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Everything posted by atreyu

  1. nadie por aqui? esto antes era más activo! dónde se esconden!!?!?
  2. ow! it looks complicated hope you get to sleep soon and feel better as well
  3. omg! haven't heard about that I thought the only crazy people who protested amost every month were us in Venezuela ... in the begining it gave alot of people hope and there were massive protests and the president even left... but only for 2 days:sneaky2: now no one cares and only us students are protesting and is a very delicate topic in my country weather to protest or not some say it's risking your life for nothing and others say is fighting for a better future up until now I havent make up my mind about it, both sides are radical and irrational IMO... I agree with you this kind of protest give no real solution to the problems ..I guess is a way of letting the steam out at least hahaha it looks like this month issue will be interesting
  4. confussed have tons of stuff to do don't know where to start
  5. I don't know... it was Alba...MIkasister who post it, not me I'm just in love with the pic:blush-anim-cl: that shirt is so cool
  6. me alegro que estén bien por alla hey q bueno!! estaré pendiente también:wink2:
  7. yes is awful, all activities have been suspended for the rest of the week and there have been some casualties but thank God it hasn't gone worst, the rain has stopped for now. Some years ago it got really really bad and alot of people died hope that won't happen again ..me, my family and my friends are ok Thanks for worrying hope everyone else is ok ...
  8. I think I'll spend the rest of the night on that thread it's really funny
  9. aw your son sounds like he's been watching too much MIKA but..I say, let him be and don't worry, cloth is just cloth it has nothing to do with his future or any of the sort
  10. no prob yeh! that's what I was trying to say! *hopes alba logs-in soon*
  11. chicas! pensaba que para tener mas activo el twitter podemos citar a otros artistas ..obviamente con noticias relacionadas d MIka....aunq sean viejas asi mas gente nos ve y capaz se nos unen y bueno poner cualquier cosita cualquiero noticia aunq sea vieja ..poner la fecha de la noticia no estria mal poq como se abrio ahora q estamos con CERo noticias d mIKA va a estar medio muerto el twitter EDIT ajajaja die lo mismo dos veces xP
  12. what he's got on his hair? is that gum???? ew >_< never get tired of this one ...is so *sigh*
  13. ahahahaha so true or go and all the vid would be recorded from the floor mika's the crazy monkey see the hat is similar
  14. oh is you! then please explain what crossed you mind when you bought that shirt?
  15. OMG fffffft that's so cute! he looks like a kid ...
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