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Everything posted by carafon

  1. Hi! Great idea! I will come , along with a MFCers who lost her id and password
  2. By the way 75 to watch Mika loves Paris (there are about 10 rooms in the whole complex) I'm not in Paris ,this cinema was among the ones very lately added ,there were no ad ,no flyers,no posters and it was impossible to book the place via internet ,(maybe because it's not a CGR cinéma) and impossible to use the normal tickets ,especialy the ones with reduct fares we can have by many ways (aroud 5/6 euros as the Mika show was 13 ) When I went to the cinema to book my place I was the very first one ,even the cashier didn't know about the event .... To make things worse ,Mika never performed in this town ,it's school holidays and believe me ,nobody comes here for holidays.... Once in the room I even feared I wasn't in the good one as there was nothing saying what will be shown in! So I was quite relieved not to be the only one watching the show!! In a town smaller than mine ,I eared there were 25 or something like that ..... but remember we knew we'll be able to watch it on TV for free later...
  3. The captation is very good ,the sound in the cinéma I went to was not very good (too low) ,but it was so nice to remember this special show. We were about 75 ,mainly very young children and some quite old people too (sometimes together ,maybe because it's school holidays) Everybody stayed so quiet,it was very strange to me.... Stardust and Good wife were missing in this "cinéma édition" but as far as the track list is not wrong ,they may be back in the "DVD edition" The big moment for me was Underwater ,even the man next to me (who obviously came only because he was taking care of a group of children )said it was beautifull :wub: :wub: I'm pretty sure everybody here will love the DVD
  4. It was impossible to me to have holiday to go to Montreal and impossible to have ticket for the concert in Como This time I've managed to get both....I'm so delighfull and happy and...........exited For sure one of the best new year's eve of my life to come! And sharing this event with Mikafriends will make it even better!
  5. If Florence already owns the official kick-off , IMO ,it would be fair to choice another country for the big celebration (even if Italian fans community is huge and Italy a wonderfull country to visit)
  6. So we need a pyjama party in Brighton's beach
  7. I love the idea of beginning the célébration in Firenze ,then having some more all around the world,so everybody would have the opportunity to participated ,and closing it with a big one somewhere (Maybe London will be the more symbolic place)in the summer so there'll be possible to stay outside
  8. And one more , (thanks to an unknown women) , with part of the team and supporters in front of the pannel with all the runner's names
  9. It was a very nice day ,sunny weather for the run time and some showers afterwards Lot of emotion and joy at the same time, with everybody involved in this cause Once again many thanks for all your support,whatever it was Some more pictures taken at the arrival (thanks to Isabelle)
  10. Bad luck ,but may be interresting for some German fans living near the French boarder By the way there's also one in Colmar
  11. Don't know where you are from in Germany,but you may be interested by the fact that one place (called Freyming Merlebach) is very closed to Saarbrucken
  12. Vous vous souvenez probablement que Mika est très investi dans les actions d'Imagine for Margo" et vous avez peut etre vu qu'une campagne de sensibilisation est lancée en ce mois de septembre via des panneaux d'affichage et des spots télévisés Un groupe de fans issus d'horizons différents s'est constitué pour participer à la course du 25 septembre qui se tiendra à 10h au domaine de St Cloud Cette course permettra de collecter des fonds pour soutenir la recherche sur les cancers de l'enfant. 1 enfant sur 440 est atteint du cancer avant 15 ans Tous les ans, en France 2500 enfants et adolescents sont diagnostiqués et 500 en meurent. Comme chaque année, tous les fonds collectés serviront à financer un nouveau traitement innovant contre les cancers des enfants. Chaque personne doit atteindre 200 euros pour pouvoir participer à la course ,meme si tous les dons restent acquis à l'association. Voici le lien vers la collecte: http://www.alvarum.com/group/kidsaregolden Tout se fait facilement en quelques clics Votre don est déductible à 66% des impôts. Vous pourrez imprimer votre reçu fiscal immédiatement. Il y a 3 sommes proposées d'emblée avec le calcul du cout réel après déduction fiscale,mais il est possible de choisir une autre somme ,dés 1 euro Un grand merci par avance pour votre aide ! Et un ENORME merci à ceux qui ont déjà participé
  13. Sadly yes it is And the Swatch communication in Paris can't be called the best of the world as some people (not me,I was working anyway.... ) asked several times theway to get an invitation and they were unable to answer....
