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giraffeandy last won the day on April 8

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About giraffeandy

  • Birthday 10/24/1995


  • Bio
    I wanna go where the nights are blinding, the sun keeps shining

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  • Location -
    Prague, Czechia
  • Occupation
    Student of translation studies
  • Interests
    Foreign languages (German, English, Spanish), music, reading, travelling, art, creative stuff, dancing, zumba, friends, animals... :)

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  1. Hi girls, how are you? 😘 Unfortunately I have to say I don't feel so well this month. There's actually no reason but since January I started to feel a little bit depressed, lonely and hopeless... It's sad but I don't want to speak about it with my family because they would worry too much. That's why I want to share it with you and ask you, if you ever feel the same and what do you do against it? I'd like to find some new friends or hobbies because my best friend is so busy with her job, school, hobbies, boyfriend etc. However, it's quite difficult, I don't know where to start. I'm trying to focus on studying now but it's also hard to do so. Sorry if my post doesn't make sense, I just had to share my thoughts with someone. Thank you for reading it.

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    2. silver


      Oh - four things :naughty:


      Make a playlist of the saddest songs you know and have a damn good cry.  Sometimes that can actually make you feel better.


      And don't forget you can always talk to us :itsok:

    3. Dominika


      I understand what you feel. I think in my case very often is about still stepping into adulthood. All freinds are busy with their new jobs, relations, etc. and sometimes because of this I feel tired and lonely. But like other said I try to wach a movie, go to swim, or walk, do some creative things, listen to music. Of course these things helps to get through this sad period but it has to pass by itself.

    4. giraffeandy


      Thank you all for your kind comments and advices! :group_hug: It's easier for me to talk about it with you. I also think the weather makes it much worse, it's so dark the whole day and I also have the impression I feel a bit better in the morning than in the evening. However, sometimes I have the feeling it's already getting better and then it's worse again. What @Dominika said it's also true, I feel everyone around me it's so busy and active and it's hard for me to meet some new people and make new friends. The other "problem" is that right now I have my exams so I'm staying at home and should learn, I don't go regular to classes therefore I feel more lonely, even though I'm with my family. I used to have no problems with being alone and read a book or watch a movie but now I just can't, it feels so wrong and I can't focus on anything. 

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