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Everything posted by charlie20

  1. Thank you very much for the transcript of the interview! Thanks a lot to you too!
  2. It's an interesting and nice interpretation of the video, and their comment was pretty much inevitable (I agree with it).A good article, seems to me.
  3. He plays the hero's role and in the classic films heroes don't always end up in trouble because of the woman (who is there) ?
  4. Yes, I understand you very well.Honestly,I don't know, but certainly the record company must still give its approval.But it's okay, because I don't think Mika will put anything too personal in his videos.It's better in this way, in my opinion. And as I have said before (above) BBB has two videos!
  5. You're right! He is dangerous! Nice! Anyway, BBB has two videos: one is this, more artistic and the other with the words of the song.Good!
  6. Women/girls are very dangerous I think it too But many still have old ideas and think that people still have many prejudices
  7. I agree with you, but I think this is probably one of the compromises with the record company, of which he has previously spoken.The meaning of the song is one, the sense of the video is another.(a "safe" video and the female target on which the record companies are focusing now is happy).So, it's okay for now.
  8. I was re-reading some of his articles on XL a couple of days ago and saw this: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3969017&postcount=531 He says: Domanda: Che fine faranno i pezzi della tua rubrica "Pop Up"? Li riunirai tutti insieme? Mika: Voglio raccoglierli in un libro, ma vorrei riscriverli, come se il volume fosse una mappa del mio corpo…. Vorrei mettere ogni mio articolo finito su "XL", in relazione con una parte del mio corpo e raccontare così la mia storia. E' un'idea stramba a cui sto lavorando.Vedremo se funziona. Translation Question: What will happen to (/what will become of) the articles of your column "Pop Up"?Will you bring them all together? Mika: I want to collect them in a book, but I would like to rewrite them, as if the volume is a map of my body.... I would like to put every my article ended up on "XL", in relation to a part of my body and thus (in this way) tell my own story.It’s some crazy (odd/bizarre) idea I'm working on. We'll see if it works. I don't know about the map of his body , but is it possible that his book (will) be something like that?
  9. And do you remember "Whistle" by Flo Rida? It was a huge hit! No, it's not the sex, it's the gay love + sex (he and his partner) that is a controversial topic.At least it is in my country, unfortunately.It can't be a mainstream or a commercial song. I don't remember right now how many songs are there by a openly gay singer about love and sex between a gay couple.Any of you know, by any chance?I'm curious.
  10. In my opinion, it's not a question of either promotion or not. It's the song's topic that is considered a little "scabrous" (/scandalous).He certainly knew it, but he (courageously) did it anyway.In Italy, they never say what is the meaning of the song and not even report what he has said in the interviews in France, such as, for example, the interview with Le Parisien. We'll see with the video, but I really hope he remains consistent with what he said and who is he.
  11. I found this, if anyone is interested: https://www.facebook.com/leteindienofficiel L'ÉTÉ INDIEN CONCOURS - L'ÉTÉ INDIEN ACCUEILLE MIKA INSCRIVEZ-VOUS ICI : http://bit.ly/ConcoursEteIndien * Concours seulement disponible à partir d'un ordinateur. Courez la chance d'assister au tournage de l'Été Indien (grand variété animé par Michel Drucker & Julie Snyder - Page officielle) le 15 juillet avec comme invité Mika (et plusieurs autres) ! #ÉtéIndien * Ce concours prend fin le lundi 30 juin à midi. Une participation par personne pour la durée du concours. I hope someone can go!
  12. Although I don't agree with everything he says and has said in the past, I respect Dario Fo for his culture and his being a free thinker.This is a very important thing, especially in our society, and I think it’s especially this aspect which affects/interests Mika.This cultural encounter was interesting, but there were some moments when the discourse of Dario Fo was not very clear and, as you all well pointed out, Mika seemed a bit lost because of the language and because sometimes they weren't on the same wavelength.And I totally agree with Marina: "although his Italian has dramatically improved, it's clear, that Mika can't fully express his thoughts and feelings about such a deep and delicate subject in a language, that he doesn't master. Nevertheless he showed his usual intelligent, witty, brilliant, caring, sensitive, deep self" .You see that it's very difficult for him to express himself and say what he wants to say in Italian, and he has all my respect because he puts a lot of effort into it.He made me feel a sense of so much tenderness see him there to listen to "the story of everyday life", but of a "traditional" couple, in grammelot!! I'm sorry, but I don't agree with Dario Fo about the Pope. This Pope is certainly very skilled in communicating, but the words are one thing and facts are another. And, specifically, the church has not changed its policy towards homosexuality and the rights of gay (LGBT) people, in fact the Pope has reiterated/confirmed it very clearly (family, marriage and children), while the famous phrase, although nice, was aimed at gay priests (chaste, then) and the alleged/presumed “gay lobby” in the Vatican.Recently he has also met the President of the French movement Manuf pour tous, giving his support and, it is said his advice, to their “fight".
