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Everything posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. I hope his book will be released in English as well. Surely his management should realise that he has loads of English-speaking fans! You said you bought an Italian book - would you say it is worth buying even if you don't speak Italian?
  2. Yeah I'm really looking forward to it. It will be so great to live in a city and meet new people!
  3. I love walking around cities. I've always loved the atmosphere of a city. My town is really small and I have to travel at least 50 miles to get better shops! But I won't be living here for too much longer though - once I start my writing course, I'll have my very own flat in the middle of Glasgow.
  4. Hi everyone. I just saw this book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mika-storia-Italian-Vanessa-Pontet-ebook/dp/B00HSGVIRS/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1501871398&sr=1-1&keywords=mika+la+storia ...And I'd like to know if there are any English books about Mika. I've been searching for a while now but all the books I see are either in Italian or French! Drives me mad that I can't find any in English. I'm sure English fans would love a book about Mika. So if you know of any English Mika books, please let me know! I'd be very grateful. Thanks.
  5. The weather has been quite decent here, although it was rainy and showery today. Hopefully it'll clear up! Enjoy your holidays!
  6. Daytrips are nice, hope you enjoy! I went to see my new college yesterday. It has 10 floors, which is a massive size, but we got a tour so I will be able to find my way when I start. There is a huge canteen area and a library that spans 3 floors! The building is very modern and stylish, and I think I'll enjoy studying there. I can't wait to get started!
  7. Sweet! Are you going anywhere nice or just chilling at home? I'm going into Glasgow tomorrow. There's an Open Day at the college where I'll be studying Creative Writing, so I'm definitely going to that. Plus, in about a month's time, I'll be moving into my rented flat - first time ever living on my own! So there's a lot going on for me at the moment.
  8. *sprinkles confetti* *brings candles for the cake* We need to eat this quickly, before Mika tries to steal it again!
  9. Does anyone know the recording dates yet?
  10. That sounds very nice. I'm not doing too much, mainly just relaxing. However, I'm going to be very busy over the next month or so as I'm preparing to move into my rented flat. Thank you! Let me know if you like it.
  11. How is everyone doing? Any plans for the weekend? I've been working on my new Mika fanfic for Wattpad. Don't know if it's very good but I'd appreciate some feedback. You can find it here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/115255344-our-golden-love-mika-x-reader
  12. Mika has some extremely dedicated fans in the UK, but unfortunately we don't see enough of him here. Recently, he had his own show on Radio 2, where he spoke about artists that have influenced him. It was a really great show and I'm glad he hasn't forgotten about us completely, but it's sad that he rarely ever does gigs here. One a year, if we're lucky. Usually only in London. I would love for him to do a proper UK tour again. I'm a student from Scotland, which makes it difficult for me to travel and see him, so a tour would be much appreciated. I'm happy for Mika's success in France and Italy, but there are fans in lots of different countries who'd love to see him more often. I've started a Twitter hashtag #UKWantsMika. Feel free to do this for your own country!
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