo algo en el piano, si planea cantar en algun lado. No, al contrario, hace shows secretos justamente para no agitar las aguas...ppr qué será? 

    3. Loo


      I'm starting to write in English again because it's a questioning of many fans.


      The problem is that Mika writes almost all of her songs herself, so it takes her a lot more than other artists who just learn the lyrics that others write and compose for them.


      He needs time for:
      -Find different inspirations.
      -Compose music.
      -Find suitable composers and lyricists.
      -Find the theme of his album covers and transcribe them.
      -Prepare clothing accessories or objects for tours and interviews.
      -All the other activities that allow him to have the financial means to run the enormous machine that revolves around him.
      -Take a little rest, from time to time, for him or his loved ones.


      Knowing moreover that he wants to manage the whole thing or at least supervise it!


      When we see the time our own lives take, we can understand that it is already doing a lot.


    4. Dominika


      I think I'm quite able to understand both sides. True, that we become more and more impatient to hear something new but I know that good stuff takes time. Although seeing him everywhere else but not making music makes me to have a little bit doubts, sorry...

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