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Everything posted by DutchAnnie

  1. Hi Morgan ... welcome at MFC. Thank you very much for the vid ... I was hoping someone had recorded it.
  2. I forgot to say ... but ... congrats to all the other new World Reps too.
  3. Hi Jessica ... welcome at MFC. Have a great time here.
  4. Congrats to you too. Thanks everyone.
  5. Hallo Nederlandse MIKA fans, welkom bij MikaFanClub . Mijn naam is Annemieke en ik ben de MFC world rep voor Nederland. Mijn taak is om jullie wegwijs te maken op het forum en eventuele vragen te beantwoorden. Wees niet bang om vragen te stellen als je iets niet weet (domme vragen bestaan niet ) klik gewoon op mijn naam aan de linkerkant van de pagina en kies vervolgens voor 'send me a message'. Ik zal mijn best doen om jullie verder te helpen. Voor antwoorden op jullie vragen kunnen jullie ook kijken in de Help sectie, die jullie hier kunnen vinden: http://www.mikafanclub.com/index.php?app=core&module=help. Verder vinden we het altijd leuk om iets meer te weten over nieuwe MFC leden, bijvoorbeeld waarom jullie een fan van MIKA zijn geworden. Als jullie willen, kunnen jullie hier een introductie schrijven: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=3. Klik op 'start new topic' om een nieuw topic te openen en jezelf te introduceren. Dit geeft andere MFC leden tevens de mogelijkheid om jullie welkom te heten. Verder wil ik jullie namens de moderators van dit forum verzoeken om in dit topic aan te geven in welk land je woonachtig bent: http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32455-where-in-the-world-are-you/page-1. Door aan te geven waar je woont is het voor de moderators gemakkelijker om eventuele toekomstige evenementen te organiseren. Tenslotte wil ik je nog wijzen op onze Nederlandse thread, die helaas niet altijd actief is, waarin je kunt chatten met taalgenoten: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24214&highlight=dutch+thread. Rest mij verder jullie een fantastische tijd te wensen op het Forum en wie weet ... misschien komen we elkaar tegen tijdens een optreden van MIKA. Groetjes, Annemieke
  6. It's so nice to hear from you again. I'm sorry to hear you and your family had a difficult time. I hope you enjoy your Mika gig and that you will have a wonderful time in Vienna and Prague too. I'm looking forward to read your report. Have fun.
  7. Thanks for your reports and pics everyone. It sounds like it was a great gig ... I wish I could have been there ... but RL was more important for me this time.
  8. Hoi Danielle :bye: Ik vond het heel gezellig gisterenavond. Bedankt. :hug:

  9. He already looked kinda strange to me when I pushed my camera cover under his nose ... so I didn't dare. Next time I will ... or even better ... you can do it yourself.
  10. Thanks Kath. But luckily I had great company while waiting.
  11. I posted this report in the wrong thread, copied it to the right thread and found out it was you.
  12. That was me ... but didn't we meet the day before at Le Pot au Lait too? I think I'm starting to mix up faces and names.
  13. Here is my report but before I start I want to thank Treasa who was so sweet to give me her tickets because she couldn't make it herself. Thank you Treasa, I had a lovely time, although I did miss you, and all the other Oldlings who couldn't make it to the gig . At Thursday afternoon I arrived in Liège with my bf. We stayed in the MFC hotel (the Ramada Plaza) together with some other MFCers. After walking around in the city, we had dinner and then went to 'Le Pot au Lait', where we met with Sabine, Littlelady, Graciosa, and Smokesignal and her bf. Later on more MFCers joined us and we had a lovely evening together. The next day my bf and I went to visit family because we didn't want to go to the festival early and we had already seen Liège. At 4.00pm we met with Smokesignal again at our hotel and the three of us went to the festival. When we arrived, Alex Hepburn was performing. She was quite good . After her performance we went to get something to eat and I said goodbye to my bf who didn't want to stand close to the stage but preferred a place somewhere further back. Smokesignal and I went back to the stage and managed quite easy to get a place in the second row, close to Patricia4U and ~Wicky~ and her friend Joyce. Together we waited for Mika, while watching Balthazar and IAMX, not my most favourite bands but at least the last one tried to entertain the audience. At 11.00pm Mika came on stage. He started with Comme une soleil, then Relax and then I don't remember the order anymore (Oldlings brain ). As always I loved Underwater and I had to cry a bit. He also performed SITM, one of my favorite live songs, especially when he and Curtis play together at the same piano . The songs followed each other rapidly and full of enthusiasm and although Mika had hardly any communication with the