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Everything posted by RayaBadran

  1. OH MY GOD I HAVE NEVER SEEN THESE!!!! Wow thank you You made them yourself? *saves in phone anyway*
  2. I won't be even in town at the time he comes, I just came to troll around I guess Edit: If you go, REPORT SO MANY THINGS, I'm relying on you for the news! Edit Edit: And the rest of the conversation with my grandmother about it was hilarious She's funny haha, and to answer you properly, I would have went with my cousins anyway if I really came to Lebanon. I thought I would come earlier and at this time of the year but my parents reserved in September.
  3. Is there any videos for the interview? I can't find any I searched for it.
  4. I told my mom about Karol Sakr and she says she knows her personally ! She've seen her live quite a few times and she said her voice is amazing live. When I made her hear the version of relax, she absolutely loved it! So did I WOW!
  5. #79 on Canadian pop charts on iTunes in overall charts: #223 ... getting slowly higher though...
  6. I say that's the best video up to date by Mika. I mean his acting isn't THAT bad and Ariana works so well with the context, I'm totally totally hooked to it. I absolutely love Tim Burton and I agree with the majority: it is TIM BURTONISH. Love it, Love it, Love it. In my opinion though, the first versio is the best for me but I started to like this one.
  7. Really like the song! Hope it's a single or next album or whatever, just by hearing it like this, it seems so good!
  8. Hey! Welcome here! hope you like it
  9. You wrote it so well dear Ingrid. The 0:40 sec video gave me chills, reminded me my childhood.
  10. CATHERINE! It didn't work out for me, it said it's not available in my current location... Do we live in the same place?
  11. Hey I heard Mika's Love Today at school in a Home Depot ad while watching a documentary in Economy Class. Just wanted to justify how happy I was.
  12. Sort of sad. Really wanted him to do new music, new tour. Now he's going to be trapped in a desk and chair for a whole year. Does he have this very fluent Italian to keep it up for a whole year? Isn't he going to struggle? Writing reviews in Italien? Or is he always going be having someone translating every word? And only Italy? I ask alot of questions, but I'm worried about this thing. I don't imagine him staying seated on a desk and just working and yeah it's weird. I'm scared that he regrets it.
  13. Hey Cath, do u want me to send you my address again, maybe you got it wrong... Or send it to me again!

  14. YAY! Perfect followed everything :)

  15. I promised myself to see them on next tour, so I'm waiting for the next tour
  16. Ouh.. True that... Hmm no I don't think so I spoke to my cousins from Lebanon on IMessage I don't think it goes that way... But you're still in the states so it may be... But at least add me on twitter and tumblr :) the links are in my sigpic I can't find yours xD but my Instagram is spongybubble101 and gimme yours and... Yeah I forgot my username on Whatsapp so gimme yours and uhm... For iMessage I'll send you my phone number if necessary :D

  17. Haha moi pis mon ami on était crampé cette journée la je me souviens... Vraiment haha des cuillères et des savons j'arrive toujours pas a y croire
  18. Hey ils ont repasser Mika à TVA quand il avait fait l'interview cet été avec les histoires des cuillères qu'il vole dans les hôtels, les best of de la saison. Fallait que je le mentionne désolé
  19. Hmmm twitter? Tumblr? INSTAGRAM? E-mail address? imessage? Whatsapp? Any of these? I receive notifications on my phone for these...

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