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Everything posted by carafon

  1. Too far , too complicated ...............and way too cold !
  2. It can't be pure coincidence You were due to become a Mika fan one day Btw your Grace Kelly is very cute !
  3. It's a pity ,but I think that you're not the first and only one who got this kind of message. If you wrote on socials that you desperatly want to meet or contact Mika you may be a good target for undelicate people So be carefull ,especially if you're asked for money or personal datas . I don't want to break your dreams , just to protect you from malicious persons. By the way you can signal the fake accounts on every social medias. On twitter click on the 3 points next to the profile picture and go to "signaler "
  4. You're not stupid.... You probably expected too much from us. We are only fans..... just like you.... I understand that it may be disappointing, but unfortunately there's nothing we can do If it would be possible, we'd do it for ourselves, you can believe me 😉
  5. May I ask you the reason(s) why you registered here ? What did you expect ? How do you want to participate at the forum's life ?
  6. They are about to close.... (not a joke )
  7. Myriam you know the French sentance saying "il ne faut pas pousser le bouchon trop loin"????? Maybe you should think of that if you really want people to answer to your questions.....
  8. Now that it seems that most of you solved their outfit problems for the concerts , we maybe should began to prospect for pretty life vests
  9. I think it should still be possible to buy the French edition somewhere ( Amazon France , Fnac ....) There are some other French songs on it that are specific for this edition
  10. There are no waves in Paris so I think it should be Ok I'm also very sensitive , but never felt bad on a river's cruise Btw are we realy going to cruise or just stay attached on a dock ? Just asking for those who are used to be late .......
  11. You want a more crazy theory? In 3 years there will be the Olympics in Paris..... And Mika supported the project a few years ago... 😉
  12. I don't believe that he is in Montreal, but as we don't know where he is, I can't be sure If a quarantine is requested, we just know that it was impossible that he was in the studio yesterday
  13. L'article est en Français et @mellody t'as donné le lien direct juste quelques posts plus haut pour y accéder . Dans ce "topic" il y a d'autres articles en Français ainsi que dans celui intitulé "French press". (le lien est dans le meme post de @mellody) Tu as aussi à chaque fois sur la 1ère page des liens pour accéder aux archives des années précédentes. Rien qu'avec ça tu as de quoi t'occuper jusqu'au retour de MIKA sur le devant de la scène. Si tu veux seulement communiquer en Français tu as aussi des groupes "privés" sur Facebook. Mais ce ne sont pas des sites tenus par Mika lui même, donc tu n'auras pas d' informations plus exclusives qu'ici. ( Demande à @Florineou @Anna Ko Kolkowska je pense qu'elles sauront t'aiguiller ) Tu peux aussi trouver pas mal de vidéos en Français, notamment toutes les saisons de "The Voice" sur "Mika website". Comme le site est entièrement en Français ce sera peut être plus facile pour toi . Mika - MikaWebsite[.Com!] - Le 1er site sur Mika en France Je t'invite à te connecter aujourd'hui sur le live instagram du MFC si tu veux voir en quoi ça consiste Ne t'attend pas à y voir Mika systématiquement , il n'est passé que 3/4 fois en 2 ans pour discuter un peu. Voilà tout ce que je peux te donner comme information pour t'aider.... Mais courage..... ça vaut le coup de chercher 1 peu 😊 Si tu restes ici ,tu as une fonction de traduction qui n'est pas parfaite mais très utile si tu as du mal à comprendre l'Anglais. Demande à 1 modérateur Français de t'expliquer si tu ne trouves pas ( @crazyaboutmikapar exemple) Ps to the mods :Sorry for speaking in French, just did it because Myriam is new... And a bit lost
  14. Regarde dans la rubrique "presse canadienne", je crois me souvenir que c'était 1 article de presse
  15. Good question.... If there is still a quarantine for anybody coming from Europe, we'll be sure that the pics are old pics Anyway, whatever the place he is right now, the most important thing is that he does not forget to come back to Paris for his shows.... 😉
  16. He was announced by the station for a gig at the top of a slope around Easter time ,but I don't remember why ....... Just for pleasure probably
  17. I think that places 25 and 27 are the last 2 ones at the row's side Maybe they only need the central space ....
  18. Unless you definately want to go skiing be carefull till Mika confirm the show He was supposed to be in Verbier a few years ago ........
  19. He said in the interview for "Canal sat programm" that he will be very busy for the next 3 years and that he want and need to write new music ......so let's hope !
  20. Where are you now ? I've got a D4 place on sunday , maybe closed to yours
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