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Everything posted by Marta.

  1. Thank you so much for the videos of The Voice! They are gold for us! :huglove:
  2. Marta.


    Ciao Alice! Benvenuta! :groovy:
  3. I really think that he is not trying to get back the audience he has lost, but that he's trying having a new one. There is a big difference in my opinion.
  4. Oltretutto a Marzo inizieranno le repliche di XF su Cielo, e questo contribuirà non poco a mantenere vivo l'interesse attorno a lui...sono sicura che parecchia gente che non ha Sky e che lo ha visto solo di sfuggita in qualche video, ha voglia di vedere Mika all'opera...bisogna ammettere che l'ha studiata bene, è riuscito a sfruttare al massimo questa sua parentesi(?) televisiva italiana. E mi pare che in Francia stia facendo la stessa cosa.
  5. I think this is a great result. I mean, we're talking about 12 weeks, 3 months ... the interest around Mika does not seem to be a passing feeling...and it seems to become an interest about his music too
  6. Intanto questa settimana il Songbook in Italia è ancora terzo, preceduto solo da Springsteen (e vabbè!) e dalla nuova uscita del disco Scanu (che tra una settimana si eclisserà ). Molto bene direi! E' evidente che la gente che lo ha visto in tv si è interessata a lui e ha voluto conoscere la sua musica.
  7. Thank you for the translation! I hadn't understood very well the part of Mika's granny, it is very funny and sweet! I can understand some french, but when they speak too fast, i lose some parts...thanks!
  8. Ciao Rita! Benvenuta, vedrai che riuscirai ad orientarti presto! Welcome! :mika1:
  9. I really like him in that context. Charming, caring, funny, smart ... a good job
  10. This one http://www.onlinetv55.com/tf1-direct/ starts working.... I hope...
  11. Ma mollare la Universal? Non che la Sony sia il Paradiso, ma forse un pelino piu' di attenzione verso l'artista ce l'ha. Sapete qualcosa del contratto che lega Mika alla Universal? Quanto puo' durare ancora?
  12. " imitation - it's the creation's cancer" these words like me so much...
  13. I think that Daria's words can sum up very well what has happened to many people after seeing Mika in XF. She says: "You can say that I discovered Mika during XF. Before XF, I had followed him as a singer, but I had not realized which kind of person he was." Too much misunderstandings about Mika, I think. Not enough possibilities of knowing him. I think that this is one of the purpose of this kind of participation in popular programs: allowing people to realize which kind of person he is...and what kind of artist he is. After realizing this, to understand all the new music that will come, will be easier.
  14. I translated the little interview to Daria Bignardi (the journalist who interviewed him with Dario Fo) about Mika (the yellow part) in the italian magazine TV Sorrisi e Canzoni The secret of his success "He has the mind of a child", says Daria Bignardi Daria Bignardi wanted just MIKA to present the new edition of The Barbarian Invasions ( episode broadcasted on LA7) The journalist is a real fan of the singer, and this has been seen during the show. She says: " You can say that I discovered Mika during XF. Before XF, I had followed him as a singer, but I had not realized which kind of person he was. " And again: " When I saw him playing the judge, I was struck by his ability to communicate with others, he is an artist who gives himself completely , he is educated and deep, but also joyful and funny. And then I thought: he is the character of this television season . The Italian public loves him because it feels that he is authentic and that he has the soul of an artist. " She also says: " MIKA has struggled to conquer his identity: when he was a boy, he was dyslexic , he had problems at school, he could hardly read and write, he has struggled to be accepted for what he was . People feel that inside the artist, there is a real person, someone who has struggled to conquer what he is . " She concludes: " The kids love him because they have in front of someone like them with the freshness of the child , with the desire to play and to have fun. He is one of the most polite and helpful person I have ever met "
  15. Ciao Giovanna! E' un bel posticino questo per chiacchierare e farsi due risate! Benvenuta! Hi! This a nice place for a chat and a laugh! Welcome!
  16. Welcome Shari! Benvenuta!
  17. No, abbi pazienza...quella pagina la tengo solo per il lavoro e poco altro...e infatti non la uso mai...ne ho un'altra dedicata al cazzeggio libero, eccola qua ;)https://www.facebook.com/verdun.zabo

  18. Ops. Credo di non sapere cosa è un muretto. Si' su FB sono Marta Aga. Ma Fb lo uso poco.

  19. I don't know what would be the best strategy for him. It's too complicated to imagine, there are too many elements that we don't know. Moreover, I don't know which are his aims, now. He could have resized them or simply changed from those he had before. It's possible. In any case, I'd be curious to listen to everything that will come out of his double brain.
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