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Everything posted by lormare73

  1. Sadly figures aren't good: 1.800.000 viewers (9% of share) against more than 3.000.000 (14% of share) last year. Champion's league match, a very followed fiction on Rai 1 and Halloween didn't help. Press comments are quite positive about him and the show, but some journalists don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all and keep saying that she isn't suitable for the show. We will see how next episode goes, but I'm not very optimistic because there will be the last episode of the fiction on Rai 1 and also because there are some people that, despite liking Mika, don't want to see the show only because they don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all. It seems that Luciana's presence is doing more harm than good to the show.
  2. No, le cantanti che avete nominato interverranno nella trasmissione radio non in quella televisiva.
  3. Per episode. She said that it's the most expensive program of Rai 2.
  4. She said less than 900.000 euros for episode. But it could be 880.000
  5. Ha cantato solo con gli ospiti, ma di suo niente.
  6. I think it's only for the press. Last year the press conference was in another location and it was just for the press. This year it will take place at the recording studios but I think it will be only for the press too, as Rai says that Mika will open his magic house' s doors to the journalists for a preview of his show's surprises and atmosphere.
  7. Io non ascolto molto la radio ma ho letto un po' sui social che oggi l'hanno passata diverse volte in diverse radio.
  8. Io ho già dato stamattina. Ho fatto sentire la canzone alla famiglia: mentre loro si lavavano i denti io ballavo e cantavo col telefono in mano. Dopo lo sguardo schifato di mia figlia, ho aspettato che andassero a scuola per ascoltarmela di nuovo. E lì ho potuto scatenarmi in pace.
  9. It's not official yet but this pic speaks 99% official.
  10. Thanks but it's you who are amazing with your fantastic research work! I've read on Twitter that the girl who answered you seems quite sure about his presence in the show. Wait and see then!
  11. The only clue we have, besides the tabloids articles, is this pic of 15 september. It was taken at Milan airport but there is a hashtag that says turkish airlines. Maybe he was just landed form Istanbul.
  12. No it can't be the set because the article on the tabloid is from 23 or 24 September and it says that they filmed in Turkey last week, whereas Mika's post is from 2 days ago. I also think it may be true because they speak about a fact already happened and I agree with you: why mention Mika in Uk if it's not true? I think that if it's true Mika FB will announce it some days before, otherwise we will se on 22 or 23 october.
  13. I don't think so. The news appeared on a not reliable tabloid. But they wrote that Mika went to Istanbul ten days ago to help Louis Walsh, therefore, if it has already happened, it may be true. Let's wait and see.
  14. Luciana is a comedian, so I think she will replace Virginia.
  15. Thanks to some girls on Twitter maybe we have the first verse: It's my house! It might be big it might be small Ain't no paintings on the wall And the bed might not be long enough. The second verse looks more difficult to understand.
  16. On Rai 2 Twitter they have just posted it in good quality but I don't know how to post it here.
  17. The only words that I thought to have understood were "strong enough" at the very end, but I really don't understand if it's English, French or a mix Listening to it again, it seems French but I hear a bit of English too. I'm a bit confused but I really love the rhythm
  18. It seems it was the celebration of the first meeting of Karen and her husband thirty years ago.
  19. The person who posted others pics of the dinner on Instagram said that it was the celebration of "half time" of Karen Mok and his husband. What does it mean? It's a sort of wedding anniversary?
  20. Io non sono tanto sicura che lui abbia realmente detto che scriverà canzoni in italiano. Il mio dubbio nasce dal fatto che questo articolo, pur uscendo adesso, penso si riferisca a febbraio visto che tutto o quasi quello che c'è scritto Mika lo aveva detto alla conferenza stampa di Sanremo e in quell'occasione aveva sì detto che avrebbe scritto nuove canzoni per lo show ma non aveva assolutamente specificato in italiano. Poi non so se magari, sempre a Sanremo, gli hanno fatto un'intervista in cui lui ha aggiunto questa cosa dell'italiano. Comunque, se così fosse, dovrà trovarsi un paroliere italiano così come si fa aiutare da Doriand per il francese. Secondo me, ci potrà essere qualche strofa in italiano o al massimo una canzone intera, ma il "MOLTE delle quali in italiano" mi lascia un po' perplessa. Comunque, non manca molto, quindi tra meno di 2 mesi sapremo tutto.
  21. Non è la prima volta che si "automipiace". Mia figlia qualche volta aggiunge gli hashtag sui miei post su Instagram e mette sempre il mi piace dal mio telefono sul mio stesso post, che io puntualmente tolgo. E lei mi dice sempre: "ma dai mamma, mettiti il mi piace, lo fa sempre anche Mika" (più su Twitter che su Instagram a dire il vero)
  22. Thank you very much for this video. I noticed that, when he makes an error at the piano, he always uses his favourite word
  23. Probably who took the picture is the same person who directed the video...
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