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france7885 last won the day on September 7 2016

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About france7885

  • Birthday 04/20/1963


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    Corinne France

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  1. DUBLIN 11th April - I have 1 extra seated ticket - Row F
  2. Hi, Have you found tickets ? I have 1 seated & 1 standing extra tickets available.
  3. DUBLIN - 12th April Looking for 1 ticket for Dublin 🤞🏻 Please DM me if you have one extra ticket. Thank you
  4. I'm looking for a ticket for Dublin. I sent you a DM.
  5. Gare St Lazare in Paris “Faisons la guerre au cancer” with Mika & Imagine for Margo 💕
  6. This year again a group of fans under the name of HEARTS TO HOLD, is participating to the fundraising organised by IMAGINE FOR MARGO Association / CHILDREN WITHOUT CANCER. You all remember MIKA supports this cause and this month, the association starts a very big campaign everywhere in France with photos of Mika with the little warrior Janotte Last year the participation of many of you permitted to reach a total amount of over 3.000€ - probably we can do it again this year but we don't have much time left as the action will end with the race taking place in Paris on 24th September ; so if you too, want to support this important cause, please do not wait and join us in the fundraising at this link :http://www.alvarum.com/group/heartstohold IMPORTANT : For your donation, please choose in priority the girls who are under 200€ collected amount in the group as this is the minimum target to reach to be allowed to participate to the race on 24th Sept. THANKS IN ADVANCE TO ALL OF YOU
  7. Very happy for Grazia & Mariagrazia ????
  8. Hi to everyone, The race "Imagine For Margo" took place yesterday so it is time to give you some news on this specific action ; First of all, thank you to all of you who supported the action of our group by participating to our collect and/or coming yesterday to support and/or spreading around you our messages during the action. I think we can be proud of the MIKA fans family as we, "KIDS ARE GOLDEN" collected 3,105 € The race took place in a very very nice park at St Cloud (bordering Paris) with over 4,000 paticipants running or walking in a very pleasant atmosphere. In our group we were 10 participants all with Imagine for Margo tshirt and with our stickers on : Alexandra, Anne-Claire, Ani, Cerise, Charlie, Joelle, Laura, Maggie, Manon and me ; We agreed we would do our own race individually but we'd wait for everyone before the end and to reach together the finish line what we did ; a nice moment During the race we were supported by some other fans who came from far for some of them. A good occasion to meet again. We were also lucky because the rain only arrived after the race After the race there was a speech thanking all the participants and sponsors, volonteers, also special words for the lost children since last year - very touching moment ; Then they announced the total amount collected during this campaign : 1,331,000 € totally dedicated to the research Thanks again to everyone
  9. The Swatch signing session of Paris took place on September 5th - only Swatch Club member who had received an invitation were allowed to attend the event. So of course many fans were sad and upset because only around 60 persons were invited. We were invited to arrive at 7pm for a cocktail party organised in the Swatch store on Champs-Elysées - Then we were asked to queue in the main part of the store to wait for Mika but very short time. He arrived around 8 pm as expected - He seemed to be in very good form, good looking, smiling, happy to be there and to meet everyone. Before to start the signing he walked around the store to salute people. He came to see 4 of us to say hi and to tell us about his previous week he spent on south west coast of France, area called Landes, where he practiced surf for the 1st time. During 4 days if I remember. He apparently enjoyed a lot & was quite proud to tell about it. Then he went at a table to start the signing session. People there were really calm, patient, and lots had presents for Mika. Mika was really nice with everyone and he was taking time especially with those he knows even if the staffs were asking to speed up. He made possible to exchange with him. A photograph was there to make a picture of each person with Mika. I don't know how were the other signing sessions, for my part I had only been at this same place 3 years ago, but this one was very pleasant & quiet and Mika was very kind, smiling, funny, very accessible. It is a pity for other fans that this session was not public and open to everybody because of the security pressure in Paris since last november . For pictures : https://www.facebook.com/france7885/media_set?set=a.620616774787944.1073741949.100005188807866&type=3
  10. Hi everybody You probably all remember that Mika is involved in the association "Imagine for Margo" dedicated to find and collect funds to help the research for the cancer of children. He did a lot for the children and to promote this association. Every year the association organises a running/walking "race" opened to anybody that can collect a minimum of 200€ as donation for the association. This year 4 fans of Mika are already registered for the race that will take place near Paris on Sunday 25th September We have created a group for the race and for the collect named "KIDS ARE GOLDEN" Maybe few other fans will participate. But also more fans will come to Paris to support us the day of the race. The objective is of course to collect as much as possible to help the research. Everyone can support either by sending money to the association (link of our group below) or even just spreading around them or sending msg of support. Every single Euro is important Please do not mind which person of the group you will support as all the money collected will go to the association. In priority please support persons who still have not yet collected 200€ that is the minimum to be able to participate to the race. Mika did a lot for this cause and we, his fans, will do our best to give our contribution as a big family ❤ Thanks to all And thanks to those who already gave their support after our few tweets of last days This is the link to support the group "KIDS ARE GOLDEN" : http://www.alvarum.com/group/kidsaregolden
  11. Don't worry, lots people won't be there AT 5 pm but later
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