  14. Thank you Sabine One more important thing is that everyone in the group has to reach 200 euros to be allowed to run (even if all the money goes to "imagine for Margo" So if you want to give something ,please support in priority the ones who did'nt collect 200 euros so far una cosa importante a sapere anche: ogni persona deve raccogliere 200 euros per avere il diritto di correre. dunque se volete dare, per favore dare a quelli che non ha raccolto 200 euros Une autre chose importante :chaque personne doit collecter 200 euros minimum pour pouvoir participer à la course ,meme si tous les dons restent acquis à "Imagine for Margo" Donc si vous souhaitez participer ,s'il vous plait ,choisissez de donner sur une collecte qui n'a pas encore atteint les 200 euros
  15. The session will take place on september 5th but only for Swatch guests and some very lucky and quick people who got extra places
  16. If you are not French and have taxable friends in France you can think of taking advantage of the rule of " tax deduction" by asking one taxable person to pay for you I give some explanation:donations to charities are deductible in 66 % of the amount of the taxes, it is just necessary to think of downloading the receipt on the site and indicating the amount on the tax form (if I remember well it is on the back page) If the person who pays for you gives 10 euros (it is 1 easy example) this person can deduct 6euros60 from taxes. Thus you have to give to him(her) only 4euros40 to reward It allows to give more for the same investment... Pour les étudiants (ou si vous n'etes pas Français)vous pouvez penser à faire marcher la règle de la déduction fiscale en demandant à une personne imposable de payer pour vous Je m'explique :les dons sont déductibles à 66% du montant des impots ,il faut juste penser à télécharger le reçu sur le site et à indiquer le montant sur la feuille d'impot (si je me rappelle bien c'est sur la dernière page) Si la personne qui le fait pour vous met 10 euros (c'est 1 exemple facile ) elle va pouvoir déduire 6.60EUR de ses impots . Donc vous n'avez à lui donner que 4.40EUR pour la rembourser..... Du coup ça permet de donner plus pour le meme investissement... se non siete francese ed avete degli amici imponibili in Francia voi potete pensare a utilisare la regola della deduzione fiscale chiedendo ad una persona imponibile di pagare per voi Mi spiego: i doni sono deducibili al 66% dell'importo delle tasse, bisogna pensare appena a teletrasmettere la ricevuta sul sito ed ad indicare l'importo sul foglio di tassa, Se il nessuno che lo fa per voi mette 10 euros, (è 1 esempio facile), va a potere dedurre 6euros60 delle sue tasse. Dunque non avete a dargli che 4euros40 per rimborsarla..... Del colpo ciò permette di dare più per lo stesso investimento...
  17. You can help by twitting the link of the collect or talking about the association around you
  18. This year the race will take place near Paris on Sunday 25th September and there will be a squad of fans running for the association Here are all the details if you want to support the team and the fundation http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/32689-kids-are-golden-to-support-imagine-for-margo-association/
  19. Some pictures from this special night just 2 days after the attack in Nice Mika just found the right words in these circumstances, and the show was wonderfull with the whole crowd very involved (more than in Bercy in my opinion) here's the link to more pictures https://goo.gl/photos/VYkC5w8CmjJxS3CW9
  20. Some pictures from Carcassonne Link to all of them here https://goo.gl/photos/eCjtzS7cmepGTevd8
  21. some articles from local papers about the concert in Carcassonne
  22. this is my favourite picture ,here is the link if you want to see more https://picasaweb.google.com/103672449460075257226/6303778040792076065?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCNLb7aXyvo_rRg&feat=directlink
  23. Hope you'll be successfull it's only 4 shows and only for a month . and we are used to wait anyway....
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