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Everything posted by Ma.Kot.

  1. oooooo...thanks for the video!! He is so shy...its so cute!!! All the pohotos are amazing...i cant wait to watch this show
  2. Ou...thanks a lot , funny Mika :naughty: I made a video with funny moments from this episode...i want to share it with you guys its not the best made video, but, if you want, you can watch it (thanks a lot Kumazzz for putting the video on youtube! First i just wanted to do for myself, because i was tired about finding the moments at the long video...and then i realised that you could enjoy it too )
  3. Thank you!! I really wanted to know what they said in this part too i only catch that he said Facebook and then mika said "Bullying online" so i thought it will be something like that, and i was really curious...thank you so much! i love this episode...mika was so cute!! I dont understand italian, but it really doesnt matter, it was fun anyway And, please, can somebody tell me - what mika said when the women with black and white dress (she said i think that she loves mika - Relax and she started dancing ) left...mika started to whisper "Non parliamo..." it sounds like something really funny
  4. L'amour fait ce qu'il veut ♥

  5. I just read his message , i totally agree with Sarina! Especially when he talks about his mum...its so touching! On the other hand, when i read about how he was bullied at school, it makes me so sad and angry! But...his message is brilliant Thank you all guys for collecting and translating these things!! Without you, i would´t find or understand anything! Thank you so much for your hard work
  6. Ahoj!! Taky jsem byla na Coloursech - ted jsem tu objevila tehle treat , - jak jste se bavili před tím - úplně nejvíc se mi asi z nového alba líbí good guys je to srdeční záležitost...protože, než vůbec vyšla ta písnička, viděla jsem tohle , viděli jste to? Když jsem to viděla poprvé, úplně jsem si tu písničku zamilovala! Kdykoliv si tohle video pustím, mám totální husinu - a věděli jste, že refrém je trošku předělaný výrok od Oscara Wilda? Který byl taky vlastně gay...a jelikož je to písnička právě o nich, tak mi to příjde geniální ...a pak z toho nového alba se mi líbí No place in heaven...po ní asi Rio, je hrozně veselá a pak všechny ostatní Jinak - koncert u nás byl neskutečný - už nazačátku všechny odzbrojil tou svou češtinou , aj ty, co ho vůbec neznali , všichni známí, co tam byli a před tím ho neposlouchali mi řekli, že byl úžasný a že byl nejlepší z celý coloursů...tohle bych mohla poslouchat od rána do večera
  7. Thanks for translation! , i just looked at his twitter and i saw his main picture...wow, he is just unbelievable! , most of the people try to forget these things...but he showing it and try to change it to something so good , sometimes i´am shamed of being human...but this is the moment when i´am so deam proud!!
  8. First of all, thank you everyone for videos!!!!!! Well...I´m so excited…i want to share my feelings with you, so i wrote this long review…i´m not good with english, so…i apology for that. I dont now, if you will like it, i gave there a lot of my emotions, but i hope you will. Well…i was sooo excited! I was there one and half hour before the gig! At first, they brought the piano for mika!! That was so amazing…i was totally crazy like „Mikas piano!!!! Its his piano! Look, they brought him a piano!!!“ :D, i know – one big crazy person! J, then they started put together a sight „No place in heaven“…firt i was like „Loook, there is a IN!! Like no place in haeven!“ like i said – crazy!!!!! I took pictures and send it to some people!! The next there was Heaven…and, i must took picture of this also, of course :D, Sudennly i saw the siluet with a hat – only siluet and we go crazy!! Like „Oh my good, do you think its him????? Look!!!“ Than…after almost two hours waiting (i want to be in front of course!!!), at the stage came the man who introduce the artists – than some woman, and finally, the woman screamed „MIKA!!!“ and my heart almost stoppted!!! First i recognise the piano player, and then, MIKAAAAAAAAA!! I couldnt believe i finaly see him!!! My head wasnt able to wise it! He sit to the piano…and then, he started screeming „Good evening ostravo!!!“ and then…the most unbelievable thing for me heapend…he continue in czech language with so great czech pronunciation!! Ahoj, Ostravo - Hi Ostravo! Jsem tu poprvé! - Its my first time here. Trvalo mi devět let dostat se k vám – It took me nine years to get to you!! Je to můj první koncert v České Republice – Its my first concert in Czech Republic Chcete tancovat? Do you wanna dance?? Budete zpívat? Will you sing?? And my favorite part!! – He said it with soo funny intonation!! Pojdme na to!! - Lets go (on it)! I was so fuc.ing amazed!! J i was like „WOW!! Is he fuc.ing kidding me? How he can be so perfect?“ i couldnt believe that he actually remember all these sentences!!! And than he can have so good pronunciation!! First i was like – ok, thats cool…and than, i still thinking – this must be the end – but, he just go one sentence after enother and i was breathless. Hearing him speaking czech – my mother lenguage – that give me such kind and warm feeling, i cant describe it. He is just unbelievable! We take a bet – what song will be first? I thought Good guys or Last party – something from new album, but i fail… , after his perfect „Pojdme na to!“ he start singing Grace Kelly!! It was so amazing! He was – just MIKA! So…totally awesome and incredible… J, than – its starting raining a little bit – and, he went down on his knees and started to pray!!! He was so funny – i hope i give there a video of it later – it was so beautiful. Than, when its starting totaly raining! And…what mika did?? He didnt hide himself…he went oudside on rain and said „Well…its raining, so…we should probably stop!“…and everybody starts to sceaming „NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO“…and we was on the total rain…but we dont care at all, because we was on the MIKAS gig! Than…he stay on the rain and start singing!! Later he did something incredible…he did a slide from wet tilted floor!!! :D it was so, so funny…i´m so sorry that i didnt have it on the video L Then...he sing We are golden! Everybody madly sang WE ARE GOLDEN! WE ARE GOLDEN!“…in the middle of the song…he stoped and look at us…and say the most fantastic thing. He said, that he is so sorry that it took him so long to get to us, and he said thanks - that we make him feel so welcome. The whole concert was unbelievable! Just perfect! Mika used his usual vocabulary – fuc.ing! , and…than he said „Now, i want everybody dance like nobody watching!“ and…really, he started to sing and everybody started to dance!! It was amazing. At the end, he walked away…and everybody started scream „MIKA! MIKA! MIKA!“ and…he came back, of course! I expect Happy ending…but he started doing „pampapapampapapampapapam“ and i knew it will be Love today!! Like every song, it was awesome. And then…comes the biggest and only disappointment…because…well, i miss there songs like boum boum boum, GOOD GUYS! (my favorite song!)…but, i was ok with if he dont sing these songs…but, the one song i was sure he will gonna sing was HAPPY ENDING! So famous and wonderful song…and, he left…for good. I was kind a sad…because, for this song i was waiting for whole gig L. And…when i red the review, the lots of people miss this song, becouse its well known and so beautiful. But…its really only tinny tinny thing! That night was the best night of my life, i mean it! J, the energy from this concert…his crazy dance in rain! I dont get, how he can handle this…i was whole time on the one spot and i was totaly exhausted…he run, dancing and do all the incredible, awesome stuff!! How does he do that? :D Well…for me, it was perfect! Best time in my life…life experience, and i never forget it! I have been waiting for this since i was twelve…now i can die in peace! J On facebook he posted the picture from the show and wrote – „You guys were awesome in every way THANK YOU!“…but i must say – YOU are awesome in every way, and i mean in from the bottom of my heart! You give us the incredible feeling, you make us sing and dance like nobody watching us, its us who must to say – THANK YOU! That night was the best time i ever had!!
  9. I don´t know what to say...it´s perfect. You cant describe it . I´m charmed. Mika is the best artist on the world. In the whole video its just shot on him...nothing else. And, you must to watch whole video! You are not bored...his movement sing with him. Who else can do that??
  10. I like this song , its fresh, beautiful summer song , but...i must confess that when i heard this ...i almost faint, so...for me, talk about you is great song, but, i think there will be even much more powerful songs in the new album, like fore example Good guys
  11. Thank you!! You are so nice , thank you
  12. Thank you very much for your advice :), i really appreciate it

