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Everything posted by Anney

  1. Good you feel better:biggrin2: my little sister has such migraine stuff as well and it`s terrible...`

    I feel really good,... actually I`ve got lots of homework to do and maintests to learn for but the weather is so wonderful!!!!so I´m just sitting in the sun !!

    I`m a little bit allergic on sunlight but it`s worth it^^ :biggrin2:

  2. makes me quiet sad to see what unfriendly thing are writen down in some of those spams... if people don`t like Mika or his music they don`t have to stars offending him... reported some spams:biggrin2:
  3. hey^^

    saw your avatar and profile picture and needed so say hi^^

    I`m Anney...and I l.o.v.e. iMMa music:wub2:


    how are you?:biggrin2:

  4. true...

    how was/or is you day??

  5. sounds nice^^

    a friend showed Lollipop to me when it came out , I liked it but forgot it very fast and i didn`t know who mika was at that time... I came acroos grace kelly some time later because it was the soundtrack of the film "love vegas"...

    i moved to another city some month ago and didn`t feel so good...was a bit diffivult time and I came across him again and fell in love:wub2: with the music of course:biggrin2:

    are there many fans in the country you live??

  6. oh... wish you to get better^^

    I`m fine^^

    how did you come across mikas music??

  7. I love beeing with my grandparents^^ ...they are allways so kind and love to spend their money on them ^^

    I `ll do to visit some really old friends in a village where I was born^^


    what`s your current favorite song??

  8. so sleep well :wub2:


    I came across it allready when lollipop came out^^ a friend showed it to me... i heard it ,liked it, and forgot it some time ago... same with grace kelly (it was the soundtrack of the film "love vegas") but i had no idea who he singer was,,...then I moved to another city some month ago and had a difficult time...i discorvered him randomly...and I loved it


    what`s your favorite song?

  9. ...good?

    what is it? sounds not so good :(


    I am actually,..well...allright... being in the mfc is strange lately... feels different,...though there haven`t changed anything...don`t know:huh:

  10. Hello Trix

    havn`t heard much of you lately

    how are you??

  11. hello,

    I`m Anney^^

    how are you?

  12. good day^^

    how are you?

    my name is Anney and I thought I might say hi^^

  13. yup, that sounds interesting...:teehee: ^^

    how did you come across mikas music??

  14. everything is going really slowly in here^^

    i wish da boss would just do anything (the best thing would be music of course:aah: ) ...it would make the life in mfc far more interesting^^


    what`s your job??

  15. true... I´m a bit tired as well though... hate this timeshift thing which was on sunday^^


    school is going surprisingly good though I`m spending so much time in here^^

    how are you doing ....with what your doing?^^

  16. Hello, we havn`t talked for a while^^

    how are you??

  17. thanks for posting^^ was fun reading the "secrets" ^^
  18. yup...we should keep chatting and you`ll be perfectly prepared^^

    I`ve just been in the "what made you love today" - thread...

    just watch the last vid... of poor mika^^



  19. same here^^

    I write an math testpaper tomorrow but don`t have enough willpower^^

    the world seems to be a village :D

    do you write important exams ??

  20. I`m fine thanks^^

    I am supposed to learn but was in the right mood chat and fangirl about

    mika-pics :teehee:


    how is your day?

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