  13. Yes, I totally agree with you! The interference and the enormous influence of the Church in all aspects of Italian life (and not only Italian) is really too much.And this is just the tip of the iceberg.Perhaps those who live outside of Italy can't see it.Even talk about homosexuality and gay rights in a serious way in Italy is very difficult.We are not in France or Spain, where, even among homophobic and right-wing movements or homophobic remarks and behavior, they can talk widely of gay rights, especially in the media.
  14. "His crazy nights"? Maybe they don't have well understood that he is talking about him and his partner.Or they pretend not to understand?
  15. Mika participera à l’émission « L’été indien » sur France 2 En août, France 2 diffusera l’émission franco-québécoise « l’été indien » présentée par Michel Drucker et Julie Snyder à laquelle participeront, entre autres Mika, Garou, Patrick Bruel, Francis Cabrel… Très apprécié au Québec, Michel Drucker s’est récémment envolé pour la Belle Province afin d’enregistrer les premiers plateaux de L’été indien. Au cours de quatre émissions de 90 minutes, l’animateur et Julie Snyder recevront plusieurs stars françaises et québécoises. Au-delà du talk-show enregistré en extérieur, le programme produit par Productions J et Carson Prod qui sera aussi bien diffusé en août sur France 2 que sur la chaîne canadienne TVA, proposera des images des plus beaux coins du Québec. Passionnés par la culture francophone et la Belle Province, Michel Drucker et Julie Snyder sont ravis de faire connaître les trésors du territoire québécois au reste de la francophonie. Parmi les premiers invités, les deux animateurs accueilleront Céline Dion et Gad Elmaleh. D’ailleurs, l’idée de l’émission vient du mari de la chanteuse, René Angélil, comme l’a raconté Julie Snyder: «René et Michel m’ont appelée de Paris à 3 heures du matin en France pour me présenter le concept et me demander d’y travailler». Autres personnalités à avoir également répondu présent au premier tournage qui a lieu ce mercredi: Patrick Bruel, Francis Cabrel, Mika et Garou. http://www.mikawebsite.com/mika-participera-lemission-lete-indien-france-2/ Source: http://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/programme-tv/article/television/82148/l-ete-indien-mika-patrick-bruel-francis-cabrel-les-premiers-invites-de-michel-drucker-et-julie-snyder.html
  16. You are welcome! And yes, thanks a lot to Amneris for her articles!
  17. I know it's a change of topic, but if anyone is interested there are new photos in black and white of Mika with the kids of the Association "Imagine for Margo" here: https://www.facebook.com/2bmanagement For example: Mika has also done a photo with every kid.Very sweet!
