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Everything posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. Yeah, we had a really good time, although it was such a shame when we heard the news. Fortunately everyone is alright, and that's all that matters. We should definitely arrange to meet up properly at some point, though! Would be so great to finally meet you in person. I've also realised it's been 1 year since I last saw Mika at the Palladium. I may or may not have had a little cry to myself...
  2. Welcome back! I'm finally back from my trip to London. Loved seeing the Mika Fan Club but I'm not gonna lie, the journey there was really tiring. I arrived home yesterday and am still recovering! The experience of being alone in such a massive city was incredibly daunting to me, but I got through it. Saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the Mika Fan Club. Was great to put faces to names. Got chatting to quite a few other members, and everyone was so friendly and welcoming. We also had some Mika cake, which was delicious! In the evening, we went to Planet Hollywood and had a great meal. The music was so loud so we could hardly talk, but we still had a fabulous time. Mika songs were blasting out and the atmosphere was amazing! Unfortunately, the night ended on a sad note as we heard about the attack on London Bridge, but I'm completely fine and I heard that everyone else got home safe too.
  3. I don't tan much either, I usually just go bright pink. Yes, it's very huggable. My main worry about London is getting lost, but I know I will be fine once I meet the MFCers! Hey, I'm doing good. Looking forward to seeing you at the meet-up! How are you? I'm in the UK, so I'll probably also be sleeping when you're on.
  4. Well, I bet you have a lovely tan at least! Sounds like you had a great time. Thanks for the birthday love! The cushion is so nice and very comfortable. Very good for only £10. The picture on it is the one below, with Mika in the green suit. I haven't stopped cuddling it all day! I'm a bit nervous about going to London as I'm going on my own, but hopefully I'll be fine once I've met up with everyone. Really looking forward to it, though.
  5. Nah, you didn't miss much! How was Tenerife? Did you do lots of sunbathing? I'm going to London in a few days for the MFC meetup. It's my birthday today, so it's sort of a belated birthday treat.
  6. It's heartbreaking. I heard she offered to pay for the funerals of the deceased. That's so nice and generous of her, one of the reasons why I admire her so much.
  7. Thank you! It's good. The weather isn't great, so I've been staying inside and getting creative. What about you? Are you still on a high after Mika liked your tweet?
  8. Hi, if anyone's interested, I've started a new book on Wattpad. It's not Mika-related, but it's basically a collection of some pieces of writing I've done. You don't have to read it all but I'd appreciate it if you gave me some feedback. Feel free to vote or comment, and let me know what you think! https://www.wattpad.com/story/109047736-642-writing-prompts
  9. Yeah, exactly! Also, there's an option to walk out if you don't like the movie..
  10. The sound doesn't bother me at the cinema, but I think it's better to sit up the back if it does bother you. What does bother me is when people talk through the whole film, or use their phones. So annoying!
  11. Mika's smile is truly infectious. No matter how sad I am, seeing his smile always lights up my day.
  12. It was so good. I might buy it on DVD when it comes out! Ugh, that would get on my nerves. I went with my friend but we hardly spoke throughout the film, mainly because it was too loud to talk anyway.
  13. Yeah, it was brilliant. The costumes were gorgeous, especially Belle's golden dress! The only sad thing was that there was a girl in front of me who was texting on her phone for the whole movie! It was very distracting. I really don't understand people like that. They came to see a film, so why are they looking at their phone?
  14. Yeah, I would definitely go if he came to the UK! Just got back from the cinema. Beauty and the Beast was amazing!
  15. If only... Maybe, when his book finally comes out, he'll do a book signing tour! You never know.
  16. Hopefully he'll do another tour once his new album comes out...and not just in France and Italy.
  17. Aww that's a shame you can't come. We must meet up properly sometime, though.
  18. That would be very frustrating. I'm hoping for a large book, a few hundred pages, about Mika's lifestory - from his childhood to adolescence to writing all four albums. I'd be interested to read about his experiences with bullying and how he dealt with that. He has a very fascinating life, so I'm sure there are lots of stories he could tell.
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