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Everything posted by smokesignal

  1. Thank you camille! I'm not sure if I get them completely now, but I get a lot more now than before. He's trying to be Barbara again, isn't he? Telling a long story and only near the end saying what it was actually about. And I guess he's getting nervous about turning 30 after all
  2. Thank you Change my voice... Without love like this.... My youth...? That's about all I can understand.. Sort of Putting my hope on French speaking people once again
  3. They're dangerous though... Every time I click one, I end up watching all of them again
  4. I was thinking morre along the lines of letting Eros Ramazotti sing it. I think it would suit him much better. And that way Mika can stick to the kind of heartwarming love songs that suit him best, like LYWID Edit: but I'll shut up and leave this thread for gig reports
  5. My mistake... I think it could work in Italian, but indeed, not English or French.
  6. Can't believe @mikasounds tour bus got a ticket http://t.co/HzOD1QkOKQ 6 april 2013 08:06:02 retweeted by @mikasounds
  7. You what?!? I thought you hated the French songs and thought he shouldn't sing in French? Did I miss something?
  8. True. Doesn't someone here have a more or less direct line to team Mika to tell them they should take a look at what they've uploaded?
  9. Sadly, someone entering that does not surprise me. I don't understand why it got uploaded though. They should know better than to blindly upload all of them...
  10. I feel extremely sorry for his boyfriend, but somehow I have my doubts about how much truth there is to Mika saying he's bad at relationships or finds them difficult. The fact that he realises he has to put some work in makes him quite a bit better than most (men). Which brings me to the next comment, which really only could have come from Christine: Ever thought about creating a 'why all men are evil' thread?
  11. So there you go, Mika, as long as you make sure stuff like this only comes out while you're touring near Christine, she won't bother you I think I'd agree with your comment though
  12. You videos are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing them here!

  13. Those pics are stunning! I hope you don't mind I posted one in the oldlings thread so we'd have some extra conversation tonight
  14. You're right, of course, but if I think of the catholic church I don't only think of their appalling policies, but also of the priest that was a good friend of my parents and traveled from the other side of the (admittedly small) country from the monestary he lived in just to pay them a visit when I was born, even though he was quite old at the time. A person who didn't have a problem with a fellow priest getting married, but did admit to having to get used to being introduced to his second wife after the guy got a divorce (did get used to it though). My mother converted as an adult and was baptized by him, while she was pregnant with me, and not married. And he knew that, but didn't think faith or belief was about those petty things. Considering he was born about a century ago, he was incredibly open-minded. That to me is the church as well, and that is a part I value. I would have a problem funding the Catholic church, because of those policies, but they do not get any resources from me and I doubt they get any from Mika. Although some countries have state funding of churches depending on the number of members, mine doesn't and if I'm not mistaken those financial flows are also quite limited in the UK. So the power they get from that is extremely limited. Edit: and what alie says
  15. smokesignal


    Hi alireine, welcome to the mfc. I never would have imagined that les enfoires would get Mika new fans, but I guess I was wrong And no, you probably won't be able to stop yourself A year ago I would never have imagined going to another country just to see a gig, but guess what... If you feel like it, you might want to drop by in the oldlings thread. It's especially for those of us here that are over 30, although we are so much fun that we have quite a few regular younglings as well
  16. Mika, or me for that matter, is not exactly a strong supporter of the catholic church just for attending mass every once a while. Or even by saying he considers himself a roman catholic and immediately adds the problems he has with that. There is a difference between the institution and the faith they claim to promote. I think he makes the distinction and personally I think it's important to make that distinction. Just like it is ridiculous to hold every muslim responsible for the atrocities of the taliban, you cannot hold every roman catholic (which is in the end someone that believes in that particular idea of a god, not necessarily someone who makes huge donations to the corresponding church) responsible for some idiots in Rome.
  17. But a church is more than a collection of values. I haven't attended mass in over a year, and if I do I don't necessarily agree with the contents (even though most priests here actually don't have that much of a problem with things like abortion or hoosexuality, and even if they do they're not quite so stupid to say so), but it still makes me feel a certain way, which goes beyond rationality. A slightly weird comparison, and not saying a Mika gig is a religious experience, but you've probably been to a Mika gig where he messed up the lyrics or didn't quite hit all the notes right. I've noticed on several occasions with gigs I've been to while looking at vids that it was not as perfect as I remembered. But that didn't matter, and I didn't notice, because the experience is not just the sum of a good voice, well-crafted songs and the contents of the lyrics.
  18. I will believe that he charmed his way into the RMC while his music reading skills were not as good as they should be, but not that they were non-existent as he likes to suggest. No way! And, not to you in particular, but could we please all stop moaning about Mika performing in locations that are not in our own back yard? Let's be happy that he's performing somewhere (yes, even France!). At least he's not hiding from the world with a broken heart or lack of inspiration
  19. He clearly said hotdog, then 'fancy food for a vegetarian' and that it didn't even taste like meat. And the fact that I remember this so clearly without having a link for you is slightly worrying
  20. Not at the time, I think... He mostly went around saying that when he just started promoting TBWKTM, didn't he? I was guessing it must have been around three then. And I don't think I can fit Gertrude in a nuance Edit: or the hotdog... Shall we call those two the difference between dream and reality, and say it's lovely for an artist to have such a rich fantasy life that the two fade into each other on occasion?
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