  18. Here is the third and (finally!) last part of this article: http://amnerisdicesare.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/xfactor-8-audizioni-di-bologna-pensieri-e-ricordi-scomposti-e-spettianati/ While we remember by Morgan: "A universality that history gives us" "Ignorance leads to nothing" "Look, Mika, 'pissed (off)' is written like that!" "Singing bipolar disorder, musical schizophrenia " "I got the message, when it comes to being assh*les, everyone/you pass the ball to me!" We remember instead by Fedez (true revelation of this edition/year!) "You reminded me of my summer lemons ... I relived the metallic taste of the first orthodontic appliance that I have kissed" ""According to me you're like for (/I compare you to) the films/movies of Bruce Willis: before the explosion you have no sense" "You sang a song by a great artist Mia Martini destroyed by men" "You are a bit like a cinepanettoni movie, filmed/directed by by Truffaut" ""I thought I was to come to judge but tonight you've taught me" "There are more Americans tonight that in a donut shop" "With a song by Lucio Dalla [very famous songwriter from Bologna], here in Bologna, you brought a love song in the house of Cupid" [lemons = limoni, but he meant limonare = necking or snogging, making out http://www.wordreference.com/enit/necking http://www.wordreference.com/iten/limonare] [cinepanettoni = a sort of B-movie, Cinepanettoni (or cinepanettoni) is an Italian neologism indicating some comic- demential movies of Italian production destined to come out in theaters during the Christmas season] By Victoria Cabello instead we remember: "You too, it is not that you are always intonatissimo" (referring to Morgan) [=you're not always in tune] "Even here in Xfactor have our sister" (referring to the American competitor who has just sung and that, to Mika remembered Sister Act, she was also referring to the nun who has participated as a contestant in The Voice of Italy. ) The second day opens in the spirit of the emotion: in the hall/arena a group of kids in the audience, dressed in blue t-shirts with white writings, exhibits a billboard with "Dyslexic Generation" written on it. Mika turns, shows himself pleasantly surprised, points and says, "I too am dyslexic." At another time, he (will fill) fills the heart(s) of everyone saying, in a very lively debate among the judges about a competitor: << I'm not stupid, I'm just slow! >> thereby giving/donating a smile and a tear of emotion to all dyslexic and dysgraphic of Italy. Another moment of extreme delicacy and poetry, emotion to tears, is always given by Mika, when, during a makeup break, the English judge rushes towards the audience to greet a little girl with a disability, sitting in her wheelchair who for the entire duration of the program had exhibited a billboard "Mika, I'll take you away with me". Mika leaned down to kiss her, has accepted a letter that the girl (a beautiful little girl, with a contagious and cheerful smile, Mika himself would say that "you've got a smile that spaaaaca!") had written to him and a (small) bracelet that Gabriellina (so the girl it's called) had made for him and that he has wore until the end of the recordings. Exciting/moving to tears. I've written it before, but I can't not repeat it. I am happy to have been able to witness live to this thing. This confirms what I have always strongly believed of this international star without a shred of diva-like attitude/behavior in his blood. [spaaaaca!,esso spacca = It rocks! It rules! It kicks ass!] Another anecdote by Mika, always about an international star that he knows very well: Lady Gaga. It's just entered a singer of Lecce, dressed in a very original way - skinny jeans, boots, t-shirt cut on the sides and with a belt at the waist and hood pulled over his face - who says to be inspirated by (/to draw his inspiration from) Assassin's Creed, the famous videogame, but the judges say (his look) it's more just like that of Lady Gaga. They begin to nickname him "Lord Gaga" for that affinity with the eccentric American singer. Mika says that Lady Gaga began her singing and recording career more or less together with him. One day, the label of Mika had contacted the singer, for an audition. They were looking for a singer performing before him, at his concerts. Lady Gaga showed up, dressed in an original way like her custom was, and immediately sat at the piano. From a bag, she pulled out an object that emitted smoke and a small rotating mirrored ball, like that of the 70s' discos. Had set in motion also that and she had begun to sing. At the piano, says Mika, Lady Gaga is unbeatable. And her performance was extremely nice/beautiful. << But that c*** (=ass*ole) didn't choose her! >> Mika then commented, disappointed. P.S.: Lord Gaga has not passed the audition. But the yes of Fedez has started a discussion between him and Morgan, which led to an unexpected break on the schedule of the recordings. Unfortunately, the good things are destined to end and of course the fate puts his hand in it. The undersigned then has found herself having to respond to a family emergency and had to slip away from the Unipol Arena Sunday night around 20:00, during the unexpected break above mentioned to quell a little discussion happened between Fedez and Morgan, and was not able to attend the next stage, where, it was found out that/it was later learned, Mika has performed with some minute of his "Boum Boum Boum", the new single whose release is scheduled for tomorrow, June 11, 2014 (and which below we give you some anticipation) that he sang for just a few seconds, in a off-air, putting it in relation/connection to the song of Irene Grandi, "Bum Bum" a big hit/smash hit (tormentone) song a few summers ago and whose refrain Mika wanted to learn by heart, asking for an explanation of the meaning. The undersigned also has knew that yesterday evening, the third and final day of Bologna, Mika has sung, going up on stage, improvising and pretending to be a shy and awkward competitor, his "Happy Ending". Seems that his voice is silhouetted high into the sky as a time/as or like before and that the audience literally into raptures has almost brought down the sports arena. Unfortunately I was not there. But, as I wrote elsewhere, I live of what is beautiful and of the moments of rare beauty. I feed (myself) of this. And I will make it suffice. A witch's prediction (or as a witch): #XF8 will be the most magical edition of all. And Mika will win.
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