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zia Giovi

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Everything posted by zia Giovi

  1. I have a totally different preception of things. First of all, there have always been teenagers in Mika's audience, but a few years back he was considered in Italy almost a "radical chic" singer. I remember good reviews for all of his albums and his international background being constantly fostered, not to mention that he had a column on "XL" and was a guest at "Parla con me" (the host, Serena Dandini, is considered one of the main radical chic and feminist TV authors in Italy). I'm actually quite happy he said that stupid "we'll sing it naked", and I'm happy he was rude to Fedez the week before. It all gave me the feeling he's still alive and he's not playing a role anymore, since he has no more contestants and has nothing to lose. He's being genuine and spontaneous and I think this attitudine will bring him more audience in the end. I am aware that teenagers are just curious and gossipy, and that maybe they are more interested in Fedez than in Mika, but we've all been teenagers before becoming grown ups so I cannot blame them for something that was started by someone else. I don't know if Mika and Fedez will sing naked, but we are speaking about a TV show being aired at 9 p.m.: if they do something, it will probably be 10 seconds of their perfomance and in disguised costumes (do you remember Katy Perry all dressed in flowers?), they have stage designers, costume designers, makeup artists and everything's need in a TV show. You can be sure it will not turn into a porn thing and will not upset people at home.
  2. A Parigi c'è sempre gente, è che magari volendo stare vicino all'arena avevamo possibilità di scelta più limitate Comunque è un po' uno stress, è vero, ma ormai manca solo il trasporto e poi possiamo tirare un sospiro di sollievo
  3. Nemmeno il matrimonio l'ho organizzato con così tanto anticipo
  4. Well, the concept is similar to "Dancing with tears in my eyes" but I doubt that Fedez knows Ultravox (unfortunately). At least in that case the song was good. Imo the whole thing (the song itself, the idea behind the video clip and the visuals) is cheap, but I'm not surprised because I didn't expect something different from Fedez and the pictures I saw in the past week, the music box on top of the piano just to say, were eloquent. I was curious as I always am when it comes to Mika but I reckon I'm not going to watch this video anymore.
  5. Confermo, i biglietti ci sono In confronto ad altre occasioni, in effetti, è stata una passeggiata di salute Io ho subito puntato sul sito dell'arena perché il link diceva che avrebbe aperto le vendite alle 10, poi invece hanno aperto alle 11 come la FNAC. L'unica difficoltà è stata scegliere i posti, perché venivano assegnati in automatico e quando provavo a fare un refresh di pagina me li dava sempre più distanti dal palco, perciò ad un certo punto mi sono rassegnata. Rosella, porto via anche i binocolini che uso in montagna, non si sa mai
  6. I could not watch it, but I recorded it: thank you, Eriko, for the tips you gave me . My file is quite large and I missed a couple of songs because of a slow connection, but if no other recording is available I can share mine. Better than nothing, at least while we are waiting the DVD
  7. The fact is that when I click the "X" in the corner I see an error message "Error loading player: No playable sources found". I'll try again when I'm home, anyway thanks to you both
  8. I managed to register, but I see a big orange "play" button in the middle of the screen and I'm not able to cancel it . Am I the only one?
  9. I'm not on Twitter, but yesterday I saw a picture on Facebook and I get what you mean. Anyway I think that people who spend their time writing obscene novels or drawing obscene comics or pictures are simply stupid, regardless any possible mistake in Mika's Italian, and I refuse to pay them attention. What they write is what they think and it's all in their narrow minds, it has nothing to do with what Mika says. This being said, as Alyara writes sometimes smiling or laughing when you hear something peculiar is a spontaneous reaction and I dont' think there's something wrong as long as it all ends there. Going on and on for days about these silly things and adding more details is something different, and imo relates to bullying in general and not to Mika specifically. when I saw that picture yesterday I really felt ashamed, but Mika is a smart guy and I'm sure he can tell the ignorant people from the sensitive ones.
  10. I don't think people make fun of Mika because of his mistakes, but because his slips are (unfortunately) always about double meanings.
  11. The ginger lady is the host of “Extra Factor”, her name is Mara Maionchi. She worked as a producer in the past, and was a XF judge for a few editions. Her main feature is that she looks like a granny but her language is less than informal, I’d say smutty, and she is fully aware of it. Just to say, yesterday she pointed at Eleonora as a troglodyte , and a few minutes later they showed a clip where she was saying “How come I cannot swear? It’s almost midnight, those fu..ing kids must be sleeping now, mustn't they?” Of course it all sounds funny, until the target of her jokes is someone else
  12. In realtà questa volta ero abbastanza davanti, ma di lato. Ho visto bene lo stesso, col vantaggio di avere un po' di spazio intorno per muovermi. Non saprei dire com'era la situazione in fondo, un po' perché non mi interessava molto guardare indietro (ma va!!! ), un po' perché alla mia statura è facile trovarsi attorniati da teste. Nelle prime file tutto sommato mi pareva che fossero tranquille, qualche ragazzina che andava avanti e indietro (foto con la signora greca Miriam, acqua, pipì, batterie del cellulare dalla mamma e chi più ne ha più ne metta) ma niente di che. In ogni caso è andata bene, quel conta è il risultato.
  13. Forse sono solo stata fortunata, o forse avevo abbassato le aspettative ed è stato facile restare piacevolmente stupita ????
  14. Tu ti sei stupita dell'irruenza, io ad Assago mi sono stupita della (relativa) calma. In effetti a Cattolica era andata molto peggio e domenica ero pronta non dico a tutto ma quantomeno a dover difendere la posizione (che tristezza...)
  15. Beatrice (Bebe) Vio is an Italian paralympic fencer. She had a severe meningitis when she was 11 and they had to amputate both her legs and her arms, but her disability has not prevented her to make her dream come true and become a fencing (Italian "scherma") champion. Her book is about her life and her sport career. No need to say she's a special girl and a life model Spritz is a drink, a mixture of prosecco (white dry wine), soda water and Campari or Aperol. It's the most typical drink in our area, Veneto, and it's much loved and sometimes abused by young people.
  16. I like Battiato a lot, and I'm really happy to read that he is the Italian singer Mika was mentioning when speaking of a new duet, but his lyrics are quite "mysterious" to say the least. It's not your perception and it has nothing to do with language, I reckon he does in on purpose . On the other side, he is a very educated man and a high class musician and I'm relieved that Mika is going to sing with him (and not with other well known Italian singers which I honestly don't like ).
  17. Ciao Marcella, mi dispiace! Spero non sia successo niente di serio
  18. Se qualcuno è interessato, ho un biglietto (parterre) che mi avanza per il concerto di domenica al Forum di Assago
  19. Grazie cara Marina, ma purtroppo non posso partecipare
  20. Hello, I have one spare ticket for Assago, Sunday 27/09/2015, parterre. Please PM me if you are interested
  21. Thanks for finding this, Marilyn. Being a huge Elton John fan I'm absolutely proud of the comparison between him and our Mika Well, honestly I thought since the beginning that Mika is Elton's heir, but this is another story
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