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giraffeandy last won the day on April 8

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About giraffeandy

  • Birthday 10/24/1995


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    I wanna go where the nights are blinding, the sun keeps shining

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    Prague, Czechia
  • Occupation
    Student of translation studies
  • Interests
    Foreign languages (German, English, Spanish), music, reading, travelling, art, creative stuff, dancing, zumba, friends, animals... :)

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  1. Hi girls, I hope some of you can join me on this very "girly" topic. Tomorrow it's Valentine's day and even though I'm not a fan of this holiday it always make me think of the fact that I've never been in a real relationship. It's kind of sad because it seems so easy for other people in my surroundings but impossible for me. I'm usually not the girl who complains about being single, I'm actually used to it. However, the society makes it hard sometimes, people are always asking etc. I think it's still better to be alone than to be in some toxic relationship but sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable - once I was with two classmates and they began to talk about their relationships. I felt kind of excluded and then once of them mentioned some problems and the other said "at least you have a boyfriend" which made me feel quite bad as I was the only one who was single. Does anybody of you feel sometimes the same? 

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    2. giraffeandy


      @silver Thank you for your comment! 


      That's part of the "problem", there are some men interested in me but I don't feel the same about them I guess and I don't want to be in a relationship when I don't feel it's the right thing. However, sometimes I wonder if my expectations aren't too high and if it's worth to try or if I'm better on my own anyway... I know, it's a mess. :lmfao:

    3. silver


      it's always hard to know what to do - the men I fancied weren't interested in me, and the men who were, I didn't like :naughty:  But I think your first reaction to someone is pretty reliable, so if you don't feel it's right, it probably isn't.  And you're young, plenty of time for relationships.  Better concentrating on your studies for now.

    4. Dominika


      Oh girl, you are my soulmate in all these kind of problems of our age! Think the same, feel the same even if you're far away! :lol3:

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