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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Yeah, I was wondering too about this thing on his mobile. It looks like a half of a banknote. But I cannot see from which country. Maybe someone has another half on his/her mobile?
  2. But la meche folle - I can watch it with any music - classic or modern, good or bad. LA MECHE FOLLE DE MIKA RULES!!!!!
  3. Today's post on Facebook. Popular - this song is popular! Ha ha ha! Let's wait for other records.
  4. I wish he keeps it, but his stylist for sure will put some glue on it We want curls, we want curls!!!!!!!
  5. At last a rehearsal of Mika with Frederic!!!!! Du classic en music et une meche folle de Mika ayayayayayay https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/coaching-de-frederic-longbois-couvrez-mains-ne-saurais-voir.html
  6. Next video from rehearsals for The Voice. Pascal Obispo coaching Ecco: Adele "Rolling In The Deep". https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/coaching-d-ecco-pascal-obispo-bouscule-talent.html
  7. Next video from reahersals for The Voice. Florent with Yasmine: a song of Luz Casal "Historia de un amor" https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/coaching-de-yasmine-ammari-l-occident-l-orient-se-rencontrent.html
  8. First video from rehearsals for The Voice. Zazie Coaching de B.Demi-Mondaine : The Show Must Go On https://www.tf1.fr/tf1/the-voice/videos/coaching-de-b-demi-mondaine-the-show-must-go-on.html
  9. At last we could have seen them in a different environment. And they talked on different subjects :-) Even if sometimes they were all talking at the same time :-) Mika "qui se googlait et se yahooait" - OMG! I love his vocabulary creativity Florent - a rebel. I love his song "Ma Liberte de Penser". But I think he could have said more about Mennel. She was invited by TV to participate in The Voice (seen in social media) and then because of some od her old tweets found after they decided to disqualify her. Anyway she is so talented and I am happy she comes now with her own music. And maybe it was Casanova's destiny to be in finals? Will see.
  10. Yes, there is alway something or someone on your way to inform you about things VERY inportant for you :-) I've seen this information about Quotidien on Tweeter and Instagram but I did not even think to watch it here in Poland. And then I find here on MFC screaming about the program which was just aired. I googled it and one of the links was to MyTF1 on which I usually watch The Voice on replay on Sunday. I did not pay attention before that the Quotidien was there too😜. So you see - there is no coincidences in life. When you are focused on Mika, Mika will find you . Ha ha ha!
  11. I don't know if the link will work for everybody. It's on MyTF1 https://www.tf1.fr/tmc/quotidien-avec-yann-barthes/videos/invites-jury-de-the-voice-zazie-florent-pagny-pascal-obispo-mika.html
  12. Usually I've seen a Mercedes picking him up after concerts (on videos) but crazyaboutmika mentioned a Peugeot. So I though if he was with his family and with his/their car.
  13. Exactly. Each time when I am there I'm leaving the place very tired because of the crowds.
  14. You did not lie, @Mikasister It's his car @crazyaboutmika mentioned Peugeot waiting for Mika in Paris. I don't think it's a good idea to drive the old Mini in the center of Paris Ha ha ha!
  15. It's not Peugeot. It's Mini Cooper :-) This one which often breaks down :-)
  16. Thank you @crazyaboutmika for your report. You say "long"? No, I can read even more to learn how it was :-) And today I've seen in my city a yellow Peugeot 108 (not seen very often) like from the advert. And I even took a photo :-) What colour is Mika's car?
  17. Am I wrong or Chateau de Versailles was closed today? Nobody around. So what? Mika had a private visit? Pas mal notre VIP:-)
  18. The guide sais that Mozart played this instrument when he was 6 year old. Chateau de Versailles.
  19. Translation of the caption on the photo above:" Mika, Zazie and Pascal Obispo (as well as Florent Pagny, which is not on the photo), have almost no contact with their teams on the day of live. Isolation gives the candidates a possibility to concentrate on their performance and to avoid a situation when one member of the group can have more privileges than others."
  20. Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeery much @tiibet for your reviews. 💕💕💕 And for yourtime spent on traveling, watching and writing :-)
  21. Cursing is another story. I am emotional too. And as usually I do not use bad word, when I am really angry I can throw a 4 letters word. But at that moment I realize I did one step too far. So I can understand his reaction at that moment. I think that in Mika's speach the most important was the context and even Zazie and Pascal Obispo showed they were with Mika (Zazie gave him a hug, Pascal shaked his hand and bent his head - respect). Let's see now how Casanova will continue his performance and if Mika was right or wrong keeping him and not Guillaume.
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