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Everything posted by CarlottaP

  1. Hi Kumazz I don't know if you want the interview translated word by word. Anyway the questions are more or less always the same. The problem of the bullying during his school years and his life so "gipsy" in a certain way because of his family's troubles. The only " news" are about his feelingson on the occasion of his second time in Sanremo and the fact that he wanted to do something special and not"just singing a song". That's why he says that in the 4 weeks before the festival he has thought about what to do and then decided to perform "Jesus to a child" by George Michael. The other news is about the new SCM and the fact that he and his team have decided what and how to change some things in the show. It will be a little more like a musical with more songs even written on purpose for SCM.The other question is about the talent shows and his leaving of "XFACTOR Italia". He says he has no regrets about his choice and that there are other judges doing a good job. He also affirms that talent shows are good in order to discover new talents and that's a shame that in Italy there aren't enough places where you can perform "live". According to Mika's opinion this leads to a massive presence of international artists in our (Italian)charts. I hope to have been helpful. Thanks for all the things that you post so quickly and so efficiently.????????
  2. Well done and nice spot. I hope that very soon we'll have something new also about his music!
  3. He looks so young in these videos and of course he still is. But he seems also to have changed a lot: the way he looks and the songs he sings. In my opinion he is "getting older" in an excellent way. Let's hope he will always go on like this. Thanks for posting Kumazz
  4. Welcome Benny I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here. Thanks for joining us. I am Carlotta from Reggio Emilia
  5. very very beautiful picture! What a smile! Thanks for posting!
  6. Tranquilla Boum Boum Boum non la faccio manco se mi ammazzano. Già hanno l'ormone impazzito perché sono adolescenti figurati se vado a fomentarli con sto video
  7. Per votare il concerto di Firenze potete votare da cellulare e da pc. Non prende + voti dati con lo stesso device
  8. Please vote as soon as possible on MusArt Firenze. Today they said that Paolo Conte will be there 20th July because he was the first name chosen. Now the first is Mika and we must vote massively because the management calls the singers chosen by people.
  9. Non dai la Pina no....è una mezza scimmia
  10. Lo trovi su YouTube senza alcuna difficoltà
  11. I did it in the thread "Tour Rumors 2017" in the 3rd page.
  12. Ciao o meglio buonanotte (data l'ora). Sono Carlotta da Reggio Emilia. Sono qui da neanche 3 mesi e mi trovo proprio bene qui. Sicuramente ti divertirai con noi????. A presto sul thread italiano
  13. Cara concittadina (siamo entrambe di Reggio se non sbaglio) aspetteremo un pochino più a lungo ma ne varrà proprio la pena, credo????
  14. The festival lasts from the 7th to the 11th of February. Mika will be there the 9th.
  15. I hope this is the right place where to post this information. Just in case you don't have heard yet about 2 opportunities to see Mika live. It seems that the Arena of Verona could invite him to perform there. There is also an hashtag on Twitter #MikaArena Verona where to vote and amother called Firmiamo.it with the same goal. There is also a second site which ask who people would like to perform next summer in Florence and it's the Facebook page of MusArt festival. You just need to click on "post delle persone che visitano la pagina" and thick Mika's name. I repest these are just two opportunities to see Mika live but if we vote massively probably we will succeed! Please do all your best and then...what will be will be but at least we can say that we tried. Thanks for reading and sorry if there is any mistake.
  16. Scusa se mi aggancio a questo post che non c'entra molto. Eri tu che volevi cercare un passo x le prove di Mika a Sanremo? Sei riuscita nell' intento?
  17. Si dai dobbiamo fare proseliti per questa iniziativa. Se riuscissimo sarebbe un gran bel colpo????!
  18. Devo dire che mi rispecchio totalmente in questi post. Ho visto il video di Cernobbio con la gente che cantava e ho visto Pupo a Casa Mika. In effetti è stato carino anche se devo dire di non essere una fan di Pupo.
  19. Mi ricordi una canzone dei Ricchi e Poveri. Comunque non preoccuparti è facile "innamorarsi" di un tipo così speciale ????! Chiedi ad Andy!!!!
  20. Direi che si debba chiedere di fare sto concerto dando una motivazione
  21. #MikaArenaVerona è l"hashtag su Twitter per il concerto.twittate perché diventi un trend topic mi raccomando!
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