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Everything posted by Kezza

  1. Yesterday, I wrote some lyrics for a song that's about the late-night walks I used to take when I was much, much younger. Unfortunately, I don't write music, so I'll have to find someone who is willing to help me develop this further... I've got a WIP (work in progress) based on "what if" scenarios surrounding a satchel I used to always keep close at hand. I wanted to be ready if the urge to leave got too strong - not sure I would ever have acted on it, as I first packed it in 1978 and my life has been "interesting" to say the least - but just knowing the power was in my own hands gave me a lot of stuff to think about... Also have a WIP that has been in the works for quite a while, about someone searching for an author of a book he stumbles upon, using the various bits of information within the book to find them. It's not a conventional, published book, so the journey is full of twists and turns, but the ending... well, you'll have to just wait and see! Currently maintain a blog about life among the impoverished of America and have written copious amounts of gay (M/M) erotica over the years that has received fantastic feedback and a once-strong fanbase - and it's not about Harry Potter characters! - so I'm all over the place with my work. Thanks for asking... and thank you to all of you for coming by to say hello! I look forward to the MFC, and not just for the pictures!
  2. Dear - I wanted to say hello from because your music is what keeps me motivated to keep looking for work right now, in a terrible job market. I put it in and it gets me fired up before an interview! The bounce in the music gives me energy, and the contrasting lyrics appeal to my oh so twisted sense of humor... Watched an interview where you mentioned your three sides when you were younger - the student, the boy at home, and the one who snuck out your window at night. I too was a night-time sneak, but I couldn't go to the clubs, like you did so I can kinda-sorta relate. I wandered the streets of my hometown - guess I am lucky to not be among the huh? Have yet to see you in tour, but wanted to thank you for the music and for helping me keep my sanity, when all I want to do is ! All the best, ~K.
  3. No questions here, this is the same setup that Queen Online had once upon a time, so I'm familiar with how it works. Just popping in as a new face around here to say hello!
  4. Will have to do just that. Thank you!
  5. I can tell you where to look on Facebook, if it's allowed... is it?
  6. Laughing... I should admit that I'm also an older fan (as if the avi doesn't say it already!)... with three daughters ranging in age from 14 to almost 28... and a grandson. So relieved not to be the only older fan out here!
  7. Hi, noob alert! Well, noob HERE... been a Mika lover since "Cartoon"... so I'm new to you! I'm an artist of sorts - a jewelry designer/merchant, all original designs - writer, the lady who dances and sings at the bus stop, hockey junkie, and all sorts of crazy stuff. Nearly lifelong Queeniac. Can't say I'm going into my second childhood - I was an adult as a child, am so much younger now than I was then on so many levels. My personal word of the moment is FEARLESS. Oh, and I live in eastern Washington state, so I highly doubt I will find many Mika Maniacs on this side of the pass... but I do get to the Seattle area every so often, so wouldn't mind finding new folks in the region!
  8. Hello, my fellow A-Mika-cans! (OK, OK, no marshmallow pelting - those things hurt if they've been in the cupboards too long!) Silver suggested I start a thread of introduction to y'all, so here goes... Older (but not necessarily wiser) Mika fan, just in the mood to meet others who appreciate Mr. Penniman's talents. Writer, jewelry designer/merchant, human rights advocate, the crazy lady who dances and sings at the bus stop, hockey nut, Queeniac for 75% of my life... feel free to shoot questions my way, if you're so inclined. The worst I will do is tell you where to stick a question! Glad to be here, hope to make new friends and do a little more dancing!
  9. Thank you right kindly, Silver. I'm no stranger to this format; it's just knowing where to go (other than straight to Hades!) in a new group. Will tend to this as soon as possible - in short, once the "Submit Reply" button has been hit on this one!
  10. Been a fan since "Cartoon" but have been on a real Mika jag the last few weeks, so here I am! What to tell y'all? One of the older fans, I'm also one of those crazy people who loves to sing and dance at the bus stop. Can't wait to get old enough to blame that on premature senility - well, I can, but y'know what I mean! I am currently between jobs in the traditional sense, but I am also a writer and jewelry designer, with a background in human rights advocacy. I got into Mika back in the day when I was recovering from surgery some years back - four to six weeks of bed rest makes for a miserable existence when you love to dance! Right now he is keeping me from getting too depressed in a city with a terrible job market; I'd love to relocate but impossible at the moment. Major Queeniac, into all kinds of music except country-western and rap, although I have some exceptions in both genres. I love Asian influences in my life, and my favorite piece of jewelry I didn't make says FEARLESS. It's special to me for reasons I won't go into, but it is a reminder every day that I walk into the world that I am not who they think I am... I am golden...
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