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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. Ich bin aus Bayern. Und da bin ich im Norden. Bei mir ist es etwas anders, ich bin 2007 sofort Fan geworden, aber musste 3 Jahre auf mein erstes Konzert warten... Und jetzt warte ich geduldig auf das zweite. Bin auch richtig froh, dass ich hierher gefunden hab! Man möchte gar nicht mehr weg. Hat ja auch ne Zeit gedauert bei mir, bis ich zum Fanclub gekommen bin. Ich war die ganzen Jahre nur im deutschen aktiv.
  2. I actually can't believe he sang it!! I love it so much and this version is just AMAZING!
  3. Ich leider auf keinem... Es sei denn, es geschieht ein Wunder... Ja, das hab ich auch mitbekommen!!! Ich liebe Promiseland!!! Ich denke da geht es den meisten so. Deshalb glaub ich, dass er es weiter singt, denn das merkt er ja bestimmt.
  4. No please don't get me wrong I like it! I only prefer the other ones! I mean... If I have to choose for a whole album to listen to I take TOOL last. To choose a favourite album is really hard! There are very special songs on every album! I totally agree with what you said! Btw, I love Stardust so much!
  5. Just off stage. WHAT A SHOW ))! Meanwhile back at home in London https://instagram.com/p/5kyYV7TiBC/ Mel and Amira! So adorable these two cuties!
  6. I just realized your idea was Promiseland... xD lol I'm a bit confused about what it could be now... ^^
  7. You're right in a way. They were very different from the songs he had on the first two albums. But if you didn't like that you will like the new album even more! It's similar to the first ones! The songs are very catchy and so much Mika! I can tell you that I personally like listening to TOOL, and there are some songs I really love, but I prefer the other albums. I don't think you're the only one with that feeling according to what I heard other fans saying when TOOL came out!
  8. Haha that's nice! Now you convinced me, too, that it could be Porcelain! xD I'm so curious to see if it's right!
  9. Same for me... Still I like the pic with the cherry somehow.
  10. Aww sounds much better than my holidays! Hope you have a good time! Yeah!!!! So happy for you!!! If you meet him you could ask him to come! If he came here I could see him...
  11. I've started a new drawing. Will post it soon!
  12. I'm spending my summer with my stupid homework... I just started doing some research for it... It's so annoying... Sadly I can't see Mika! He doesn't come to Germany and I can't afford travelling... I'm very disappointed because of that cos it's too long I saw him live the last time. What about you?
  13. Haha exactly! You got it completely right what is my job. I love relaxing very much. But somehow I manage to have enough motivation for this stupid homeworks all the time. Plus... The grades are important for my finals...
  14. It is!! Yeah I'm doing it now so I can enjoy the time after having finished. And I can take my time that way. Haha I wish it was about movies!!! xD
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