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zia Giovi

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Everything posted by zia Giovi

  1. Di certo gli piace essere al centro dell'attenzione, ma che sia un po' permaloso non è una novità di oggi. D'altra parte si inquadra tutto nella personalità di un artista Comunque in generale direi che è abbastanza abile a fregarsene e ad andare avanti per la sua strada. Per la serie: ci metterà il tempo che ci vuole, dovessimo bombardarlo con diecimila messaggi al giorno. Anzi, in questo caso forse ci metterebbe di più per farci capire chi è il boss
  2. Nowadays you only need a handful of lame people and in a few minutes a big damage can be done. But lame people are on both sides, I don't question the people here saying that everyone is nice and helpful with them, but I'm hanging around since a while now and I can say that it's not a simple jealousy issue, sometimes nasty attitudes and behaviours are real. This being said, I'm not sure there's a safe method to make it all stop, but enhancing the reputation of MFC by social media campaigns or creating a thread about making friends with other MFCers may be a good starting point
  3. I don't think you are a dictator, but that's how the world goes: if you raise a sensitive subject, most of the times people are tempted to call it quits by any mean so I was preparing myself to the worst case.
  4. MFC is so rich of materials, and there are so many devoted people working every day in order to make them available for the largest possible amount of fans, that I reckon Mika fans should be grateful to have the chance to be a part of it. After all, it’s free and most of the contents are available even for guest visitors. Creating new sections or quick links, updating the colors and so on can improve the forum’s image but I don’t think people will massively start subscribing after these changes. As far as Italian fans are concerned (and considering that Mika’s career is mainly focused here right now, this makes a big difference in terms of new subscriptions), MFC and MFCers have a bad reputation. The common perception is that people are not friendly, sometimes even rude and they cheat when it comes to competitions, ticket giveaways and this kind of stuff. Now, as reported by @Siri and @Ele.Magna but I may add a few episodes myself, sometimes these perceptions have valid bases. So in my opinion we can make the difference if we are fair to each other, if we try be polite even when we are tired, if we don’t turn down people each time something wrong is reported thinking they’re just jealous, but most of all we can try to convince people to come here and change MFC from its interior. Being critical is quite easy, giving a contribution to make the difference is far more difficult. (And now I wait in my corner until I’ll be banned)
  5. Io seguo Roberto Bolle, e noto che tutti i giorni pubblica qualcosa sullo show sulle sue pagine, soprattutto su Instagram e in seconda battuta su Twitter, mi sembra invece che usi Facebook molto meno. Se questa strategia funziona o meno lo sapremo solo il 2 gennaio (io naturalmente gli auguro un successo strepitoso), tuttavia noto che anche nel suo caso la promozione viene più dal protagonista dello spettacolo che dalla Rai. Che tristezza!
  6. The Italian version already existed, but although I like Eugenio Finardi I prefer Mika's version. I was really impressed h
  7. Tutti pronti per stasera? Vi preparate un secchiello di pop corn o la tisana calda? Io tisana e copertina, poi si capisce perché non resisto fino alla fine
  8. The fact with Luciana is that you either love her or loathe her. I can't watch Casa Mika until the end, it's too late for me, so I realized that she was playing Lolita again ('cause it's an old character of hers) at the last recording I attended, the 1st of November. And I thought it was a weird choice, considering that Luciana is now a middle age woman, but then it occured to me that maybe Mika (or better his co-authors, because I'm pretty sure Mika was not aware of Luciana's impersonation of Lolita) is joking about women trying to seduce him badly, while he's trying to turn them down . I may be totally wrong, this is just my interpretation (one of my favourire songs, by chance), but since as I started thinking like this I can appreciate Luciana-Lolita again.
  9. I agree with everything you say, above all about Ilaria Dallatana's leaving and its effects in promoting the show. The audience is not more conservative this year than one year ago, and the competition among TV channels is not new as well. The only news are the show not being a surprise anymore and Ilaria Dallatana's resignation
  10. No, unfortunately the show is not doing well from a quantative point of view. The first episode had a 9% share, the second one a 7%. I can't explain why, the show is lovely and Mika is much more confident this year. I reckon that Tuesday is not the right day for a variety show, and that the episodes are really long and last until late at night (at least it's late if you wake up at 6 a.m. 😂), but I don't think these are the real reasons of such a drop of the audience
  11. Interessante come la pensiamo tutti diversamente. A me Rossy De Palma non ha fatto una gran impressione quest'anno, forse perché avevo un ricordo talmente grandioso dell'anno scorso che non di meglio non si poteva fare. Stranamente, mi è piaciuta Laura Chiatti: non l'avrei mai detto Guanciale non pervenuto anche per me per me è stato il momento migliore di tutta la serata
  12. Lui stesso ha detto che la domenica registra solo dei ritagli, infatti io e le mie amiche eravamo un po' dispiaciute di non averlo mai sentito cantare le SUE canzoni. Il mercoledì è un'altra cosa, anche se l'altro ieri mancavano alcuni ospiti in programma si respirava lo stesso un'altra aria
  13. In bocca al lupo a chi ha mandato l'e-mail per l'8! Io quest'anno sono stata molto fortunata, ho partecipato a tre registrazioni e sono ancora sulla nuvoletta
  14. I had the same impression about Gregory, he strongly reminds me Sendak's charachters. I don't want to duplicate or spoil the subtitling team's work, anyway in a few words Gregory is a childhood friend of Mika who is suffering of depression and Mika tries to help him by staying by his side. It was a very touching speech, anyone who has experienced depression (I mean the clinical one, not just being sad for a while) can identify him/herself in Mika's words. In that moment he was using very simple but direct words, my husband and I were both really moved.
  15. I haven't much spare time ATM, so I can't guarantee I can translate in a couple of days but if you still need volunteers for Stasera Casa Mika subtitles and there's no one else available, I can do a part of the job. In the worst case, you'll wait one day more

