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Everything posted by coolcat

  1. Oh my wizard god, that's so cool! Which is your fave production and starkid? :)

  2. Yes, I am! Are you one?

  3. Hey, thanks for the friend request! ;) Where are you from?

  4. I'm not gonna quote everything so: omg, you guys are freakin' talanted! luvluvluv
  5. Can you believe that a year has passed already! I miss this so much..
  6. Two days ago I went to a record shop in the Old City and saw vinyls! A day at the races, The Game, etc. But they were so expensive! I must have them some day!
  7. So I have not yet said anything about this. I like this the least of the three new songs. Firstly - I don't like Ida's voice in this. Secondly - it's.. well.. a bit boring actually. But I didn't like Elle Me Dit at first too, but now I do. But seriously? BIOTG, BIOTW, Rain, "stormy weather, here we go again", "could we make it better, stormy weather?"
  8. Wow. I have never been a fan of those drawings where people blend shades and stuff but I must say - this is amazing!
  9. I think I'm something betweet Hermione and Luna :naughty:

    And I'm not mean too, actually I'm very um.. kind :blush-anim-cl:, but I have some traits form there, some from Rawenclaw and some form Gryffindor. Not a lot from Hufflepuff :naughty:

    (What the hell is a hufflepuff? - a quote form A Very Potter Musical. Have you seen it?)

  10. I've done some "tests" on the net and I mostly get Rawenclaw and Slytherin (damn xD) but gryffindor is the greatest. :)

  11. I don't remember where and who said it, but I think there will be houses and stuff like that!

    That would be awesome, which would you like to be in?

  12. And again - the same for me! I grew up with Harry, Ron & Hermione, I love them! Now I have to grow up.

    Atleast there's Pottermore.. c:

  13. I say they both are. I would melt in front of Roger, but I would still pick Brian, if I had to. It's a tie. But let's not forget Freddie and Deaky!
  14. Yes, I'm a huge one!

    And I cried too. I was heartbroken. *blush* Mostly because it all ended. It's over!

    And I was like: "What am I going to do now?" :D

  15. I know, I was so surprised!

    Did you find it through Harry Potter?

  16. Happy, happy birthday to our lovely Brian! I knew he was a cancer, but I completely forgot about this!
  17. I haven't visited it lately, but I looove Queen still! It's forever! (watched Queen Top 10 on VH1 today!! omg, omg)

    I have a post potter depression now, i'm focusing on that, lol, but I will be back *blush*

  18. Hey, did you see my post in the song thread? Right after yours :teehee:

  19. Actually this is the first time I hear about him. I must disappoint you, but he's not famous here. :c I just looked him up in a latvian social network draugiem.lv (smth like facebook) and it seem that he is a new musician fresh from a musical school. And he was in Les Miserables some time ago. But he's young, his band might make it.
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