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Everything posted by Alireine

  1. Thank you for your report Denise, I loved reading it :huglove: I'm glad you had a wonderful time
  2. Welcome to MFC Atlantica!
  3. I'm not really fond of the snippet, let's wait for the whole song
  4. On fait une rencontre entre fans le samedi 20 décembre à partir de 11h30, à l'Irish Pub qui se trouve à 5 minutes du studio de The Voice (pour pouvoir y aller après ), j'espère qu'on sera nombreux à se retrouver pour déjeuner ou boire un verre! N'hésitez pas à venir, même et surtout si c'est la première fois que vous participez à une rencontre entre fans, on sera très heureux de vous accueillir svp inscrivez-vous à l'adresse email ci-dessous:
  5. So, a new party is coming for fans in France! On Saturday the 20th of December we will have lunch (or drink) together at the same Irish pub than last year for Christmas. It was so delicious it's very close from The Voice place so those who will be going to the recording in the evening can do it easily. It will be starting from 11h30 am but feel free to come / leave when you want! Most of us will probably be leaving the place around 3 pm to go to queue for The Voice If you want to join us you are more than welcome, but please register at the email address rencontrefans@gmail.com Hoping to meet you there!
  6. Thanks Eriko, especially for saving the English version before it was deleted! Very interesting article, I was not at all aware of this situation in Italy.
  7. Thanks! Haven't read it yet, but I think that it is a really good idea to have Mika to write about this subject: as he is very popular among young people in Italia, it may let them be more aware of the problem and of the need of using condoms than if it was an "old unknown" person talking about it
  8. Thank you so much Melyssa! :huglove: I so loved the part when he was standing on the chair and getting afraid of getting down And I hope that there will be the same good ambiance for the battles, with even more fans coming! join us people!
  9. Thank you so much Melyssa! :huglove: I so loved the part when he was standing on the chair and getting afraid of getting down And I hope that there will be the same good ambiance for the battles, with even more fans coming! join us people!
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