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Everything posted by teenagedreamer98

  1. Love this new cover. Mika's lower voice is gorgeous.
  2. Yeah, it's good to be around family. We went out for a meal together so we've had a good time. I find the message quite hard. It's difficult trying to condense everything I want to say into 100 words. A good challenge though!
  3. That's great! Sounds like you're going to have an exciting week I'm not doing much, but my aunty and uncle are visiting for a few days so that's good. I'll also be working on my message for the yearbook.
  4. This is a very funny prank! Would be great if he actually took part in the show though.
  5. I loved this show. Mika has a gorgeous voice for radio!
  6. This cover is gorgeous. One of his best, in my opinion.
  7. That's great! The weather's been really nice here too (unusual for Scotland lol!) I'm writing about the London gig which I went to last year. Can't believe it's been almost 10 months since! Get well soon!
  8. You could say how much Mika inspires you and include a few facts about him. Or you could talk about MFC and what it means to you.
  9. I just want to see Mika again...

    1. Mikasister


      I think this is what most of us want :blush-anim-cl:

    2. We-Are-Golden
    3. dreams


      We all do :hug:

  10. I haven't seen it but I've seen the trailer and it looks amazing. Emma looks so gorgeous in the yellow gown.
  11. I wasn't sure at first, but I'm getting the hang of it now. I like the new notifications!
  12. Slowly but surely, I'm getting used to the new site. Am much less confused now.
  13. There's a green button on the top right of the screen. Go to the thread you want to follow and click the button. You can see all your followed threads under Activity - My Activity Streams - Content I Follow.
  14. Yes, I like the new notifications. I've followed some more threads now, so it's easier to see new content.
  15. That's true. At the moment, though, I'm almost completely lost! The "My Content" button was one of the most useful things on the site. It's a bit weird without it, but I guess we'll have to get used to that.
  16. Thank you! I may need some time to get used to this though. Is there a page where I can view my liked content as well?
  17. This new layout is confusing me a lot

    1. dcdeb


      What's confusing you? Don't be afraid to ask questions! I hope that I'll be able to help, if I can't maybe someone else can. :thumb_yello:

    2. teenagedreamer98


      It's difficult to find where everything is, and I can't seem to view my liked content.

  18. Finding the new site a bit confusing. Can't seem to find the My Content button and there are fewer emojis...
  19. I'm looking forward to writing it. I've been looking at reports from last year's book to give me some inspiration. Don't be sad, maybe next year you'll have one.
  20. Thanks, I'll try my best My weekend is alright. I'm going to start work on my report for the MFC Yearbook!
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