    1. Subtitling Team

      Subtitling Team

      Sorry for not answering, we (or rather I, DerMoment1608, mostly managing the Subs Team account) didn't see your post. We get an email if someone writes a personal message but as I have realized now not when someone posts on our profile. We didn't want to ignore you, even if it probably looked like it :shocked:


      So thank you very much for offering :) We have enough helpers for now. But if we should need help for future episodes (if some of us don't have enough time for example), we may would contact you if you are alright with that :)

    2. zia Giovi

      zia Giovi

      Dont' worry, I myself am not sure how to send messages with the new MFC site. I'm a real mess with these tech things :blink:

      if you need help, just write me


  16. Not a refined work, but still better than nothing: here's the translation of Tu Style magazine I’ll make you fly as Jules Verne did Mika takes his show to Rai 2 once again. Offering “A place created from fantasy” And a thousand sparks. Both to his guests and to his audience Speaking to Mika is something like a scuba diving session. You begin with a standard question about what’s new on the second season of his show, made of 4 episodes to be aired on Raid Due starting from Tuesday 31 of October, and you end up talking about Jules Verne, the changes on TV shows in the last fifty years and even about the fragility of national identity in Italy and in the Arabic countries. Because Mika, besides being a talented entertainer and a virtuoso in singing, is also a pop intellectual capable to mix high and low, quotes from classic literature and people’s massive common knowledge and taste. And all of this always adding a touch of humbleness and congeniality that make him someone, in his very own way, unique in show business. “But I’m not a scholar, I’m just curious”, tries to hide himself the Lebanese popstar. “My father is an intellectual, not me, and my brother as well. He’s an architect and has been working on a housing project on Lampedusa island. And here is where you really measure someone’s substance, cause it’s quite easy building for wealthy people, or for the banks. That’s way too easy”, he says. Which surprises are in your show? The core is always the same idea to show my real way of living. This show is kind of my personal musical. The big news this year is, besides Luciana Littizzetto, a magical door switching not only space but time as well. It’s similar to Jules Verne’s novel “Five weeks in a balloon”. In every show I’ll step into the living room of a normal family living in Milan in 1967. A chance to ponder on all the changes over the last 50 years. Everyone’s saying you’ve made a miracle, giving new life to the TV gender of variety, which seemed to be slowly dying But variety can’t die! Galas are variety, the Oscars’ are variety. Variety is Dalida in Canzonissima. Speaking for myself, I grew up with the Brit Awards. I remember that as a kid I wanted to be on that stage. What can be better, for a kid, to dispose of an expression space as the one variety shows offer? There are talent shows, like X Factor I love talent shows, but they don’t cover the whole spectrum. Stasera Casa Mika is not only about the singing performance. It gives my guests a fantasy place, with no borders between genders, between singing and art, or entertainment. I always try to make my guests feel free and at ease. As I’d do in my real house. On the same subject of the power of imagination, or imagination holding the power, you collaborated with the Literature Nobel prize winner in 1997, Dario Fo Yeas, and we also wrote a play together I’m now using in my show. Dario was a special person: an enfant terrible. He was in love with life, and I felt no age gap when I was with him. He had two opposite sides: one stricly intellectual, the other very popular one. He had multiple facets and was very contradictory, as may artists are. Pompous persons are horrified: you are putting side by side George Michael and Dario Fo, the creator of the grammelot and the king of pop music The were both huge in what they did, and there’s no first or second ranking when you are facing real artists You are proud of your curiosity, but you