audience, I loved the show. Mika was full of energy and so were we, and before I realized it WAG was already there. He came back for Lollipop and I loved this version so much . I hope someone has recorded it. At 00.30am, the show was over and we went to the exit to wait for Mika. There were quite a lot of us waiting. The band passed us by quite fast and we were hoping Mika would show up fast too … but no … we had to wait until after 3.15am. While waiting I had a lot of fun with SonjaD and someone else I forgot to ask the name of . It's always amazing how much fun you can have about totally nothing . When Mika came I wanted him to sign something but since I didn't have anything else I decided he could sign the cover of my camera. He was quite fast (or maybe I was just too slow ) so I kinda pushed the cover under his nose, he looked at me a little surprised and asked me if he had to sign this. When I said yes, he took it and signed it and then he went to SonjaD who stood next to me. She wanted him to sign her phone cover so she has a very chique ton sur ton blue phone cover now according to Mika . Then Mika left, I said goodbye to everyone and went back to the MFC hotel together with Smokesignal, Sabine, Littlelady and Sonja D and her friend Patricia. I had a lovely time, also thanks to all the MFCers who were there. Maybe I have said this before already, but I think meeting with MFCers is one of the things that make these gigs so special and the more MFCers I get to learn, the more fun I have at these gigs.
  14. Here is my report but before I start I want to thank Treasa who was so sweet to give me her tickets because she couldn't make it herself. Thank you Treasa, I had a lovely time, although I did miss you, and all the other Oldlings who couldn't make it to the gig . At Thursday afternoon I arrived in Liège with my bf. We stayed in the MFC hotel (the Ramada Plaza) together with some other MFCers. After walking around in the city, we had dinner and then went to 'Le Pot au Lait', where we met with Sabine, Littlelady, Graciosa, and Smokesignal and her bf. Later on more MFCers joined us and we had a lovely evening together. The next day my bf and I went to visit family because we didn't want to go to the festival early and we had already seen Liège. At 4.00pm we met with Smokesignal again at our hotel and the three of us went to the festival. When we arrived, Alex Hepburn was performing. She was quite good . After her performance we went to get something to eat and I said goodbye to my bf who didn't want to stand close to the stage but preferred a place somewhere further back. Smokesignal and I went back to the stage and managed quite easy to get a place in the second row, close to Patricia4U and ~Wicky~ and her friend Joyce. Together we waited for Mika, while watching Balthazar and IAMX, not my most favourite bands but at least the last one tried to entertain the audience. At 11.00pm Mika came on stage. He started with Comme une soleil, then Relax and then I don't remember the order anymore (Oldlings brain ). As always I loved Underwater and I had to cry a bit. He also performed SITM, one of my favorite live songs, especially when he and Curtis play together at the same piano . The songs followed each other rapidly and full of enthusiasm and although Mika had hardly any communication with the audience, I loved the show. Mika was full of energy and so were we, and before I realized it WAG was already there. He came back for Lollipop and I loved this version so much . I hope someone has recorded it. At 00.30am, the show was over and we went to the exit to wait for Mika. There were quite a lot of us waiting. The band passed us by quite fast and we were hoping Mika would show up fast too … but no … we had to wait until after 3.15am. While waiting I had a lot of fun with SonjaD and someone else I forgot to ask the name of . It's always amazing how much fun you can have about totally nothing . When Mika came I wanted him to sign something but since I didn't have anything else I decided he could sign the cover of my camera. He was quite fast (or maybe I was just too slow ) so I kinda pushed the cover under his nose, he looked at me a little surprised and asked me if he had to sign this. When I said yes, he took it and signed it and then he went to SonjaD who stood next to me. She wanted him to sign her phone cover so she has a very chique ton sur ton blue phone cover now according to Mika . Then Mika left, I said goodbye to everyone and went back to the MFC hotel together with Smokesignal, Sabine, Littlelady and Sonja D and her friend Patricia. I had a lovely time, also thanks to all the MFCers who were there. Maybe I have said this before already, but I think meeting with MFCers is one of the things that make these gigs so special and the more MFCers I get to learn, the more fun I have at these gigs.
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