  13. Hallo everyone, i´m 19 years old and i´m from czech republic. My Mika story started long time ago. When i was young (12-13 years old i guess) i loved Mika´s song (especially lollipop and big girl...). Now - few weeks ago, i find out, he will come on festival to my town! I started to listen his old song again, than i watch all his new songs and gigs and i can say, he is the best thing on the earth. I love him, he is funny, cute and everything. He absolutely changed my live. Before that, i hate the world, i felt useless. Now I feel like i´m someone, like it´s important to be here and i love the world. His voice is absolutely amazing and it gives me indescribable feeling. Just, not much people around me see him like me. So...i really hope to find some people here and chat with them about Mika. (i apology for my english, it´s not my mother tongue - i also hope to practise my english here) So, i´m honored to be here, Thanks Ma.Kot.
  14. Hi :), i´m from czech republic, thank you for asking :), you are from uk, right?

  15. Hallo everyone , i´m new, i´m 19 years old. When i was young (12-13 years old i guess) i loved mika´s song (especially lollipop and big girl...). Now i find out, he will come on festival to my town! I started to listen all his song and gigs and i can say, he is the best thing on the earth. I love him, he is funny, cute and everything. But, i can´t talk to anyone about him, nobody see him like me. So...i really hope to find some people here and chat with them about mika , so, if you wont, contact me, i will be very happy (i apology for my english, it´s not my mother tongue - i also hope to practise my english here) So, i´m honored to be here, Thanks Ma.Kot.
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