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Everything posted by carafon

  1. To make things worse ,just be also aware that both 2nd and 3rd of june are train striking days in France
  2. Rugby is not football ,the crowd is more fair but for sure it's not the type of audience he used to play in front of I'm not absolutely sure but I think that "somusic" has something to do in the sponsorship of the top 14 That's maybe why.....
  3. Je ne connais personne à Orléans ,mais qui sait il y passera peut etre en 2019 ????
  4. It sounds more like "d'heures" but in that case ......🙄..... but in that case don't understand the meaning I'd rather say it's "dire" with a stange accent
  5. So happy for you ! And I hope you've found the life you wanted in France
  6. It was last night in the after show while speaking about Edouard prestation
  7. Salut Laura 

    Juste pour le cas ou tu n'en aurais pas trouvé au Luxembourg ,toute la collection des stylo Pilot est vendue à la librairie "Hisler Even" à Metz (à coté de la cathédrale et du marché couvert)

    Bon weekend 

  8. Il y a aussi possibilité d'écrire un article sur un évènement spécifique , sur une des fetes pour les 10 ans du MFC ,ou pour ceux qui ont des talents d'humoristes/caricaturistes de détourner une publicité ou une affiche de film/livre en parodie
  9. @silver a organisé un sondage pour le choix de tittre du yearbook 2017 Il n'y a rien à gagner ,c'est juste pour le fun...... http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/33359-yearbook-2017/ @yasmine951 j espère que tu recevras ta boite très vite!!!
  10. listen to this interview ,it's around 41 min
  11. I totaly agree with you There 's a french line saying "feeling good in his own skin" and that's exctly what I feel for him I find him "better in his own skin" than 5/6 years ago even if he's very tired sometimes
  12. Waouh she's realy talented and have some good sense of joke
  13. there are 24 trios to compete ,there were 7 contests yesterday ,so there are 17 left (let's say 16.5 as Mennel's one won't be broadcast) So I'd rather say 2 auditions finales and 2 duels
  14. For the ones who are planning to come for the live shows ,just be aware that there'll be some long train strike in France Here is the schdule : https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/sncf/sncf-decouvrez-quelles-sont-les-36-journees-ou-les-cheminots-seront-en-greve_2658804.html#xtor=CS2-765
  15. They won't be cut ,juste Nikos explaining why they are only 2 and why no one will be selected to go further
  16. http://tvmag.lefigaro.fr/programme-tv/the-voice-mennel-totalement-coupee-au-montage-apres-son-abandon_987cb72c-189b-11e8-8f49-e734b611bc3e/?utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter The final decision : Mennel's songs won't be broadcasted ,but the ones of her 2 opponents will be Her duet will be cut as well ,and her opponent is qualified for the live shows
  17. They are too busy with brainstorming how to cope with "Mennel's case" ...... Maybe we'll know more at the end of today's episode....
  18. So I didn't dream... It was quite late so I was unsure that he said nothing and Zazie said he was right
  19. Watching the recordings on TV and being there for 2 of them ,I don't have the feeling that he was sad at all For sure he's not as enthousiastic as he was the first 2 years ,but it's quite normal because it's no more a new adventure I even find him in a better shape and mood than last year when he was obviously very tired (doing "Casa Mika at the same time didn't help)
  20. Dans certaines librairies "Majuscule" ils vendent toute la collection au détail
  21. Don't have lot of time so just a quick idea of what it was about : 1 : an embarrassing moment in his carrer -When at festival the genarators broke down and he finaly decided to sing "a cappella" 2 :places in France he wishes he could sing -Operas in Lyon and Aix en Provence and a special museum with robots (I think it's in Nantes but not sure) 3: the new rules in the voice -seems he's not even sure himself , just describing the process (not very interesting) 4 :what kind of performance made him turning this season -mainly performances full of tenderness ,doesn't matter the music style :could be punk ,rock or Something else
  22. pens designed by Yasmine for Yasmine ............quite logical in a way !! Congratulation
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