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Everything posted by Hannekj

  1. haha, yeah, It's kind of a guilty pleasure song talking of this: do you guys have any guilty pleasures? wooohooo! Can't wait to hear from you after!! ow, that sucks PMD hasn't been too bad for me this time. it was for a little while, but not as long as when I saw him last year. I just try to focus on the fact that I'm so happy that I actually got to see him again. What are you going to do when summer vacation is finished? Like still study the same thing, or are you finished? I'm actually really looking forward to start school again XD Loads of exciting things happening this fall I'm going away for like 10 days now! First going to visit my sister in Oslo, and then going up to the north of norway with my parents and brother to visit my grandmother It's really relaxing to be there, and just the most beautiful nature in the world don't know how much internet I'm going to have tho!
  2. Interesting thread! I think that since Mika is gay, and since this has caused him some trouble earlier in life and also shaped him as a person, LGBT topic will occur in his lyrics even if the song isn't really about that. I love how one can interpret his lyrics in many different ways, but just about BIOTG: he gave an explanation on it here: Your interpretation of rain is also interesting. Mika said that the lyrics basically were a brake-up-letter that he once wrote. I've always wondered if that was a same sex relationship. I think origin of love also belongs on the list He always talks bout how that song talks about being proud of whoever you fall in love with
  3. Ah yes! That's a nice way to describe it It got me thinking about Ollivander in Happy Potter. Already in the first book/movie he seems very wise and all that, but there is still something creepy about him
  4. I don't feel that you are attention seeking at all. Don't let people get you down, you are allowed to dream about whatever you want. God, it makes me so angry that people can't just be nice to each other. As if there wasn't enough terrible things happening in the world...
  5. Congrats! This is absolutely aaaammmaaazzing!! What kind of school is it?? I breaks my heart to read that you are feeling this way... But remember, no matter how cliché it sounds: it gets better. Seriously. In my opinion, life is at it's messiest when your like 12-15 years old. Eventually people grow up, and you are more free to surround yourself with the people that makes you feel good, and do things that make you happy. In the meantime: try not to blame yourself for bad things that happen. You are golden no matter what ( ) And of course, you can talk to us whenever *hugs*
  6. hmmm, to me this song has been about mean things that people say, that brings you down.... That if people say that you should be different it follows you around and "sits on your shoulder" and "comes here almost every day". But his explanation is certainly interesting. Is it just me or does it sound like he's trying to get rid of this "imaginary friend" in the lyrics?
  7. hahaha, both the captions and the song is amazing It would be fun if this thread came back to life
  8. Yeah, I've heard it before I just never knew that it was in connection to one of the songs, and not just the whole album
  9. I have always wondered about this too! I agree... any other world is a whole new song now..
  10. Not in Norway either :/ I just hope that for his next tour (whenever that will be) he will visit more countries in Europe (and other places) than just France and Italy
  11. Yes! We arrived at 11, but there were already quite a few people there There were also many who waited for him, but some left. We were just about to leave after waiting for an hour, because we were super tired, but then suddenly everyone started screaming and we ran back XD
  12. Hannekj


    Je pense que beaucoup de personnes dans ce forum ne parle pas parfaitement anglais, mais c'est pas de problème Je ne suis pas français, mais je comprends beaucoup
  13. Hannekj


    Bienvenu Michel! J'espére que vous voulez aimer le forum!
  14. I've been there twice before, but that's some years ago And this was my first time traveling with just a friend, which was a lot of fun I got to the middle of the third row hadn't expected to get such a great spot at all And we waited for him after, but he just came out very briefly... Still, I just wanted to see his face up close again, so I'm happy
  15. Thanks! haha, the last one was probably the only one I took while not jumping XD Thanks! I hope you will too :*
  16. Hello everyone! GEUESS WHO'S BAKC?! I can finally die happy now. For those of you I haven't talked to already: gig was amazing. aaaaammmaaazzing. I just realized that he only any 17 songs?? but it lasted for 2 hours??? what Anyway, I had an amazing week in Italy Lay on the beach, saw some beautiful places, took loads of beautiful photos and ate ice cream everyday but it's good to be back! hahahha, I yeas you are definitely a huffelpuf I'm a griffyndor! And I'm usually so busy that I live on nothing but the adrenalin i get from Mika wooooho! Congrats!! Look forward to it! It's sooooo beautiful in real life YAAAAAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, I luged out loud
  17. I’m finally back in Norway and have had a good nights sleep at last! Here comes my report Me and my friend arrived in Pistoia and got into the queue at 11 o’clock and got our numbers. There were already quite a few people there and the number system worked out fine, until later, when more people arrived. Not everyone respected the system L So to tell the truth, the whole queuing was super messy and I thought the air was going to be squeezed out of my lungs when the fences were put up to form a proper queue. Still, we got to the middle of the third row when we finally were let in, and I am very happy with that! First of all, I just have to mention Xylaroo, who warmed up before Mika. Two young girls with some of the most amazing voices I have ever heard. The crowd could hardly contain itself, and applauded in the middle of songs. Finally, the show started. The setlist was not a very surprising one, but still I think it was great. Mika seemed to be in a good mood and seemed very happy when the whole crowd sang really loudly along to for example Good Guys. I very much enjoyed when the whole band suddenly started to move their hips at the same time during Talk About You, while holding toy-instruments from the audience I am also very very happy that he played Beautiful Disaster! A song that I appreciated so much more live <3 It just has some kind of fierceness to it and I think we all died from seeing his little “butterfly move” Underwater was absolutely amazing, especially since Mika was so happy to see that even the people in the house (hotel?) beside the venue had put on the flashlight on their phones Some other things to mention: his dog came on stage (not sure which one) and Mika spoke about a lot of stuff which everyone laughed at, but that I didn’t understand a word of And he also ripped his pants, which was great because then he had to change into his white-red-lips-suit which looked stunning together with the red and white Bercy-flag After the gig we waited for him for quite a while. The meeting was very brief, because he just stood behind a fence, and everyone were screaming… Still I could not be happier, because it was a wonderful evening that passed away way to quickly. Mika just continues to amaze me, and I definitely hope this wasn't the last time I saw him aaaand, here's some bad quality pictures from my phone and a video on my instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BHhkoykgDP6/?taken-by=hanne_kj
  18. An absolutely wonderful gig! I couldn't be more happy I will write a report once I get back home to Norway
  19. aahhh, yes! That would be aaaamaaazing
  20. wooop wooop. still excited! My dad found something on his work that I could do computer stuff the gig is coming at me to quickly! I'm not prepared! them hips omg! excited for uuu!! To the pistoia blues ooo nice! Like, has she been a fan for a long time??
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