are apparently stable in your love life: you are an item with your partner since over 10 years. Do you plan to have children? Yes, of course, the time will come. But right now I’m still quite concentrated on my ego, and when you have kids you have to make them room. Within a few years, who knows. You were born in Beirut 34 years ago, but you lived in the Uk, in France and in the USA thereafter. Why have chosen Italy in the latest years? ‘cause a slightly mad TV manager asked me to join the X Factor team. I didn’t want to, to be honest, but my partner convinced me to have a try. He said “Do it. What do you think will happen, in the worst case? You’d may end up being kitch. Remember that even David Bowie had a go at movies acting”. He convinced me. Do you like our country? Really a lot. When I’m travelling to southern Italy I feel as if there are two countries. One leaning towards the Mediterranean sea and one towards Mitteleurope. I’ve not understood so far what keeps the two together: they have the Queen in the UK, the President and the myth of capitalism in the US, but what about Italian people? It looks a bit similar to the Arabian countries They do have a worse situation. They built borders which ripped families apart, destroyed whole ethnicities, they forced Bedu tribes to establish. A real hell. For me especially, being someone who feels a bit nomad and country less. Don’t you think that immigration discussions have reached hysteria? No, I don’t think so. Italians show their generosity even in the little thing. On the other side, I find hysteria in England, in the press and in the politicians’ speeches. Can we expect a new album, after the TV show? The new single, It’s my house, will be the theme song of my TV show. Then, at the beginning of 2018, the whole album will be released
  17. Se volete, c'è anche questo thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31240-learning-italian-mfc-now-you-can/?do=findComment&comment=3927907 in questo momento purtroppo non ho molto tempo, ma di sicuro ci sono altre persone che possono rispondervi
  18. Allora, la premessa è che Luciana e Fabio lavorano insieme da molti anni, e si prendono in giro una con l'altro. Uno dei motivi per cui Fabio prende in giro Luciana è che lei è piccina di statura. In italiano la "spalla" non è solo una parte del corpo, ma nel gergo dello spettacolo è l'attore secondario che regge il gioco a quello protagonista e gli permette di dare il meglio e fare bella figura (soprattutto per gli attori comici, ma non solo). Quindi, quando Fabio dice a Luciana che non può essere la "spalla di Mika", le dice non solo che essendo piccola non arriva alla spalla di Mika, ma che non è in grado di reggergli il gioco nello show. Luciana risponde che lei non è la spalla, ma la "spanna", cioè la distanza che c'è tra la punta del pollice e quella del mignolo quando si tiene la mano aperta con le dita distese. Questo naturalmente cambia completamente la proporzione tra l'altezza di Mika e quella di Luciana
  19. Che poi non è solo un fatto logistico: è che grazie a Mika ho intrecciato nuove amicizie, e partecipare alle registrazioni da sola mi farebbe sentire strana, sarebbe un'esperienza incompleta. Sono sentimentale, lo so... 😅
  20. Ti capisco, io sono molto più vicina rispetto a te ma non mi trovo proprio dietro l'angolo, ed essere da sola mi cambierebbe di molto perché visti gli orari dovrei fermarmi a dormire, prendere ferie e organizzare altre cose. Vedremo, dai. Cerchiamo di essere positive 😉
  21. Ciao @Marygrace, benvenuta! Se non ti senti troppo a tuo agio con l'inglese puoi farti viva qui, ma questo forum è anche una buona occasione per imparare la lingua, magari in futuro puoi provare a lanciarti: non tutti sono madrelingua 😉. Speriamo di riuscire tutte a vederci presto 🍀
  22. Ho visto solo Io che amo solo te, e mi è molto piaciuta! Molto dolce e intensa, date le sue ultime scelte interpretative l'ho trovata molto nelle corde di Mika, io che di solito non sono mai soddisfatta delle sue cover! Quando riesco a trovare qualche minuto mi riguardo tutta la performance, però ammetto di partire prevenuta su Canzone Intelligente perchè Cochi e Renato non mi sono mai piaciuti
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