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Everything posted by lormare73

  1. This is the english translation of the article. I hope you are able to read it.
  2. It looks quite clear to me that they used a video from last year's audictions
  3. There were already 6 men trying to open the door. Apparently he thought that a seventh one wasn't so helpful
  4. I think he's just posing for the pic. I don't think he sleeps in trousers and shirt, neither for a nap.
  5. I think he was on his way to the airport. Do you think he was traveling by car?
  6. But this concert wasn't at the stadium where the rugby match took play, but in a big space under the eiffel tower where people could watch the match on a big screen.
  7. Could it be that last year it was the first time they made a show after the match?
  8. Some people have already started to tweet him saying they are disappointed because he didn't defend her. Whatever he'll do there will be some people screaming at him.
  9. I think this is one of the most beautiful picture of him I've aver seen.
  10. Wow! He's really amazing! The David Garrett of the piano.
  11. Se non ricordo male, non l'avevano fatto ai primi di gennaio? Quindi quasi un mese dopo se l'ultima puntata era il 6 dicembre.
  12. A proposito del bacio, io penso che un po' di imbarazzo ci sarà anche stato, ma la maggior parte, secondo me, era preparata. In fondo lo sketch si basava proprio su quello: la scioltezza dell'attrice contrapposta all'imbarazzo del conduttore. Vi ricordate il bacio con la cabello? Sicuramente quello era più improvvisato e non mi sembrava che in quell'occasione Mika fosse particolarmente impacciato, anzi... Le mani sapeva bene dove metterle.... (scusate ma quelle mani sul viso me le sogno ancora adesso...)
  13. But the woman who threw onions was the spanish actress Rossy De Palma and she was guest for one night. The comedian was Paula Gilberto Do Mar.
  14. She's a comedian who is very famous in Italy because she participates in many television shows. She is very straightforward, sometimes she's a bit vulgar and often she speaks of politics. In Casa Mika, however, she didn't look excessive and I found her quite funny.
  15. Sadly figures aren't good: 1.800.000 viewers (9% of share) against more than 3.000.000 (14% of share) last year. Champion's league match, a very followed fiction on Rai 1 and Halloween didn't help. Press comments are quite positive about him and the show, but some journalists don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all and keep saying that she isn't suitable for the show. We will see how next episode goes, but I'm not very optimistic because there will be the last episode of the fiction on Rai 1 and also because there are some people that, despite liking Mika, don't want to see the show only because they don't like Luciana Littizzetto at all. It seems that Luciana's presence is doing more harm than good to the show.
  16. No, le cantanti che avete nominato interverranno nella trasmissione radio non in quella televisiva.
  17. Per episode. She said that it's the most expensive program of Rai 2.
  18. She said less than 900.000 euros for episode. But it could be 880.000
  19. Ha cantato solo con gli ospiti, ma di suo niente.
  20. I think it's only for the press. Last year the press conference was in another location and it was just for the press. This year it will take place at the recording studios but I think it will be only for the press too, as Rai says that Mika will open his magic house' s doors to the journalists for a preview of his show's surprises and atmosphere.
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