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About victimofthetimes

  • Birthday 02/16/1996


  • Bio
    Billy Brown's sister

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  • Occupation
    Student of History of Art
  • Interests
    photography, cinematography, art, piano, travelling, music, clean eating;

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  1. Wszystkiego NajMikowszego!!! :yay::happybday:


  2. Hello! Im from Poland too Nice to meet you and have fun there!
  3. Im looking for one ticket for Florence (30th or 31th) for my friend
  4. I will be in Florence the day before gig so I will attend the meeting with pleasure! See you there!
  5. I bought my tickets after 3hours of waiting. Im shocked...wow. See you there!
  6. In my opinion dvd version will be available for sure. I don't think they recorded the whole show just to show this once in a few cinemas. I hope you know what i mean And i hope they know that everyone must see this incredible show!
  7. can't wait, can't wait to see this, so emotional for me. That's all i want to say
  8. Finally I came back from Milan and can write sth! So so that was my first gig in Italy and i was excited so much! First time in Italy, Mika's gig with someone from my city for the first time and it was super cool! So first of all i want to say that im totally in love with Como. Such a beautiful city. I arrived to Villa Erba at 8am. I was no 79. I was in shock but later i reminded myself that I'm in Italy haha . Queuing was soo exhausting especially in the second half of the day. But we had to battle with sun! We also did some sightseeing in Cernobbio. Such a nice city! Im sorry i've already fell in love with Italy. So i was standing in the second row in the middle. Perfect view because i'm tall haha And the location...Villa Erba is just..wow, im speechless. And the gig was also amazing. So much fun and the opening...step with me was perfect. After all i still had in my head Joe's part( 3 steps,3 steps), I love her so much! And blame it on the girls...I was surprised! But for me the most important songa are Underwater and Happy Ending. And... Underwater without mic....it was magical....his voice was so smooth.I was astonished. About Happy Ending, long part with "A little bit of love", i was over the moon cause it's my fav part of this song. And after the gig...Me and my friend won m&g so i didn't know what to do with myself because of my happiness! It was really special. Villa Erba inside is stunning and Mika talking about his new Tv show too...He was talking in English and i'm very thankful(im sure not just me) that he decided to talk in English Mika didn't stay long cause he was exhausted and that was understandable. I met MikaFreaka from South Africa and she's so nice! I also meet again girls from Prague and Paris (Andrieja,Saskia and Nina) and some others. It was super cool to meet you again What could i say more...step 4: this tour is over.
  9. Im waiting for this project so impatiently! And im really proud of my polish TV cause i have Rai2 in my offer haha. So now it's time to finally learn Italian! Ciao!
  10. Hello! Milan was one of my steps from Poland to Cernobbio. After a terrible landing(i was terrified) I arrived at Piazza Gae Aulenti at 6.15pm. I saw a looong queue and a security guy showed me when i'll get my number. I was 193 so i didn't have a big expectations. I was standing in the queue and wondering if it's make any sense. And suddenly just a few people were standing behind me and it was so close into my turn! I was shaking, didn't know what to say and just WOW. I entered the Swatch store and literally was scared. I told him that Im from Poland and greetz from all of his polish fans and see him tomorrow in Cernobbio. He smiled, thanked and we took a lovely photo, and then I ran away...i saw on my video that he was smiling to me and tried to say something..but i was too shocked and just said thank you turned around and disappeared. I was thinking of the other ones who want to meet him and maybe that's why i was that fast haha It was a really nice experience and i must say, the organisation was perfect. I'm really proud that i'm a part of MFC and can feel all these beautiful feelings!
  11. Hi! Nice to meet you Welcome to MFC and have fun here!
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