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Anna Ko Kolkowska

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Everything posted by Anna Ko Kolkowska

  1. Et ses fans seront vraiment contents :-) Tu sais, moi je suis en Pologne et Mika a donne ici just un concert a 2010. En plus c'etait un festival ou il faisait just une partie de show... Je reve de pouvoir le voir live! Meme aller en France ou ailleurs. Je suis prete pour ca. Ses concerts sont exceptionnels.
  2. Alors, est-ce que Mika sera un coach encore une fois? Ou sa musique sera plus importante pour lui cette annee?
  3. Hopefully :-) Because without clothes Guillaume would be already "out of scope" for his performance 😈
  4. Almost like Miley Syrus in "Wrecking Ball" . Almost makes a difference :-) :-) :-)😜
  5. Oops, he did it again! Ha ha ha ha ha! Another video. He's so generous today:-) No need to wait till Saturday to watch him in The Voice ....... I will have sweet dreams this night
  6. And it's not over today with videos :-) Happy happy Mika. With his sister Yasmine
  7. Mika is very active lately and ready to share his moments with fans :-) Thank you MIKA!!🙌
  8. I can hear "Et dire qu'avant toi j'aimais pas". And it's more logic than "d'heures".
  9. Busy Mika, very busy Mika :-) So happy he shares (at least a little) his steps and actions. I hope, girls, you will be able to ask him about all this next Saturday. Fingers crossed
  10. I think this video from VOLTAGE radio suits to this topic perfectly. If it was already posted - who cares? I can watch it again and again and again.... And you? The end with the button action - ha ha ha ha ha! Mika is a good actor :-)
  11. The link VK is to the current episode of the Voice with Frederic. https://vk.com/videos232312753?z=video232312753_456239805%2Fpl_232312753_-2 Ha ha ha! A la fin Mika l'a (Frederic) jete dehors :-) OMG! At the end Mika threw him (Frederic) out the door. Good coach 😜 Well Frederic is not easy to be guided. Poor Mika.
  12. Today I found a contest on Polish Pilot Pen Facebook page. On their profil they added in a background a video with Mika. I don't know if it's a brand new version but I haven't seen this one yet. So I share :-)
  13. Na dobry początek tygodnia (tak wiem, że dziś wtorek ale wczoraj było święto). Stare video z polskim akcentem. No to już wiemy, że Mika nie jest Polakiem ;-) Ale można by mu pokazać polskie tradycje na Boże Narodzenie!
  14. Hello Gabriella. Thank you for your message.

    Yes, I hope Mika will play soon some concerts so we can meet and have fun :-)

    Easter time I spent on watching Stasera CasaMika and as I speak french I understood one half of what we said but it would be great to understand all he said :-)

    Anyway he speaks sooo well italian!

  15. Hello Alexandra, Thank you for your warm welcome :-) I speak french as well. I spent 4 years in Paris. Funny thing is it was the time when Mika was there too. I left Paris in December 93. Who knows maybe I met him somewhere in the park of 16eme? ;-)
  16. Hi everybody. My name is Anna and I am from Poland. I discovered this site a week ago while looking information about Mika's italian show Stasera CasaMika :-) I've seen two episodes already and now I can understand why the program won Rose d'Or!!!! Mika is one of the kind. And I am still knocked down by his italian! I love him speaking french. I speak english and french too. But his italian..... OMG! I bought already a set to learn this language too, because I want to understand all he says in CasaMika!!!!! Thank you Mika for forcing me to do so :-) :-) :-) Hugs to everybody!
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