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Everything posted by Hannekj

  1. hahahah, it looks like he has been stung by an insect or something
  2. Good idea! This might be like the "big chance" for him to get well known in UK again, and then hopefully that will influence other countries in Europe as well Should we plan a specific date, so that everyone tweets at the same time? Maybe then there will be a bigger chance of him noticing it.... As for the hashtag, I don't have any good ideas myself.... maybe something simple, like #mikafactor, or something that also mentioned the UK
  3. As long as I get the title credits Hhaahahha, I picture us walking on this very dedicated line If something comes in the way, we just walk right trough it
  4. Whoa, whoa, whoa Your covers are so amazing, I can't believe it! I first watched Lollipop, and thought like "wow, this is really great", and then BG, and it just go even better! I love how you have made the songs your own and are so creative!
  5. Ah, I just looked at pictures from the venue.... Am I right, is it a seated gig?
  6. Thank you! We have now looked at some nice places in Sperlonga or Santa Marinella We are considering spending 2 night's near the venue so that we won't have trouble getting home after etc. Yes, please
  7. Just read trough the messages- section from the last yearbook. Several moving stories, and it's crazy how much I can relate to how people feel and how Mika has helped us all...

  8. oh, yeah, I probably do!! *zips jacket, packs emergency supply of chocolate and grabs jetpack* Oh, yessss, I'll bring mine! We should write a book about our journey! "The Mikobbit- There and back again (or not back again maybe)"
  9. ah, that's one of my favorite songs by him It would be my dream to hear it live and lady jane too... can't get enough of that song
  10. Hello! I'm considering combining a gig with a small holiday in Italy with a friend. I'm guessing that Rome would be a good option, as I assume that there are good train connections etc (??). Does anyone have any tips for anywhere nice to stay within approximately 1 hour train ride, where there's a nice beach and maybe some cute places to eat etc.? Answer much appreciated!
  11. I would be very excited to see if there were any others than the two of us who voted
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